Highway Data Discussion > Solved Highway data updates

Brandenburg: Changes to deubbl routes in May 2020


As of May 1, 2020, the dedication of K6517 b/n L172 and A111 will change to L road: https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=16/52.6730/13.2115
L172 b/n L191 and L170 will be changed to district road (K): https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=14/52.7710/13.1639
L214 will also be changed to K on its entire length from Fürstenberg to Zehdenick: https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=12/53.0930/13.2100

The future numbers are not announced.

Source: https://bravors.brandenburg.de/br2/sixcms/media.php/76/Amtsblatt%2043_19.pdf

Edit: More: https://bravors.brandenburg.de/br2/sixcms/media.php/76/Amtsblatt%2012_20.pdf

Edit2: https://bravors.brandenburg.de/br2/sixcms/media.php/76/Amtsblatt%2019_20.pdf (as of June 1st)

The "road net viewer" https://bb-viewer.geobasis-bb.de/strassennetz/ was finally updated indicating the new numbers.


@panda80, you need to update your L77 entry!


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