Highway Data Discussion > In-progress Highway Systems & Work

canabs: Alberta Provincial Highways 500-986

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Primary data source = GeoBase shapefiles, as with CANAB Alberta Provincial Highways 1-216
I have some files (AB 500-546) on a thumb drive that have been gathering dust, edited between 2013-10-23 and 2014-05-27. Nothing has been uploaded yet; I'm just starting this topic to note that work has indeed begun.
I've been thinking of taking the approach used for the USAKY and GBNA systems, and temporarily breaking this up into four subsystems (CANAB5, CANAB6, CANAB7, and finally CANAB8, which would also include the three AB9xx routes) during development. Once all four subsystems undergo peer review and become ready for activation, they'd be merged into a single system. In the meantime, the individual subsystems could be activated as they become ready. This may or may not actually happen; I'll make the call once the AB5xx routes are drafted.

Don't expect to see much activity here for a while; my priorities at the moment are an ongoing Arkansas cleanup, and moving USANYP toward activation.

AB500 - 599
Canonical Shapefiles: NRN_AB_13_0_ROADSEG

Route Numbers:
500 501 503 504 505 506 507 508 509
510 511 512 513 514 515 519
520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529
530 531 532 533 534 535 537 539
540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 549
550 552 555 556
560 561 562 563 564 566 567 569
570 573 574 575 576 577 579
580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 589
590 591 592 593 594 595 597 598 599

Shaping points temporarily visible for gisplunge:
501: X488812
509: X503070 X901017 X355839 X106558
511: X631769 X978831
524: X411320
541: X274741
547: X896474 X264754 X696998
556: X175143
575: X845516
576: X683233
579: x1 x2 x5 x8 x9
584: X374366 X614237

560 Check signage @W end on Glenmore Trail. Signed W from 791 -- "ends" where? Call it 201 anyway?
563 Unsigned within Calgary city limits
564 Check signage @W end

501 "AB2 Trk (Cardston)"
580 N-S spur via RgeRd14 & 10Ave, Carstairs

ToDo / FixMe:
501: needs shaping point(s) near AB4_N
513: extend E
519: add AB843
531: Edit OSM @ E end
534: extend E
542Bro: fix AB873 points
583: extend file (13 vs 14 shapefiles?) / relabel endpoint

Implied multiplexes:
Split 501?

Nota Bene:
586 not included in QGIS project file. Oops.

AB600 - 699
Canonical Shapefiles: NRN_AB_14_0_ROADSEG

Route Numbers:
600 601 602 603 604 605 607 608 609
610 611 613 614 616 617 619
620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629
630 631 633
640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647
651 652 654 655 656 657 658 659
660 661 663 665 666 667 668 669
670 671 672 674 676 677 679
680 681 682 683 684 685 686 688 689
690 691 692 695 697

Shaping points temporarily visible for gisplunge:
610: x343
620: x1 x5
643: X924624 outside tolerance; treat as normal shaping point
686: 3 4 5 12 14 20

613: GIS to 45 St; signed from AB2A/13. Highway Connector in Wetaskiwin?
623: Looks legit. Not an indeterminus.
627: No signage E of Edmonton corporate limits @ 215St. Highway Connector?

ToDo / FixMe:
620: delete +x2 & +x4, or +x3; OSM is right about TowRd
661: split @ ferry
663: relabel point on AB55
663: RgeRd174.6? Is a decimal point an allowable character? Choose different point(s) for shaping?
667: recenter point on AB43; edit OSM
679: Edit OSM @ RgeRd155A; AB750
688: gisplunge new/old alignment divergence; fix points on AB2

AB700 - 799
Canonical Shapefiles: NRN_AB_14_0_ROADSEG

Route Numbers:
717 719
721 722 723 724 725 726 727 729
730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 739
740 741 742 743 744 747 748 749
750 751 752 753 754 756 757 758 759
760 761 762 763 764 765 766 769
770 771 772 774 775 776 777 778 779
780 781 782 783 785 786
791 792 795 797 799

Shaping points temporarily visible for gisplunge:
724: X747655
734: 10 30 33 35 65 68 71
750: X134152 X365680 X773850 X753335 X189652
753: X294553
754: X388838 X705208 X120162 X166501
770: X964841

772: Calgary, Highway Connector, yadda yadda

Unsigned or decommissioned:

ToDo / FixMe:
724: fix AB43 point labels; check older shapefiles & prov. map
727: fix AB49 points; check older shapefiles & prov. map
730: *OldTwpRd862 -> *OldTR862
734: TwpRd310A, or ForTruRd? ForTruRd.
748: relabel TCHYel/AB16@25St
748: *OldRgeRd152 -> *OldRR152
750: Look for old alignment near +X135172 -- GIS (no), Topo (yes) -- replaced with *OldAB750_Gif

AB800 - 986
Canonical Shapefiles: NRN_AB_14_0_ROADSEG

Route Numbers:
800 801 803 804 805 806 808
810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817
820 821 822 824 825 827 829
830 831 833 834 835 836 837 838 839
840 841 842 843 844 845 846 848 849
850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859
860 861 862 864 866 867 869
870 872 873 875 876 877 879
880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 889
892 893 894 895 897 899
901 947 986

Shaping points temporarily visible for gisplunge:
813: 2 8 9 21 26 30
841: X974990
842: X221645 X164443 (all)
858: X485881
875: X885016 X488750
881: 20 21 30 35 44 45 46 48 49 956 57
897: X416691 X998627 X403348 X927011
899: X725479
901: X127401
947: x1
986: 11 23 26 29 32

814: GIS to "Wetaskiwin No. 10, County of" / "Wetaskiwin"; signed from AB13. Highway Connector in Wetaskiwin?
833: GIS to "Camrose" / "Camrose County"; signed from AB13. Highway Connector in Camrose?
869: GIS to TwpRd442; unsigned N of AB13. Highway Connector in Sedgewick?

ToDo / FixMe:
838Kne = Kneehill County (check placename as listed in shapefiles)
862New = Newell No. 4, County of (check similar "County of" placenames in CSVs)
870 thru 881: recheck GIS 14.0 (drafted using old version)
880: retain draft MT/AB coords to sync with mt.sr409
897: needs shaper(s) both sides of AB641

Implied multiplexes:
Connect 881? (134.80 + 43.73 + 164.81 mi.)

55: AB28_S +-> AB28_W
831: fix AB15 points
833: add point to AB13
854: fix AB14 points
866: fix AB55 point label
885: fix AB61 point label
893: reposition TCH16 point
986: recenter AB35 point

Before devel:
All City/Abbrev segments in correct order, 800 series especially
  761/bra/pon/wet -> 761/pon/wet/bra
  838/kne -> kne/838
  843/pic -> pic/843
  862/new -> new/862
  881/har -> har/881
  899/emp -> emp/899
verify that all routes are drafted
831: "Township Road 640.5" per shapefiles; see AB663
855: Decimal Twp/Rge Rds


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