Highway Data Discussion > In-progress Highway Systems & Work
mexdfeje: Ejes Viales in Mexico City
I think this is ready for review. The readme has most of the info: https://github.com/TravelMapping/HighwayData/blob/master/hwy_data/MEX-DF/mexdfeje/README.md
These routes are practically the only signed routes in Mexico City, other than the D routes that serve the outskirts. They are a cross between a city grid (e.g. canmbw) and a small state (CDMX has more than half the land area of Rhode Island).
The system abbreviation can use 'e' instead of 'eje', as it's rather long otherwise.
--- Quote from: si404 on November 28, 2019, 05:15:32 am ---The system abbreviation can use 'e' instead of 'eje', as it's rather long otherwise.
--- End quote ---
And the system update entry is missing.
To be entered here: https://github.com/TravelMapping/HighwayData/blob/master/systemupdates.csv
The route names should be renamed.
File names:
mexdf.eje1nte.wpt --> mexdf.e001n.wpt etc. (3-digit route numbers, cardinal directions just one-digit)
csv entry:
mexdfe;MEX-DF;E1N;;;Eje 1 Norte;mexdf.e001n;
--- Quote from: michih on November 28, 2019, 12:08:33 pm ---The route names should be renamed.
File names:
mexdf.eje1nte.wpt --> mexdf.e001n.wpt etc. (3-digit route numbers, cardinal directions just one-digit)
--- End quote ---
I'm not sure this is appropriate. The shields spell out the abbreviations, and we have no rules about how many letters to use in file names.
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