Highway Data Discussion > Completed Highway Systems Threads

gabn: Gabon Routes Nationale


The preview system has 6 routes for about 1,606 miles. No TM user has any travel so far.
Please report issues here!

I found a road list and will peer-review the system down the road.

X146337 looks hidden, do anything :)
Add wp at http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=12.278786&lon=-14.309231 for Sincha Totolo (secondary highway)
N4_E/_W -> N4_N/_S

Does it exist? I mean, wegenwiki does not have it.
X910156 looks hidden, we might call it Pefine or Granja-Pessube (GM)

BisExnFry -> BisEnxFry

L101 -> BlvdInd
Add wp at http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=0.402913&lon=9.444640 for Avenue Jean-Paul II
Add wp at http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=0.407113&lon=9.456986 for Rue Marc N'Doume
Add wp at http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=0.402685&lon=9.506907 for PK10
Replace +X179661 by visible wp for Bindo
Add wp at http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=-0.702126&lon=10.243429 for Lambarene Airport
Move Man to a junction
Man -> Gui for Guidouma

Add wp at http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=1.576846&lon=11.571039 for Ngouema
Exceeds route north of Oyem wp
Add wp at http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=2.113895&lon=11.488003 for Billy I
Add wp at http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=2.281841&lon=11.452298 for Eboro in front of the border

Replace Ela by anything real, e.g. way to ferry to Otoumbi
Replace Jun by anything real or make it invisible
Jun is off
GareAyem -> Ayem
GareLope -> Lope
Replace +X127883 by visible wp for Kessipoughou at the neighboring junction
Route is fucked up north of Mou
Move Moa to a more important place e.g. at http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=-1.559137&lon=13.223784 requiring another shaping point
AerMVenOnd -> MVen
Add wp at http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=-1.633909&lon=13.596954 for Corniche

Replace Bam by any bigger place west or east of it

Move Song to a junction
Exceeds limits west of Edo

Replace Bil by wp for Mangali
Remove R21 because there is no intersecting road
Mag -> Mour for Mourembou
Replace Bon by shaping point
Replace +X483919 by wp for Bilengui
Remove NyaMou
Mou -> MouPou because of Mour above

I had a final look into it. Looks fine. No NMPs, no broken concurrencies. Just mark the SA errors FP and remove the VD FPs.


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