Highway Data Discussion > Completed Highway Systems Threads
autl5: Salzburg Landesstraßen
The system will be in preview with the next site update: https://travelmapping.net/hb/index.php?sys=autl5 The system has 19 routes for 125 miles.
I only found L101 being signd last year but a deeper look into it uncovered much more signs on recent GSV: https://www.autobahn-online.de/phorum/read.php?3,199495,200586#msg-200586
Log: https://www.ris.bka.gv.at/Dokument.wxe?Abfrage=Landesnormen&Dokumentnummer=LSB40001238
Map: https://www.salzburg.gv.at/verkehr_/Seiten/strassennetz_salzburg.aspx
The system is ready for peer-reviewing. Please report any issue here!
Is there a reason numbers 200+ are not included? I found a sign for one.
--- Quote from: Duke87 on December 17, 2023, 08:37:49 pm ---Is there a reason numbers 200+ are not included? I found a sign for one.
--- End quote ---
100s are "1. Ordnung", 200s are "2. Ordnung". Ordnung = order, rank, system,...
OK so is the plan to make a separate system for the higher numbers, or...? Given this system is already tier 5 and they appear to be signed the same, I'd think all they should logically go together.
Upper Austria has the same logic but we also have "1. Ordnung" in HB only.
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