Highway Data Discussion > In-progress Highway Systems & Work

usatr: United States select tourist routes

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--- Quote from: SSOWorld on September 30, 2019, 04:01:09 am ---Then what about the Great River Road? (Serious Question) - maybe a scenic byways group?

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That sounds like a separate system. The big question is how much of those scenic byways are on roads not already signed as either US or state highways?

^ A fair bit of the Great River Road in Minnesota is on county routes.  Also some city streets in the Twin Cities.

I would support a GRR file somewhere (and even draft the file if desired). In most states it's well signed, and often exists on secondary or county routes. I agree that it doesn't belong in usaush, but it's worth of including somewhere.

To me routes like GRR get in line for consideration once we have all state and provincial systems in North America to active status.


--- Quote from: bejacob on September 30, 2019, 12:33:55 pm ---That sounds like a separate system. The big question is how much of those scenic byways are on roads not already signed as either US or state highways?
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Not a huge amount (especially when factoring in usanp and usaush), but there's some bits of All-American Roads that aren't. National Scenic byways is probably a similar proportion, though I haven't looked fully into that.


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