Highway Data Discussion > In-progress Highway Systems & Work

cannss: Nova Scotia Scenic Travelways

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Nova Scotia has a system of Scenic Travelways, marked using a distinctive "ocean waves" shield design. They can be seen in this PDF.

They generally follow existing CANNSF/CANNST/CANNSC corridors, sometimes piggybacking off of the existing routes and sometimes breaking off to follow more coastal, unnumbered (I won't say "local", as in the shapefiles I frequently see that ROADJURIS = N.S. Transportation.) routes.

The most notable route is the Cabot Trail, which is also unsigned Trunk 30.

Signage can range from good to spotty to confusing to very bad.
As such, without much official info to go on, it's often a devil to pin down routings and termini.

This is very much a work in progress.

ua747sp's MapView
 • "Scenic Travelway Signs" index on page 3

Quick Index:

Canonical routes:
Bras d'Or Lakes Scenic Drive READY
Cabot Trail READY
Ceilidh Trail READY
Evangeline Trail READY
Fleur-de-lis Trail READY
Glooscap Trail READY
Lighthouse Route READY
Marconi Trail READY
Marine Drive READY
Sunrise Trail READY save for one potential Scenic Diversion

Odd bits:
(Odd bits)

Bras d'Or Lakes Scenic Drive (PDF 282)

Two segments. Still sussing out what to include in what, and what is/isn't signed, etc. Going primarily by what's highlighted yellow in the PDFs...

1.) BrasDOrDr Main perimeter loop:
• No signage on NS223Abe or at NS105(6). My current thinking is NS223Abe and the ferry aren't included. (Highlighted yellow on the PDFs, but unsigned. So NERR!) Goes straight thru on NS105.
• NS NS105 6 4
• End? END?! Are you shitting me? The wiseacre in me wants to declare that it ends, and immediately begins again. Maybe I'll make this the endpoint in my route file. :P

• unnumbered roads along western shore
• signage at Dundee; disappears at West Bay. :( Nothing N to NS105

• NS NS4 PepSt NS216
• Right turn from NS216 onto NS4 west.
• NS NS216 NS4 NS223
• NS NS223 NS216 ... (?)

Unnumbered roads along eastern shore of Little Bras d'Or Lake
• (Can't find ANY signage)
• PDF, lo-res & imprecise as it is, suggests Scotch Lake Rd
• 12.0 Shapefiles have L_STNAME_C as "Bras d'Or Lakes Scenic Drive Trail" along Long Island Rd
• (The fact that both the E-W St Columbia Rd in Grass Cove, and Gillis Point & Washabuck Rds are tagged as "Bras d'Or Lakes Drive" hurts the shapefiles' credibility, though... )
• Going with the Long Island Rd routing: historic GMSV suggests it to be the earlier improved (paved) route, and it's closer to the water, keeping with the theme of the Scenic Travelways.
• Georges River Rd, Church Rd

• NS NS105 18 HilBouRd (HilBouRd doesn't exist; would be just east of exit 17)
• Left onto HilBouRd
• Hillside Boularderie Rd, Kempt Head Rd 1 2, Steels Crossing Rd 1 2, Kempt Head Rd
• At NS105(13), it takes the corner. Boom.
• NS NS105 13 11

1A.) Bonus ext:
Highlighted yellow on Scenic Travelways map. (Cabot Trail?) Not highlighted on p.282 of the flipbook. There's been ample signage where I've looked in GMSV, e.g. NS205 in Baddeck.
• NS NS105 11 10
• Signage to and from NS205 at NS105(10). (W of NS105(10) imagery from 2009.)
• Signage to and from NS205 at NS105(8).
• NS NS105 8 7
• 2009 and 2012 GMSV imagery shows Bras d'Or Dr going both directions
• check signage W of there

2.) BrasDOrDrIon Iona "Scenic Diversion":
• NS NS223 NS216 LitNarFry
• No signage at E end
• Signage at StColRd, and heading west
• NS NS223 LitNarFry StColRd via Little Narrows Rd, St Columbia Rd, Washabuck Rd, Gillis Point Rd, and St Columbia Rd?
• Ambiguous signage where route ends and loops back onto itself.

1.) Segment west of NS105(7).
2.) NS105 7 11 overlap (CabTrl?)...
3.) Route from NS105(18) to NS223_E.
4.) Lack of signage from Dundee (BlaRivRd) to NS105; END sign approaching NS105(4).
1.) Signed (historically, at least) going W from Exit 7. That, and the END sign implies it's still a route in progress, so hey.
2.) Consistently signed. I have no problem including it.
3.) Choosing Long Island Rd routing, because GIS, GMSV/pavement, and water.
4.) Segments are labeled as "Bras d'Or Lakes Scenic Drive" in the shapefiles, FWIW. But it's a hell of a long segment with no signage, and the END sign at NS105(4) does concern me.
Check mainline GISplunge results
• IslCoveLn mismatches NS216 by epsilon
• MidCapeRd: gross mismatch from NS4. Road not in 9.0 shapefiles. Splunge from 12.0 instead. SegDump: 108073-190
• +X657788 mismatches NS4 by epsilon
resync TCHMai with NS105

Cabot Trail (PDF 251)

• "The scenic travelway known as the "Cabot Trail" includes all of Trunk 30, as well as the portion of Highway 105 between exits 7 and 11." GMSV: No such signage at Exit 11, but yes at Exit 7 (only to be immediately forgotten).
• Nothing at Baddeck / NS205.
Decision: Calling it as Trunk 30.

Ceilidh Trail (PDF 238)

CeiTrl, 100% redundant with NS19 & NS219.
This one's actually simple enough.
• Marked on overhead BGSs on WB Trunk 4


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