Author Topic: frad/fram: France Routes Départementales / Routes Métropolitaines  (Read 180189 times)

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Re: France Routes Départementales
« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2019, 03:58:15 pm »
The region names within the future D system names should be English, not French!

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Re: France Routes Départementales
« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2019, 06:07:57 pm »
Routes? I guess you mean users?
No, I mean routes - ie fran, eure, etc.

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Re: France Routes Départementales
« Reply #17 on: April 11, 2019, 10:57:28 am »
Is there an issue with concurrencies not quite being as they should that needs to be sorted out? I could potentially help out here...
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Re: France Routes Départementales
« Reply #18 on: April 11, 2019, 12:18:11 pm »
Obviously we'll need to check this works for the other routes too.

franr is missing N151 from A20 to A77 (~70mi) but there must be another reason why I have 73.4mi less in franr than in fran (N151 is 73mi but I've not traveled the route through Bourgos).

Total system lengths diff is even 74.71mi.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2019, 12:21:56 pm by michih »

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Re: France Routes Départementales
« Reply #19 on: April 13, 2019, 01:33:20 pm »
It's getting better and better :)

fran: 3009.68 mi out of 5532.54mi
franr: 3009.37mi out of 5532.24mi

0.31mi / 0.30mi missing

eure:  7625.20 of 8417.30 mi
eurer: 7625.20 of 8516.76 mi

It's almost 100mi longer now!?

eursf:  117.72 of 140.08 mi
eursfr: 117.72 of 138.18 mi

1.90mi shorter for any reason.

eurtr:  1.11 of 614.99 mi
eurtrr: 1.11 of 614.99 mi

Looks fine :)
« Last Edit: April 13, 2019, 01:49:44 pm by michih »

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Re: France Routes Départementales
« Reply #20 on: April 13, 2019, 11:49:22 pm »
fran: 3009.68 mi out of 5532.54mi
franr: 3009.37mi out of 5532.24mi
eure:  7625.20 of 8417.30 mi
eurer: 7625.20 of 8516.76 mi
eursf:  117.72 of 140.08 mi
eursfr: 117.72 of 138.18 mi
I'll throw some code at this and see what I come up with.
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Re: France Routes Départementales
« Reply #21 on: April 14, 2019, 02:12:05 am »
FRA-IDF N4 D403 IDF/GES has no concurrencies
FRA-GES N4 IDF/GES D375 has no concurrencies
fra.n004 is missing IDF/GES
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E46 D930 NOR/HDF
fra.n031 still has +X16

FRA N4 D403 D375 has no concurrencies
FRA N31 D930 +X16 has no concurrencies
FRA N31 +X16 NOR/HDF has no concurrencies
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E50 BRE/PDL 5(A81)
   FRA N157 A81 BRE/PDL
   FRA-PDL E50 BRE/PDL 5(A81)
hwy_data/FRA-PDL/franr/frapdl.n157.wpt is listed in unprocessedwpts.log

FRA LiaSOMans A11 D309/D326 has no concurrencies
not in eursfr
« Last Edit: April 16, 2019, 01:45:43 pm by yakra »
Sri Syadasti Syadavaktavya Syadasti Syannasti Syadasti Cavaktavyasca Syadasti Syannasti Syadavatavyasca Syadasti Syannasti Syadavaktavyasca

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Re: France Routes Départementales
« Reply #22 on: April 14, 2019, 02:12:24 am »
FRA-HDF E44 D5 HDF/GES has no concurrencies
FRA-GES E44 HDF/GES RueMar has no concurrencies
border point at 49.862499°, 4.249434° in these; fra.e44 has it at 49.862361°, 4.249520°
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E46 D930 NOR/HDF
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E50 BRE/PDL 5(A81)
   FRA N157 A81 BRE/PDL
   FRA-PDL E50 BRE/PDL 5(A81)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E54 A19 +A5(X03)
   FRA A5 A19 +X03
   FRA E511 A19/A5 +A5(X03)
   FRA-BFC A5 A19 +X03
   FRA-BFC E511 A19/A5 +A5(X03)
   FRA-BFC E54Sen A19 +A5(X03)
   FRA-GES E511 A19/A5 +A5(X03)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E54 +A5(X03) +A5(X05)
   FRA A5 +X03 +X05
   FRA E511 +A5(X03) +A5(X05)
   FRA-BFC A5 +X03 +X05
   FRA-BFC E511 +A5(X03) +A5(X05)
   FRA-BFC E54Sen +A5(X03) +A5(X05)
   FRA-GES E511 +A5(X03) +A5(X05)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E54 +A5(X05) 19(A5)
   FRA A5 +X05 19
   FRA E511 +A5(X05) 19(A5)
   FRA-BFC A5 +X05 19
   FRA-BFC E511 +A5(X05) 19(A5)
   FRA-BFC E54Sen +A5(X05) 19(A5)
   FRA-GES E511 +A5(X05) 19(A5)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E54 19(A5) BFC/GES_1
   FRA A5 19 BFC/GES
   FRA E511 19(A5) BFC/GES
   FRA-BFC E511 19(A5) BFC/GES
   FRA-BFC E54Sen 19(A5) BFC/GES
   FRA-GES E511 19(A5) BFC/GES
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E54 BFC/GES_1 +A5(X06)
   FRA A5 BFC/GES +X06
   FRA E511 BFC/GES +A5(X06)
   FRA-GES E54 BFC/GES +A5(X06)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E54 +A5(X06) +A5(X09)
   FRA A5 +X06 +X09
   FRA E511 +A5(X06) +A5(X09)
   FRA-GES A5 +X06 +X09
   FRA-GES E54 +A5(X06) +A5(X09)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E54 +A5(X09) 20(A5)
   FRA A5 +X09 20
   FRA E511 +A5(X09) 20(A5)
   FRA-GES A5 +X09 20
   FRA-GES E54 +A5(X09) 20(A5)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E511 A6 +A19(X04)
   FRA A19 +X04 A6
   FRA-BFC A19 +X04 A6
   FRA-BFC E511 A6 +A19(X04)
   FRA-GES E511 A6 +A19(X04)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E511 +A19(X04) +A19(X03)
   FRA A19 +X03 +X04
   FRA-BFC A19 +X03 +X04
   FRA-BFC E511 +A19(X04) +A19(X03)
   FRA-GES E511 +A19(X04) +A19(X03)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E511 +A19(X03) 2(A19)
   FRA A19 2 +X03
   FRA-BFC A19 2 +X03
   FRA-BFC E511 +A19(X03) 2(A19)
   FRA-GES E511 +A19(X03) 2(A19)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E511 2(A19) +A19(X02)
   FRA A19 +X02 2
   FRA-BFC A19 +X02 2
   FRA-BFC E511 2(A19) +A19(X02)
   FRA-GES E511 2(A19) +A19(X02)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E511 +A19(X02) +A19(X01)
   FRA A19 +X01 +X02
   FRA-BFC A19 +X01 +X02
   FRA-BFC E511 +A19(X02) +A19(X01)
   FRA-GES E511 +A19(X02) +A19(X01)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E511 +A19(X01) 1(A19)
   FRA A19 1 +X01
   FRA-BFC A19 1 +X01
   FRA-BFC E511 +A19(X01) 1(A19)
   FRA-GES E511 +A19(X01) 1(A19)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E511 1(A19) A19/A5
   FRA A19 A5 1
   FRA-BFC A19 A5 1
   FRA-BFC E511 1(A19) A19/A5
   FRA-GES E511 1(A19) A19/A5
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E54 A19 +A5(X03)
   FRA A5 A19 +X03
   FRA E511 A19/A5 +A5(X03)
   FRA-BFC A5 A19 +X03
   FRA-BFC E511 A19/A5 +A5(X03)
   FRA-BFC E54Sen A19 +A5(X03)
   FRA-GES E511 A19/A5 +A5(X03)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E54 +A5(X03) +A5(X05)
   FRA A5 +X03 +X05
   FRA E511 +A5(X03) +A5(X05)
   FRA-BFC A5 +X03 +X05
   FRA-BFC E511 +A5(X03) +A5(X05)
   FRA-BFC E54Sen +A5(X03) +A5(X05)
   FRA-GES E511 +A5(X03) +A5(X05)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E54 +A5(X05) 19(A5)
   FRA A5 +X05 19
   FRA E511 +A5(X05) 19(A5)
   FRA-BFC A5 +X05 19
   FRA-BFC E511 +A5(X05) 19(A5)
   FRA-BFC E54Sen +A5(X05) 19(A5)
   FRA-GES E511 +A5(X05) 19(A5)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E54 19(A5) BFC/GES_1
   FRA A5 19 BFC/GES
   FRA E511 19(A5) BFC/GES
   FRA-BFC E511 19(A5) BFC/GES
   FRA-BFC E54Sen 19(A5) BFC/GES
   FRA-GES E511 19(A5) BFC/GES
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E511 A6 +A19(X04)
   FRA A19 +X04 A6
   FRA-BFC A19 +X04 A6
   FRA-BFC E511 A6 +A19(X04)
   FRA-GES E511 A6 +A19(X04)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E511 +A19(X04) +A19(X03)
   FRA A19 +X03 +X04
   FRA-BFC A19 +X03 +X04
   FRA-BFC E511 +A19(X04) +A19(X03)
   FRA-GES E511 +A19(X04) +A19(X03)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E511 +A19(X03) 2(A19)
   FRA A19 2 +X03
   FRA-BFC A19 2 +X03
   FRA-BFC E511 +A19(X03) 2(A19)
   FRA-GES E511 +A19(X03) 2(A19)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E511 2(A19) +A19(X02)
   FRA A19 +X02 2
   FRA-BFC A19 +X02 2
   FRA-BFC E511 2(A19) +A19(X02)
   FRA-GES E511 2(A19) +A19(X02)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E511 +A19(X02) +A19(X01)
   FRA A19 +X01 +X02
   FRA-BFC A19 +X01 +X02
   FRA-BFC E511 +A19(X02) +A19(X01)
   FRA-GES E511 +A19(X02) +A19(X01)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E511 +A19(X01) 1(A19)
   FRA A19 1 +X01
   FRA-BFC A19 1 +X01
   FRA-BFC E511 +A19(X01) 1(A19)
   FRA-GES E511 +A19(X01) 1(A19)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E511 1(A19) A19/A5
   FRA A19 A5 1
   FRA-BFC A19 A5 1
   FRA-BFC E511 1(A19) A19/A5
   FRA-GES E511 1(A19) A19/A5
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E54 A19 +A5(X03)
   FRA A5 A19 +X03
   FRA E511 A19/A5 +A5(X03)
   FRA-BFC A5 A19 +X03
   FRA-BFC E511 A19/A5 +A5(X03)
   FRA-BFC E54Sen A19 +A5(X03)
   FRA-GES E511 A19/A5 +A5(X03)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E54 +A5(X03) +A5(X05)
   FRA A5 +X03 +X05
   FRA E511 +A5(X03) +A5(X05)
   FRA-BFC A5 +X03 +X05
   FRA-BFC E511 +A5(X03) +A5(X05)
   FRA-BFC E54Sen +A5(X03) +A5(X05)
   FRA-GES E511 +A5(X03) +A5(X05)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E54 +A5(X05) 19(A5)
   FRA A5 +X05 19
   FRA E511 +A5(X05) 19(A5)
   FRA-BFC A5 +X05 19
   FRA-BFC E511 +A5(X05) 19(A5)
   FRA-BFC E54Sen +A5(X05) 19(A5)
   FRA-GES E511 +A5(X05) 19(A5)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E54 19(A5) BFC/GES_1
   FRA A5 19 BFC/GES
   FRA E511 19(A5) BFC/GES
   FRA-BFC E511 19(A5) BFC/GES
   FRA-BFC E54Sen 19(A5) BFC/GES
   FRA-GES E511 19(A5) BFC/GES
« Last Edit: April 16, 2019, 01:45:56 pm by yakra »
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Re: France Routes Départementales
« Reply #23 on: April 14, 2019, 02:12:33 am »
FRA E44 D5 HDF/GES has no concurrencies
FRA E44 HDF/GES RueMar has no concurrencies
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E46 D930 NOR/HDF
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E50 BRE/PDL 5(A81)
   FRA N157 A81 BRE/PDL
   FRA-PDL E50 BRE/PDL 5(A81)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E54 A19 +A5(X03)
   FRA A5 A19 +X03
   FRA E511 A19/A5 +A5(X03)
   FRA-BFC A5 A19 +X03
   FRA-BFC E511 A19/A5 +A5(X03)
   FRA-BFC E54Sen A19 +A5(X03)
   FRA-GES E511 A19/A5 +A5(X03)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E54 +A5(X03) +A5(X05)
   FRA A5 +X03 +X05
   FRA E511 +A5(X03) +A5(X05)
   FRA-BFC A5 +X03 +X05
   FRA-BFC E511 +A5(X03) +A5(X05)
   FRA-BFC E54Sen +A5(X03) +A5(X05)
   FRA-GES E511 +A5(X03) +A5(X05)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E54 +A5(X05) 19(A5)
   FRA A5 +X05 19
   FRA E511 +A5(X05) 19(A5)
   FRA-BFC A5 +X05 19
   FRA-BFC E511 +A5(X05) 19(A5)
   FRA-BFC E54Sen +A5(X05) 19(A5)
   FRA-GES E511 +A5(X05) 19(A5)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E54 19(A5) BFC/GES_1
   FRA A5 19 BFC/GES
   FRA E511 19(A5) BFC/GES
   FRA-BFC E511 19(A5) BFC/GES
   FRA-BFC E54Sen 19(A5) BFC/GES
   FRA-GES E511 19(A5) BFC/GES
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E54 BFC/GES_1 +A5(X06)
   FRA A5 BFC/GES +X06
   FRA E511 BFC/GES +A5(X06)
   FRA-GES E54 BFC/GES +A5(X06)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E54 +A5(X06) +A5(X09)
   FRA A5 +X06 +X09
   FRA E511 +A5(X06) +A5(X09)
   FRA-GES A5 +X06 +X09
   FRA-GES E54 +A5(X06) +A5(X09)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E54 +A5(X09) 20(A5)
   FRA A5 +X09 20
   FRA E511 +A5(X09) 20(A5)
   FRA-GES A5 +X09 20
   FRA-GES E54 +A5(X09) 20(A5)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E511 A6 +A19(X04)
   FRA A19 +X04 A6
   FRA-BFC A19 +X04 A6
   FRA-BFC E511 A6 +A19(X04)
   FRA-GES E511 A6 +A19(X04)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E511 +A19(X04) +A19(X03)
   FRA A19 +X03 +X04
   FRA-BFC A19 +X03 +X04
   FRA-BFC E511 +A19(X04) +A19(X03)
   FRA-GES E511 +A19(X04) +A19(X03)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E511 +A19(X03) 2(A19)
   FRA A19 2 +X03
   FRA-BFC A19 2 +X03
   FRA-BFC E511 +A19(X03) 2(A19)
   FRA-GES E511 +A19(X03) 2(A19)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E511 2(A19) +A19(X02)
   FRA A19 +X02 2
   FRA-BFC A19 +X02 2
   FRA-BFC E511 2(A19) +A19(X02)
   FRA-GES E511 2(A19) +A19(X02)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E511 +A19(X02) +A19(X01)
   FRA A19 +X01 +X02
   FRA-BFC A19 +X01 +X02
   FRA-BFC E511 +A19(X02) +A19(X01)
   FRA-GES E511 +A19(X02) +A19(X01)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E511 +A19(X01) 1(A19)
   FRA A19 1 +X01
   FRA-BFC A19 1 +X01
   FRA-BFC E511 +A19(X01) 1(A19)
   FRA-GES E511 +A19(X01) 1(A19)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E511 1(A19) A19/A5
   FRA A19 A5 1
   FRA-BFC A19 A5 1
   FRA-BFC E511 1(A19) A19/A5
   FRA-GES E511 1(A19) A19/A5
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E54 A19 +A5(X03)
   FRA A5 A19 +X03
   FRA E511 A19/A5 +A5(X03)
   FRA-BFC A5 A19 +X03
   FRA-BFC E511 A19/A5 +A5(X03)
   FRA-BFC E54Sen A19 +A5(X03)
   FRA-GES E511 A19/A5 +A5(X03)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E54 +A5(X03) +A5(X05)
   FRA A5 +X03 +X05
   FRA E511 +A5(X03) +A5(X05)
   FRA-BFC A5 +X03 +X05
   FRA-BFC E511 +A5(X03) +A5(X05)
   FRA-BFC E54Sen +A5(X03) +A5(X05)
   FRA-GES E511 +A5(X03) +A5(X05)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E54 +A5(X05) 19(A5)
   FRA A5 +X05 19
   FRA E511 +A5(X05) 19(A5)
   FRA-BFC A5 +X05 19
   FRA-BFC E511 +A5(X05) 19(A5)
   FRA-BFC E54Sen +A5(X05) 19(A5)
   FRA-GES E511 +A5(X05) 19(A5)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E54 19(A5) BFC/GES_1
   FRA A5 19 BFC/GES
   FRA E511 19(A5) BFC/GES
   FRA-BFC E511 19(A5) BFC/GES
   FRA-BFC E54Sen 19(A5) BFC/GES
   FRA-GES E511 19(A5) BFC/GES
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E54 BFC/GES_1 +A5(X06)
   FRA A5 BFC/GES +X06
   FRA E511 BFC/GES +A5(X06)
   FRA-GES E54 BFC/GES +A5(X06)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E54 +A5(X06) +A5(X09)
   FRA A5 +X06 +X09
   FRA E511 +A5(X06) +A5(X09)
   FRA-GES A5 +X06 +X09
   FRA-GES E54 +A5(X06) +A5(X09)
Odd number of concurrencies:
   FRA E54 +A5(X09) 20(A5)
   FRA A5 +X09 20
   FRA E511 +A5(X09) 20(A5)
   FRA-GES A5 +X09 20
   FRA-GES E54 +A5(X09) 20(A5)
FRA E511 20(A5) A5/D660 has no concurrencies
FRA E511 A5/D660 D141 has no concurrencies
FRA E511 D141 D610 has no concurrencies
frabfc.e511 & frages.e511 are identical
« Last Edit: April 16, 2019, 01:46:11 pm by yakra »
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Re: France Routes Départementales
« Reply #24 on: April 14, 2019, 03:30:48 pm »
Not sure if fixing all the redgreen items would eliminate all the flagged concurrencies or not; I only skimmed thru those last two longer lists.
But it should help for a big chunk. Afterwards, I can run the test again (I'll also want to include eurtr/r & fraa/r) and see what we're left with.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2019, 01:47:09 pm by yakra »
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Re: France Routes Départementales
« Reply #25 on: April 14, 2019, 03:46:08 pm »
Once the total mileage (and my personal mileage traveled) will be correct, I think that the other user stats should be correct too.

@Si, I guess that you will provide all new fra list file entries again? Should we warn user in advance in "Welcome & Notices" and/or on the site?

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Re: France Routes Départementales
« Reply #26 on: April 14, 2019, 04:03:04 pm »
I was not sure whether Jim had refused using the test DB but I guess he didn't. I think it was a great idea to have old and new systems in the same DB so that user travels are indicated in all systems due to concurrencies - I finally got it :) - but if we would change to the test DB for the new systems once the systems are identical, we could modify user list files* for the test DB and check that the new list file entries will be correct (compare user stats of test DB and production DB).

@Si, let me know if you need help.

*Not the original files but we could duplicate the 40 files and name them test_michih, test_si404 etc.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2019, 04:06:37 pm by michih »

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Re: France Routes Départementales
« Reply #27 on: April 14, 2019, 05:31:58 pm »
I wasn't following this too closely as a user with 0 miles in France, but it would definitely have been a good place to use the test DB.  I just haven't done anything with it for a while so the scripts and maybe the DB setup itself might need some cleanup.  At this point, it makes sense to continue the process currently underway, but before any additional countries are broken into regions, I'd like to see if we can get that done with the test DB to avoid some of the admittedly minor issues that have arisen here.

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Re: France Routes Départementales
« Reply #28 on: April 15, 2019, 06:51:40 pm »
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Re: France Routes Départementales
« Reply #29 on: April 16, 2019, 02:31:03 am »
we could duplicate the 40 files and name them test_michih, test_si404 etc.
I'm working on a way to automatically replace lines in .list files. Stay tuned...
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