Highway Data Discussion > Solved Highway data updates
ON: TCHGeo / TCHCen transition
Looks like the transition is possibly not in the correct place between the two routes. Here's what GSV shows @ that intersection:
SB ON-12 & NB ON-12
And here's @ the 'southern' JCT of ON-11/12: https://maps.app.goo.gl/4eGTc6icVQDXPpUz7
So, some more research needs to be done here.
Thanks to yakra for bringing this to my attention via PM.
Looks like the correct transition between the two TCH routes is @ ON-400 Exit #141.
On ON-400/12: https://maps.app.goo.gl/JJRwfAF5tovNP15u6
On ON-12 WB: https://maps.app.goo.gl/F33nJLAJkqGWYHpE9
On ON-12 EB: https://maps.app.goo.gl/wkQgrKCMR99JJoWe8
--- Quote from: rickmastfan67 on October 24, 2024, 09:25:25 pm ---And here's @ the 'southern' JCT of ON-11/12: https://maps.app.goo.gl/4eGTc6icVQDXPpUz7
--- End quote ---
A short distance 180 behindĀ°
Meanwhile at the northern interchange
--- Quote from: yakra on October 25, 2024, 10:08:54 am ---A short distance 180 behindĀ°
--- End quote ---
Thinking that one has to be an error, due to all the signs I've found @ the ON-400 interchange.
As long as people have a entry for ON-12 along the area where the two routes have been swapped, you'll still have it correctly marked as traveled.
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