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I made some point revisions for the Irwin section of the Lincoln Highway to clarify that it uses Old Trail Rd instead of Center Hwy (the parts that goes back south to US 30) west of Downtown Irwin.

Solved Highway data updates / Re: MI: Add Points
« Last post by extremebandman on Today at 05:00:23 pm »
Understood! I was able to clean it up when I visited so this is a non-issue on my end now. Thank you!
Updates to Highway Data / TX: US 380 TRUCK (Denton)
« Last post by CoreySamson on Today at 04:30:42 pm »
On a drive yesterday I noticed this route on standalone shields which does not appear on TM:

It appears that it runs from the I-35/US 380 interchange to the US 377/US 380/Loop 288 interchange via I-35 and Loop 288, though signage is iffy on the I-35 section. This is the westernmost shield I can find of it.
Best I can tell, it affects only ua747sp.list.
the only one I couldn't was from changing MEX15D to MEX15DCha (since the obvious longer route became MEX15D).

It's fine if the route had no traveler since the alt route name would not be necessary at all. If there was a traveler, you should undo it since it is an active system!
Look at the route and tell me why the short spur should be 15D and the long trunk should have a suffix.

To avoid breaking user list file entries!

There are occasionally reasons to break them, including this. It's not going to give anyone a highway they haven't driven; it will simply not give them a short piece until they update.
the only one I couldn't was from changing MEX15D to MEX15DCha (since the obvious longer route became MEX15D).

It's fine if the route had no traveler since the alt route name would not be necessary at all. If there was a traveler, you should undo it since it is an active system!
Look at the route and tell me why the short spur should be 15D and the long trunk should have a suffix.

To avoid breaking user list file entries!
There's a concurrency on MEX15DMex where I don't think there's supposed to be one. MEX15DMex's western terminus is correctly placed at the point where the central toll lanes separate from the free lanes (MEX15), but then the westernmost segment of MEX15DMex is shown to be concurrent with MEX15.
Fixed. Thanks.
the only one I couldn't was from changing MEX15D to MEX15DCha (since the obvious longer route became MEX15D).

It's fine if the route had no traveler since the alt route name would not be necessary at all. If there was a traveler, you should undo it since it is an active system!
Look at the route and tell me why the short spur should be 15D and the long trunk should have a suffix.
There's a concurrency on MEX15DMex where I don't think there's supposed to be one. MEX15DMex's western terminus is correctly placed at the point where the central toll lanes separate from the free lanes (MEX15), but then the westernmost segment of MEX15DMex is shown to be concurrent with MEX15.
the only one I couldn't was from changing MEX15D to MEX15DCha (since the obvious longer route became MEX15D).

It's fine if the route had no traveler since the alt route name would not be necessary at all. If there was a traveler, you should undo it since it is an active system!
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