User Discussions > Welcome & Notices
Welcome to the Travel Mapping Forum!
Hello and welcome to the Travel Mapping Forum!
This forum is for the Travel Mapping Site, providing a discussion area to talk about the website and project.
Travel Mapping is a site designed to track your travels by road and be able to view those travels on a map.
The forum is divided into several areas:
* User discussions - for discussing the end user experience
* Welcome & Notices - for saying hi, etc
* How To? - for questions on how to do something. For instance, if you are new to Travel Mapping, you may find the thread on How to Use Travel Mapping useful.
* Other Discussion - for anything else
* Highway Data Discussion - for discussing the data used to map the highways
* In-progress Highway Systems & Work - for discussing systems being added to the website
* Updates to Highway Data - for reporting errors in activated systems (missing routes, mistakes, etc)
* 6-month+ Outlook - for discussing changes that will happen in the nearish future (eg construction, renumberings, etc).
* Web Design Discussion - for discussing the website itself
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