Highway Data Discussion > Updates to Highway Data

NV: NV-655 question

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Should we try to map this route a little differently?  They way we currently do, it 'makes' it looks like it's on I-80 (yes, I know there's a hidden point to prevent any auto-clinch w/ I-80).

Since there's only 1 sign for the entire route, maybe just route it from 'I-80(28B)' to it's end point, and forget about the 'I-80(28A)' point?

That, or should we at least move the route down onto the service road between the 'I-80(28A)' & 'I-80(28B)' points?  Sure, lose the graph connection @ 'I-80(28B)', but it would be for the best and properly map the route then IMO.

--- Code: ---I-80(28A) +I-80_W http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=39.554552&lon=-119.564466
McCRanRd http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=39.552956&lon=-119.566907
I-80(28B) http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=39.557857&lon=-119.554666
End http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=39.555926&lon=-119.552143

--- End code ---

Yeah, I've been thinking about how to route 655 for a while. I have been thinking about scrapping the graph connection at the EB ramps to make it cleaner. It is far from the only NV route we include that only has one posted shield, but it is a weird case with that turn and how it only exists within the confines of "exit 28", even if said exit is large in distance.

Why does Exit 28 even need to be split? There's one set of ramps eastbound and another set westbound. It's a single exit.

I believe the double half interchange rule is why there are two points.  (https://travelmapping.net/devel/manual/points.php#double_half)

--- Quote --- Double half interchanges: Usually use one central point and treat both halves as a single, full interchange. Exceptions: a clear gap of at least 0.5 mi/0.8 km separates the two halves, or each half connects to a different highway that we are also mapping.
--- End quote ---

That guideline would make sense in an urban area, where someone could exit at one location and reenter at another (leaving a gap), but shouldn't apply here.


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