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General Web Design Discussion / Re: Overlay map color schemes
« Last post by LilianaUwU on Today at 07:12:37 am »
I imagine some people will scream bloody murder at this, but to my taste, I'd rather not have the translucent "unhighlighted" lines at all. All we'd need is two checkboxes, for Traveled and Untraveled. Since checkboxes can be manipulated much more quickly than a pull-down, it would be really easy to momentary enable the other one if you need to see those lines too.

I will scream bloody murder because if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I can check what segments I don't have easily with the current setup. Having to check a bunch of boxes to see something isn't user friendly.
In-progress Highway Systems & Work / Re: IND-AH, IND-NH, IND-xx: India
« Last post by Bickendan on Today at 12:28:00 am »
Sikkim is barebones drafted. Only three of the 25 state highways are numbered on OSM, which made consulting the Sikkim government's pdf mandatory and a complete pain while trying to compare to OSM's differing scale. And a lot of 'those are state highways?'.
I didn't see a G562 file for the India/China border crossing as I was drafting NH 310 in Sikkim.
For when that happens, here's the point I'm using:
General Web Design Discussion / Re: Overlay map color schemes
« Last post by michih on Yesterday at 02:19:06 pm »
Mapview on tmstage should now use a much more transparent look for the untraveled routes.  Too transparent for me

Way too transparent. Bad for maintenance purpose. I like how it looks on the production server. I'm sure that it's better now :D
Updates to Highway Data / Re: IRL: M50 on-ramp at Dublin Port
« Last post by Markkos1992 on Yesterday at 02:16:17 pm »
We do have unsigned interstates in the US (I-296 (MI), I-124 (TN), I-595 (MD), etc.), but otherwise we do not tend to include unsigned routes with few exceptions (such as MD 896).
Updates to Highway Data / Re: IRL: M50 on-ramp at Dublin Port
« Last post by leshii on Yesterday at 12:48:45 pm »
Oh, got it. I didn't know that was a requirement because I thought I'd logged some unsigned roads in the US but I may be wrong. Thanks.
Updates to Highway Data / Re: IRL: M50 on-ramp at Dublin Port
« Last post by si404 on Yesterday at 12:19:49 pm »
So then why wouldn't the N50 be loggable?
because it's entirely unsigned.
General Web Design Discussion / Re: User uploads
« Last post by michih on Yesterday at 12:15:01 pm »
General Web Design Discussion / Re: Overlay map color schemes
« Last post by michih on Yesterday at 12:09:51 pm »
We need All and None for maintenance. I stick with the proposal adding Traveled Only and Untraveled only, and Disable All.
General Web Design Discussion / Re: Overlay map color schemes
« Last post by leshii on Yesterday at 10:37:26 am »
I imagine some people will scream bloody murder at this, but to my taste, I'd rather not have the translucent "unhighlighted" lines at all. All we'd need is two checkboxes, for Traveled and Untraveled. Since checkboxes can be manipulated much more quickly than a pull-down, it would be really easy to momentary enable the other one if you need to see those lines too.

This is where I am, too.
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