Since no
specific source is indicated I assume that
wikipedia is the source.
The box at bottom does not indicate E16, E31, E82, E83, E84, E85, E88, E89, E90, E91, E92, E93, E94, E96 and E98. The article seems to be outdated

The urban expressways from wikipedia are not in HB (I didn't check all).
First look what is missing in HB:
- There is a E1A north of Osaka from E2/E2A junction to the east.
- Just south of it is a route indicated being "7".
Both are indicated on OSM and GM with green shields like the other routes.
"7" has a
different shield on GM and GSV.
Another example that the rectangle green signs seem to be the criteria.
However, the E1A missing in HB has the
correct(?) rectangle shield.
national highways have a blue shield.
The expressways around Osaka like "7" with the other green shield seem to belong to
Hanshin expressways - one of the "
urban expressways" (which are networks).
Is E1A missing on purpose?
Is the rectangle shield the criteria for routes to be included?
What's the exact reason that we exclude the other expressways indicated with the different green shield? Should we rename the system to "Japan
National Expressways" (and add the additional urban expressway systems for the other networks anywhere down the road)?