In-progress Railway Systems & Work / Re: ITA-CAM: Napoli
« Last post by si404 on Today at 07:01:54 am »The names of all the Neapolitan lines (not just the funiculars) are already in the browser: https://tmrail.teresco.org/hb/index.php?units=miles&sys=null&rg=ITA-CAM
- Furnicular A is actually "Funicolare Centrale" (Augusteo - Piazza Fuga)
Furnicular B is actually "Funicolare di Chiaia" (Parco Margherita -Cimarosa)
Furnicular C is actually "Funicolare di Montesanto" (Montesanto -Morghen)
Furnicular D is actually "Funicolare di Mergellina" (Mergellina - Manzoni)
I've only seen A-D on the ÖPNV tile. I traveled "Centrale". That name is signed anywhere.
The ANM use the letters on full-network maps: https://www.anm.it/images/stories/2204_anm_mappa_web.pdf
The EAV too: https://www.eavsrl.it/download/rete-ferroviaria-regionale/?wpdmdl=2094&refresh=6701174d097401728124749
It's part of the integration of all the disparate railways into one network and it's still ongoing, I guess.
Looking into the trams, it seems that it's basically a clockwise and an anticlockwise around the Ʇ-shaped network, rather than the ⅃, L and _ lines that . They use a combination of the same numbers, and it's temporary, so I'm going to keep the linear lines rather than the circles that serve every stop twice as that is really messy in the browser.
- 1 = north <-> west
- 2 = north <-> east
- 4 = west <-> east
- 412 = east -> north -> west -> east
- 421 = east -> west -> north -> east