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Nope - go for launch!

 - D153_S -> D6/D115_W ?
 - D115/D153 -> D6/D115_E ?

I don't get what you mean. I did:
D153_S -> D6/D153
D115/D153 not changed
D115_E  -> D115_N
D6 diverges at both points I wanted changed with D6 in the label. As the lowest number, it needs to be in the label for consistency. However both of us have wrongly added D115 to the middle point, despite it being concurrent with D923 both sides of it, so my labels were off as well.

D6/D153 -> D6/D115 (D153 also diverges but is a higher number so neglected even though its the dominant number)
D115/D153 -> D6/D153 (D115 doesn't diverge, but the other two routes do)
D115_N - not sure why you changed it, but perfectly acceptable
 - RueSai -> D262

There is no RueSai wp in the whole system - and only one in HDF. D1016 already has a wp called D262. Please check again.
It's fine - you made that label change when you added D262, which was after I reviewed the 1000s (but before I did the 500s, so sat on ice so it could be posted in numerical order as not publishing in that order has confused you before).

Everything else is fine: just those D923 labels to do before activation.
Completed Highway Systems Threads / Re: norr: Norway Ringveiene i Oslo
« Last post by michih on Yesterday at 04:53:25 am »
Updates to Highway Data / Re: NOR: Bergen renumberings
« Last post by michih on Yesterday at 04:52:31 am »
Fv586 renamed to Fv577. Fv588 deleted:
Keep other items as-is. Closing.
Updates to Highway Data / Re: NOR: Indreeide Tunnel
« Last post by michih on Yesterday at 04:51:52 am »
OSM + indicate the tunnel being Fv63. Adding as a branch:
Updates to Highway Data / Re: NOR: E39 realignment east of Molde
« Last post by michih on Yesterday at 04:51:18 am »
The new route is in service now. The old route is indicated being Fv62 on OSM. does still indicate it being dedicated as E39. GSV is from 2022. Nonetheless, I've extended Fv62:
I'm the only affected traveler. Closing.
Updates to Highway Data / Re: NOR: E39 realignment Liaboen
« Last post by michih on Yesterday at 04:50:32 am »
It seems that there was a partial opening: Affected travelers: Cw9 cinx michih panda80
Keeping open till the remainder will be opened.
Updates to Highway Data / KY: I-65 Exit #86 'new location'
« Last post by rickmastfan67 on Yesterday at 12:56:28 am »
The location of Exit #86 on I-65 has been shifted to the south by a good distance.

This also forced KY-222 & US-31W to be realigned in the area to accommodate the replacement SPUI interchange.

Not shown on the ERSI imagery, but it is shown in OSM, and Google has been on the new alignment of KY-222 already, proving it's open to the public.
Updates to Highway Data / TN: I-65 new exit 55
« Last post by rickmastfan67 on Yesterday at 12:42:32 am »
Brand new exit @ June Lake Blvd opened this year on I-65.  It's posted as Exit #55.

It opened on May 31st.
Updates to Highway Data / Re: TN: TN 396 Western End
« Last post by rickmastfan67 on Yesterday at 12:37:32 am »
Maybe that was part of TN 396 at one time, but TNDOT maps and GIS say it begins at US 31. SatPkwy point added.

Well, this 'connection' was opened in 2021.  It also required TN-247 to be realigned here too.  They put in a new bridge over the RR tracks.  Even had to remove the original access to a neighborhood and build a completely new one to the west there.

2018 vs 2021

I honestly think this is a big enough realignment that 'old' points would be justified & a news entry too.

Also, in reference to TN-396, here's the end @ the Saturn Plant in 2019 showing they hadn't even cleared the trees yet for the 'extension'.  So, maybe the GIS just isn't up-to-date yet, who knows here.
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