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Updates to Highway Data / Re: VT: Alternate Truck US 5 (Derby Line)?
« Last post by neroute2 on October 11, 2024, 10:36:01 pm »
before taking inspiration from PennDOT and becoming an Alternate Truck Route.
That one looks to me like an alternate route with a truck route sign up top. A truck route (as opposed to just truck) sign is used in many places, on and off numbered routes, to show that trucks are allowed on a road.
Updates to Highway Data / VT: Alternate Truck US 5 (Derby Line)?
« Last post by vdeane on October 11, 2024, 09:16:02 pm »
On US 5 north, there's fairly prominent signage for an Alternate/Truck route in Derby Line.  Signage states as an alternate route and a truck route to the border, before taking inspiration from PennDOT and becoming an Alternate Truck Route.  The thing is, with signage just saying to US 5 on the I-91 end, it's hard to get a read on whether this is a route we should include or not.  And, with no sigange going the other way at the I-91 end, there's the question of whether it should end at I-91 or the border even if it did get included.
Updates to Highway Data / Re: WV: WV 243
« Last post by neroute2 on October 11, 2024, 08:17:03 pm »
Well WV 243 is on the Berkeley County Map now, but I am unsure if it really helps us.
Is it just me, or is the line east from Arden just a bit thicker than the others?
I opened it in Inkscape, and yes, WV 243 is 3.333 px while the other three lines are 2.667 px. So WV 243 runs from CR 30 east to US 11.
Completed Highway Systems Threads / Re: norr: Norway Ringveiene i Oslo
« Last post by Duke87 on October 11, 2024, 07:50:07 pm »
Officially, Oslo does not have any Fv route, please refer to wikipedia.

Oslo og Moskenes kommuner og Svalbard har ingen fylkesveier. ->
Oslo and Moskenes municipalities and Svalbard have no county roads.

Thus, I'd like to keep it as-is.

If Fv4 doesn't officially exist then this is the correct interpretation. This does mean OSM is wrong though (okay that's not really shocking).

Should I also rename the other Ring3 wps since they are concurrent to Rv150?

Nah, I'd leave them. With the ones I commented on those exit numbers very clearly belong to E6 so they need to be marked accordingly. But Rv150 doesn't extend beyond the part of Ring3 that isn't E6. So those exit numbers don't belong to Rv150 and more than they belong to Ring3.

Kinda curious how the exit numbers ended up the way they are though. Did they just decide to start at 50 because they didn't want to restart at 1 or continue E6s numbers? Or did these numbers used to be continuous with something else that was renumbered?

Any further comments before activation?

Nope, activate away.
Updates to Highway Data / Re: WV: WV 243
« Last post by neroute2 on October 11, 2024, 04:15:29 pm »
In-progress Highway Systems & Work / Re: tursf: Turkey Select Freeways
« Last post by michih on October 11, 2024, 12:54:27 pm »
Need to consider the O31 change.
Updates to Highway Data / Re: TUR: O31 Aydın - Denizli opening (E87?)
« Last post by michih on October 11, 2024, 12:51:59 pm »
The remainder from exit 7 to exit 11 will open to traffic tomorrow:
Thus, E87 should completely moved on concurrency with O31 from exit 7 to exit 14.

I suggest putting the O31 connector from exit 7 to D320 to tursf system. GM nor OSM indicate any numbering.
Updates to Highway Data / Re: TUR: O31 Aydın - Denizli opening (E87?)
« Last post by michih on October 11, 2024, 12:46:01 pm »
I failed to find a driving video. I just found snippets:
E87 is signed at exit 11 westbound
E87 is signed at exit 14 westbound
E87 is not signed at exit 15 eastbound, and not exiting

E87 is obviously signed via the motorway now. Can we assume that E87 leaves it at exit 14 and continues on D585 through Denizli as it ever was?

Google was there in May/June 2024. E87 is likely leaving O31 at exit 14.

- E87 is signed in front of exit 13 continuing.
- E87 is signed on the distance sign after exit 13
- E87 is not signed in front of exit 14; not continuing, not leaving :(
- E87 is not signed on the distance sign after exit 14
- E87 is not signed in front of exit 15, no GSV at exit 16.

- E87 is signed on all distance signs from after exit 15 westbound, no GSV at exit 16 :pan:
- No GSV in front of exit 15
- E87 is signed in front of exit 14
- E87 is signed in front of exit 13
6-Month+ Highway Data Outlook / Re: IN: IN 15 Realignment in Wabash
« Last post by mapcat on October 11, 2024, 09:02:42 am »
Thanks. I'll watch for more news and verification that the unusual routing (northbound, IN 13 N to US 24 W to IN 15 N) is signed. Why wouldn't they just split it? It's not IN 28 level silliness, but still.
6-Month+ Highway Data Outlook / IN: IN 15 Realignment in Wabash
« Last post by Markkos1992 on October 11, 2024, 06:28:34 am »

Looks like this will also eliminate the IN 15 TRUCK Route as well.

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