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Other Discussion / Re: New Travels and Stats Discussion
« Last post by vdeane on November 11, 2024, 01:58:47 pm »
Yesterday I got back from a two-day trip to finish up US 3 and take care of a couple other things.  On Saturday, I drove up to my room for the night in Gorham, NH, taking I-90, I-290, and I-495 though MA to I-95.  In NH, I took a short detour to clinch the southern end of Spaulding Turnpike (the ramps to/from the south with I-95) even though it isn't on the site, and continued into Maine.  I took exit 63 and US 202 west out of Maine, extending that mileage to a logical (and known; where it was before was just a guess, since this was part of the same Maine trip that has left odd artifacts across the state in terms of clinching and while I remember exactly where the house was that we stayed one night is, I don't remember the roads we used to get there from Scarborough or to get to US 202) endpoint.  Then I headed up NH 16 to the hotel.

On Sunday, I continued up NH 16 to NH 26, and took that west to US 3 before cutting up NH 145 (not only does Google say that's faster, I was doing everything I could to minimize the deadhead length on US 3).  I took US 3 north to the border, which was an interesting drive in that the areas that were shaded were quite icy.  Turning around at the border, I took US 3 south to US 2, and then took that to VT 18 and headed back on I-93, I-91, VT 103, VT 11, US 7, VT 279, and NY 7.  I ended up picking up a small piece of VT 25 as well because VTrans apparently would rather close I-91 SB in its entirety rather than build a crossover while it deals with a slope failure that has no reopening ETA. :pan:
Solved Highway data updates / Re: WV/PA: US-22 border point
« Last post by rickmastfan67 on November 10, 2024, 09:21:18 pm »
I have no problem with you changing that point.

Alright.  I just wanted to check with you.  I'll make the change for both WV & PA US-22 in a few minutes.

EDIT: Submitted.
Solved Highway data updates / Re: WV/PA: US-22 border point
« Last post by Markkos1992 on November 10, 2024, 06:30:15 am »
I have no problem with you changing that point.
Updates to Highway Data / Re: WV: Point Concerns from June 2023-May 2024 Trips
« Last post by rickmastfan67 on November 10, 2024, 01:05:43 am »
US 250: 
1.  CR2/3>-CR23
2. Consider replacing the shaping point south of WV38 with a visible point.
3.  Is the shaping point south of MidRd necessary?
4.  JacSt>-CR1 (also affects WV 2)

1. Seems that WVDOH has 'multiple' CR23's in that area.  Because of that, I'm going to 'revert' to road names here instead, as I found a tolerance issue in the area as well. Going with 'FoxRd' instead here.
2. ReeRd
3. Meh, probably not really.  Only a loss of 0.05 miles when removing it.  Gone.
4. There's already a 'CR1' in US-250's file.  However, the road name is incorrect per signage to begin with. Going with 'BogRunRd' instead in both routes.

WV 2: 
1.  BruDr>-CroCreRd or CR7
2.  CR2/34>-CR2/14

1. CR7
2. Fixed.

WV 3:
1.  CaveHolRd>-LostLn
2.  Consider replacing the shaping point east of CaveHolRd with a visible point at CR3/5.

1. Fixed.
2. No change.  Doing so, would cause the route to go out of tolerance, requiring another point.  Don't feel like it's justifiable here.

WV 16:  CraMouRd>-CanMouRd


Solved Highway data updates / WV/PA: US-22 border point
« Last post by rickmastfan67 on November 10, 2024, 12:43:19 am »
Looks like we have it too far into PA by about a 1/10th of a mile.

Based on GSV, it should be here instead:

Any comment on this Markkos1992?
Solved Highway data updates / Re: LA: Waypoints
« Last post by cenlaroads on November 09, 2024, 02:20:39 pm »
LA I-20 - between 171 and 173 to remove overlap with LA 601
I don't maintain LA, but...
TM's data is intended to be pretty low granularity. IMO a small overlap (as in route traces on mapview, not concurrencies) such as this is not a big deal at all, and won't confuse the viewer as to what's going on.

LA LA1 - OldLA1247 -> BruRd and move southeast to intersection.
LA LA308 - OldLA1247 ->  ?     -  The street is not signed here, but it doesn't appear to be Brule Rd. like it is for LA 1.
Here, the bridge was most certainly selected as the point location; the opportunities to cross the river are somewhat few.
Compare, also on LA308: GalBr, CoteBlaBr, 28thSt, BayPorDr, ValBri, BriRd, StChaBr, StJohnBr...
For a case like this where there's no known current road name, but the road formerly had a numbered designation, using an "OldLA1247" style label is SOP.

That makes sense.  Thanks for the clarification!
In-progress Highway Systems & Work / Re: usaush: United States Historic US Routes
« Last post by mapcat on November 09, 2024, 11:36:41 am »
Thanks for making the adjustments. I found a few more on a recent trip.

US66HisMan follows Old Manchester Rd between SR OO and Fox Creek Rd, and then follows Manchester Rd between Woodland Meadows Dr and the Manchester Rd/MO 100 junction in Wildwood.

Heading eastbound, US66HisStL gets from Langston Hughes (Broadway) to Florida via St Louis, Euclid, and Utica. Also, the segment between MO96_E and MO96 appears as concurrent to MO 96, so it needs a shaping point (maybe a visible point at the CR 2062/SR N junction) to keep its trace distinct.
Updates to Highway Data / NC: NC 109 BUS (Troy) Deletion
« Last post by Markkos1992 on November 09, 2024, 10:30:06 am »

So all those minor revisions a few months ago may have sort of been for nothing.
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