Travel Mapping's main site is at https://travelmapping.net/ . Old tm.teresco.org URLs and http:// URLs are redirected there, and will continue to work indefinitely.
I have no problem with you changing that point.
US 250:
1. CR2/3>-CR23
2. Consider replacing the shaping point south of WV38 with a visible point.
3. Is the shaping point south of MidRd necessary?
4. JacSt>-CR1 (also affects WV 2)
WV 2:
1. BruDr>-CroCreRd or CR7
2. CR2/34>-CR2/14
WV 3:
1. CaveHolRd>-LostLn
2. Consider replacing the shaping point east of CaveHolRd with a visible point at CR3/5.
WV 16: CraMouRd>-CanMouRd
LA I-20 - between 171 and 173 to remove overlap with LA 601I don't maintain LA, but...
TM's data is intended to be pretty low granularity. IMO a small overlap (as in route traces on mapview, not concurrencies) such as this is not a big deal at all, and won't confuse the viewer as to what's going on.LA LA1 - OldLA1247 -> BruRd and move southeast to intersection.Here, the bridge was most certainly selected as the point location; the opportunities to cross the river are somewhat few.
LA LA308 - OldLA1247 -> ? - The street is not signed here, but it doesn't appear to be Brule Rd. like it is for LA 1.
Compare, also on LA308: GalBr, CoteBlaBr, 28thSt, BayPorDr, ValBri, BriRd, StChaBr, StJohnBr...
For a case like this where there's no known current road name, but the road formerly had a numbered designation, using an "OldLA1247" style label is SOP.