Author Topic: How to get involved with data/highway system creation/maintenance?  (Read 18782 times)

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Re: How to get involved with data/highway system creation/maintenance?
« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2018, 04:24:06 am »
As a non-computer nerd, I didn't use any of those fancy waypoint editors/HDX stuff but just eyeballed multiple tabs in Google Chrome to make sure everything lined up; I would not recommend doing that if you don't have to.

I think cl94 wants to be a contributor drafting new systems. A contributor must be familar with waypoint editor and should be familar with HDX. I think one should know these tools before starting to draft a new system! In addition, cl94 can decide after the review whether he really wanna start drafing systems by using these fancy stuff.

Of course, anyone is welcome to peer-review a system without using all tools a contributor has to use. It should be noticed in the preview system thread what was not done so that the contributor know that he has to check the remaining things in-depth before activating the system.

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Re: How to get involved with data/highway system creation/maintenance?
« Reply #16 on: February 10, 2018, 06:49:49 am »
HDX isn't needed - I mean it's useful and worthwhile learning to use it (it's not that difficult) but we managed for years without it and concurrency checks/NMPs can be checked other ways that aren't onerous.

The waypoint editor just makes it easier to make files - I don't see why one wouldn't use it (remembering the days before we had it and we grabbed urls off tile mapping services and it took an age to do and we didn't see the end product as we went along), but if you have a system, you have a system!

Offline froggie

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Re: How to get involved with data/highway system creation/maintenance?
« Reply #17 on: February 16, 2018, 01:14:34 pm »
Froggie is working on usams, and someone may still be working on usala (nothing has been added to that set since it was moved here from CHM, AFAIK).

I've also claimed Alabama, as I have the current maintenance and I'm probably the most familiar with that state amongst the current and interested collaborators.

But if Josh wants to tackle Louisiana, he's more than welcome to, subsequent to what others have said in this thread.