Author Topic: frad/fram: France Routes Départementales / Routes Métropolitaines  (Read 139645 times)

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Re: Re: Europe Tier-5 systems overview
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2018, 05:03:28 pm »
Not really any at the moment. Those 'drafts' are copies from eursf.

I'm looking at doing Russia (World Cup fever) and Greece tier 4, now we have the latin transliterations in the wpteditor, removing a step. And I made some steps with Turkey D roads.

And then there was the couple of hours I spend on finding Tajikistan has its own road numbering rather than using the old Soviet ones (and it will be another hour to sync the continental systems, deal with removing the cis routes).

Offline michih

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Re: Re: Europe Tier-5 systems overview
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2018, 12:22:02 pm »
Not really any at the moment. Those 'drafts' are copies from eursf.

Ok. I just asked because I've already clinched 69.90% and I like driving in France and I have to drive through France on my way to UK or Spain. It would be nice to know how far we might go so that I could already add my routes driven to my user list file.

I think adding dual carriageways (more than just freeways but also routes with roundabout) should be a must?!?
Or we could add all "important" routes that means also all routes which are indicated as "primary highways" from OSM (brown) but omit "secondary highways" (yellow)?

I don't ask for adding the routes now but maybe in 2019 or 2020.

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Re: Re: Europe Tier-5 systems overview
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2018, 03:38:58 pm »
I'm not particularly on the ball enough to look into that right now.

If you say what routes you are talking about, I can have a look, perhaps, and give either a 'yes, that's the sort of routes this system is meant to be', a 'maybe we can have that sort of thing' or 'no way' response.

Oh, and there are ferries from Hoek van Holland and Ejsberg to the UK, so perhaps you can do some of those dense German, Dutch, Belgian and Danish networks en route to the UK? :P

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Re: Re: Europe Tier-5 systems overview
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2018, 04:18:51 pm »
If you say what routes you are talking about, I can have a look, perhaps, and give either a 'yes, that's the sort of routes this system is meant to be', a 'maybe we can have that sort of thing' or 'no way' response.

Ok, I had a look on the region with most dual carriageways, Bretagne:
- D175 north of Rennes
- D173 south of Rennes
- D177 Rennes - Redon
- D112 Brest
- D205 Brest
- Route du Vieux Saint-Marc Brest (eursf, not frasd)
- D100 Quimper
- D365 Quimper
- D785 Quimper
- D465 Lorient
- D222 Saint-Brieuc
- D700 Saint-Brieuc - Loudeac
- D768 Loudeac - Baud (- Auray - Port Maria ?)
- D767 Pontivy - Vannes
- D767 Lannion - Guingamp
- D58 Morlaix - Roscoff
- D168 Dinard - Saint-Malo

Examples for "Primary OSM highways" from the west near Brest:
- D5/D105/D68
- D13
- D788
- D789

The problem is that the dual carriageways are sometimes interrupted. That's why I would go with the "minimum primary OSM highways" order.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2018, 04:24:09 pm by michih »

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Re: Re: Europe Tier-5 systems overview
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2019, 01:02:53 pm »
So France...

The region reform has stabilized enough to not only give names, but ISO3116:2-FR codes that aren't just single letters. There's over 100 potential D roads systems. Grouping by region gives 18 fraxxxd systems with at-most 12-13 actual systems lumped together (precedent for this includes, say the different Stadt route systems in Netherlands).

  • fraarad - Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
    • fra01d - Ain
    • fra03d - Allier
    • fra07d - Ardèche
    • fra15d - Cantal
    • fra26d - Drôme
    • fra43d - Haute-Loire
    • fra74d - Haute-Savoie
    • fra38d - Isère
    • fra42d - Loire
    • fra69md - Lyon
    • fra63d - Puy-de-Dôme
    • fra69d - Rhône
    • fra73d - Savoie
  • frabfcd - Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
    • fra21d - Côte-d'Or
    • fra25d - Doubs
    • fra70d - Haute-Saône
    • fra39d - Jura
    • fra58d - Nièvre
    • fra71d - Saône-et-Loire
    • fra90d - Territoire de Belfort
    • fra89d - Yonne
  • frabred - Brittany
    • fra22d - Côtes-d'Armor
    • fra29d - Finistère
    • fra35d - Ille-et-Vilaine
    • fra56d - Morbihan
  • fracor - Corsica
  • fracvld - Centre-Val de Loire
    • fra18d - Cher
    • fra28d - Eure-et-Loir
    • fra36d - Indre
    • fra37d - Indre-et-Loire
    • fra41d - Loir-et-Cher
    • fra42d - Loiret
  • fragesd - Grand-Est
    • fra08d - Ardennes
    • fra10d - Aube
    • fra67d - Bas-Rhin (to be merged into Alsace authority 2021)
    • fra51d - Marne
    • fra52d - Haute-Marne
    • fra68d - Haut-Rhin (to be merged into Alsace authority 2021)
    • fra54d - Meurthe-et-Moselle
    • fra55d - Meuse
    • fra57d - Moselle
    • fra88d - Vosges
  • frahdfd - Hauts-de-France
    • fra02d - Aisne
    • fra59d - Nord
    • fra60d - Oise
    • fra62d - Pas-de-Calais
    • fra80d - Somme
  • fraidfd - Île-de-France
    • fra75d - Paris
    • fra91d - Essonne
    • fra92d - Hauts-de-Seine
    • fra93d - Seine-Saint-Denis
    • fra77d - Seine-et-Marne
    • fra94d - Val-de-Marne
    • fra95d - Val-d'Oise
    • fra78d - Yvelines
  • franord - Normandy
    • fra14d - Calvados
    • fra27d - Eure
    • fra50d - Manche
    • fra61d - Orne
    • fra76d - Seine-Maritime
  • franaqd - Nouvelle-Aquitaine
    • fra16d - Charente
    • fra17d - Charente-Maritime
    • fra19d - Corrèze
    • fra23d - Creuse
    • fra79d - Deux-Sèvres
    • fra24d - Dordogne
    • fra33d - Gironde
    • fra87d - Haute-Vienne
    • fra40d - Landes
    • fra47d - Lot-et-Garonne
    • fra64d - Pyrénées-Atlantiques
    • fra86d - Vienne
  • fraoccd - Occitanie
    • fra09d - Ariège
    • fra11d - Aude
    • fra12d - Aveyron
    • fra30d - Gard
    • fra32d - Gers
    • fra31d - Haute-Garonne
    • fra65d - Hautes-Pyrénées
    • fra34d - Hérault
    • fra46d - Lot
    • fra48d - Lozère
    • fra66d - Pyrénées-Orientales
    • fra81d - Tarn
    • fra82d - Tarn-et-Garonne
  • frapdld - Pays-de-la-Loire
    • fra44d - Loire-Atlantique
    • fra49d - Maine-et-Loire
    • fra53d - Mayenne
    • fra72d - Sarthe
    • fra85d - Vendée
  • frapacd - Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur
    • fra04d - Alpes-de-Haute-Provence
    • fra05d - Hautes-Alpes
    • fra06d - Alpes-Maritimes
    • fra13d - Bouches-du-Rhône
    • fra83d - Var
    • fra84d - Vaucluse
  • glpd - Guadaloupe (si404) (includes roads in BLM and MAF)
  • gufd - French Guiana (si404)
  • mtqd - Martinique (si404)
  • mytd - Mayotte (si404)
  • reud - Reunion (si404)

I'm ignoring M roads (Lyon, Nice and Nantes currently), and Provincial roads in New Caledonia, for now. Plus Regional routes might come into being  :pan:
« Last Edit: May 04, 2019, 05:37:17 am by si404 »

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Re: Re: Europe Tier-5 systems overview
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2019, 01:26:47 pm »
Thanks. Do you just wanna draft systems by region or do you also wanna split France into 18+ regions? We already have 13 TM regions (wlf, spm, reu,...).

btw: Is fracor correct and frht must be renamed?

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Re: Re: Europe Tier-5 systems overview
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2019, 03:52:12 pm »
Thanks. Do you just wanna draft systems by region or do you also wanna split France into 18+ regions?
All will be revealed...

Offline michih

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Re: Re: Europe Tier-5 systems overview
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2019, 04:26:48 pm »
God will tell us.

Offline si404

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Re: Re: Europe Tier-5 systems overview
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2019, 11:13:56 am »

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Re: Re: Europe Tier-5 systems overview
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2019, 07:19:24 am »
My split French files should be ready when my next pull request goes in. If someone checks that they are all right, then I can replace the non-chopped files with the chopped files.

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Re: Re: Europe Tier-5 systems overview
« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2019, 12:12:08 pm »
With 2727 (datacheck only) or a future one? What do you expect to be checked? I've noticed that my current number of clinched mileage is far different (97.08% of fraar but 97.61% of fraa; fraar is 2mi longer but I've clinched 36mi less). However, I don't understand how it works that I have fraar mileage at all!?

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Re: Re: Europe Tier-5 systems overview
« Reply #12 on: April 10, 2019, 12:13:18 pm »
btw: fragesd development is mine :)

Offline si404

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Re: Re: Europe Tier-5 systems overview
« Reply #13 on: April 10, 2019, 01:22:26 pm »
With 2727 (datacheck only) or a future one?
That one - I fixed what I believe was the final discrepancy.
I've noticed that my current number of clinched mileage is far different (97.08% of fraar but 97.61% of fraa; fraar is 2mi longer but I've clinched 36mi less).
OK, that's interesting - I wouldn't have thought that the difference would be that great.

With today's pull, all of fraar should be concurrent with fraa (which is how anyone has fraar clinched).

Comparing your stats in excel:
A4 - 2.02 miles more clinched in fraa (concurrency error)
A4 - fraar route 0.02 miles shorter
A10 - 8.84 miles more clinched in fraa (concurrency error)
A36 - 4.31 miles more clinched in fraa (concurrency error)
A62 - 6.42 miles more clinched in fraa (concurrency error)
A62 - fraar route 0.04 miles shorter
A71 - 14.36 miles more clinched in fraa (concurrency error)
A71 - fraar route 0.04 miles shorter
A86 - fraar route 2.53 miles longer

and looking at the map:
A4 - issue east of exit 21
A10 - north of exit 26
A36 - I fixed this one
A62 - west of 8
A71 - south of exit 8
A86 - I know what I did here

Obviously we'll need to check this works for the other routes too.

Offline michih

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Re: France Routes Départementales
« Reply #14 on: April 10, 2019, 03:21:17 pm »
Comparing your stats in excel:
A4 - 2.02 miles more clinched in fraa (concurrency error)

I don't get how there can be a concurrency error when comparing fraa and fraar.

A86 - fraar route 2.53 miles longer

Caused by.... more shaping points? Or extension which will be reported with updates entry?

and looking at the map:
A4 - issue east of exit 21
A10 - north of exit 26
A36 - I fixed this one
A62 - west of 8
A71 - south of exit 8
A86 - I know what I did here


Obviously we'll need to check this works for the other routes too.

Routes? I guess you mean users?

Anyway, thanks for your work!