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Just a learning from the recent transfer of national routes. There are D routes that are not maintained by a departement but by a region. I sometimes failed to find the exact departement transition for D routes because there is no transition of jurisdiction. It's hard to find out what D routes belong to departements or regions. But what would change if we'd know that? We'd not split the system. We'd change nothing. Thus, I stick with positioning the wps at the departement boundaries indicated on OSM if I failed to find the exact transition on GSV.
Updates to Highway Data / PA: PA 74 Truck Route North of PA 17
« Last post by Markkos1992 on Today at 09:58:51 am »
PennDOT - District 2 News: PennDOT Designates Truck Restriction on Route 74 in Juniata and Perry Counties 

I need to check how it is signed before putting it in the HB.  It seems to be a northbound only route that just follows PA 17 to US 22/US 322 and then US 22/US 322 west to PA 75.
Updates to Highway Data / Re: AASHTO Fall 2024 Meeting
« Last post by Markkos1992 on Today at 08:08:34 am »
I started a new thread about the signing of I-99 along US 15 north of Williamsport (
Updates to Highway Data / Re: ENG: A2 missing interchange?
« Last post by neroute2 on Yesterday at 11:34:04 pm »
Looks like there's also a missing interchange at Arbuthnot Lane (between A221 and A223).
Updates to Highway Data / ENG: A2 missing interchange?
« Last post by rickmastfan67 on Yesterday at 10:30:53 pm »
Should there be a point on the A2 for the 'Rochester Way' partial interchange (between 'A102/A207' & 'A2213_S')?

It was the historical end of the A102(M) before they extended the A2 to connect to it.
This might be a GO for drafting the system

No :(
First, M1 in Saint-Julien-lès-Metz was signed in September 2024. OSM + wikimetz indicated that there is a M1. D2 in Saint-Julien-lès-Metz is still indicates as D2 on OSM. D2 is not mentioned on wikimetz. M3 in Saint-Julien-lès-Metz is indicated as M3 on OSM but also not mentioned on wikimetz. August 2023 GSV does still indicate D2 and D3. All examples are in the same community and should thus all be M or D.
Second, Woippy belongs to the metropolis but OSM changes from M to D routes at the Metz city - Woippy community boundaries.

I need to wait for better evidence what routes have been changed, and what communities have M routes now. I should likely wait for 2024+ GSV coverage.
The M routes in Bordeaux are not signed according to 2022 GSV, nor indicated on OSM or GM. I will wait for any confirmation before I will start drafting the system.

Still indicated as D routes on OSM + GM. I didn't spot D nor M signs on 2024 GSV. But wikisara has a route list.
The route articles indicate:
Since 1 erApril 2017, the part of this road in Bordeaux Métropole has been reclassified as a metropolitan road by retaining its former number, M1
:pan: please refer to  Rennes, Rouen, Tours and Orléans.
The M routes in Tours and Orléans are not signed according to 2021 GSV, nor indicated on OSM or GM. I will wait for any confirmation before I will start drafting the systems.

Nothing on OSM nor GM nor 2023 GSV except of M37 and M801 in Tours that are indicated on GM and OSM. OSM was changed in Nov 2023.
wikisara has each kinda route list for Tours and Orléans.
The wikisara route articles indicate
Since 1 January 2018, the part of this road located on the territory of Tours Métropole Val de Loire has been reclassified as a metropolitan road retaining its former name, i.e. M751.
In October 2018, the first 4.8 kilometres of the road south of the Tangentielle d'Orléans were transferred to Orléans Métropole. It was renamed on a metropolitan road while retaining its number, i.e. M97.

Just like Bordeaux (unsigned), Rennes and Rouen. Why "retain M"? "Retain D" would make sense :pan: Should I draft them with M or D numbering?
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