Wow, the name of the US20Bus
connected route is
South Sioux City, NE. This probably never got noticed ever since Tim automated the initial creation of _con.csv files. Should be changed to
Sioux City, IA.
While IA 12's signs stop when it meets I-29 on the west side of Sioux City, the designation continues east through the city, on I-29 and on Business 20, to US 20/75 on the east side.
Oh joy. Nothing like those routes that are signed overall, but with a significant unsigned portion. Whistling casually and moving on...
Business 20 is poorly signed in central Sioux City as it comes in from Nebraska.
Poorly signed in Nebraska too. My recollection was that it was completely unsigned in one state (NE?) with a single battered old shield in the other (IA?) Re-checking GMSV, I see at least one sign in
each state, so I guess it can stay in the HB.
The decade-long reconstruction of I-29 in Sioux City reconfigured the downtown exits. There is now one at Virginia Street instead of Pearl/Nebraska.
This was significant enough that the DOT did a transfer of jurisdiction and gave part of Virginia the IA 12 designation.
Hm. Not familiar enough with how things are done in IA. Is there a way of determining if Virginia is only considered part of IA12 in one direction? Or is that distinction not made? Or do we just not have that info?
Could/would northbound IA12 be considered Gordon, or Virginia?
And then, the fact that the route is unsigned here takes this in a different direction. If it were my state, this uncertainty if nothing else might be enough to tip me to end the route at I-29 (compare
Gordon Drive to the west is now unsigned IA 812, a number I will refrain from ranting about here.
This makes me curious what the rant is!

the one place Business 20 is signed well is... on Gordon Drive between Virginia and US 77. BUT, Gordon becomes westbound-only as it approaches 77.
Was almost tempted to ask whether it's also signed EB along the 2-way portion
(ya can't get theyah from heyah!), but that wouldn't affect my answer...
So the question is: Do I disassociate Business 20 from IA 12 between these two points, leaving it on Gordon Drive to match WB traffic
I am thinking the best option is to just delete the I-29(147B) point on Business 20
Agreed. It follows the "cut across the diagonal" method I
almost always espouse (matching one of the directions of travel in the process). Similar to
VT VT125 VT23 VT30.
Using I-29(147B) as an AltLabel:No harm in breaking froggie.list, mapmikey.list or mwasleski.list, as they've only the I-29 concurrency, marked in a separate line on I-29 itself.
bhemphill only explicitly .lists the segments E of I-29(147B) -- and also .lists them as part of IA12. Concurrencies are marked via US77 and I-29, resulting in a 100% clinch.
*If* IA12 is retained all the way E to US20, we can safely break bhemphill.list, and make
I-29(147B) an AltLabel for
If IA12 is truncated, some form of .list breakage will be unavoidable.
or do I keep Business 20 on I-29 and Virginia, to sync with both IA 12 and EB traffic?
I think truncating IA12 may be more appropriate.
If nothing else, we'll still have a graph connection at Exit 148.
I definitely am opposed to an IA 812 file since it is unsigned.