Author Topic: CYP: Findings  (Read 5421 times)

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Offline michih

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CYP: Findings
« on: September 20, 2022, 10:44:37 am »
I reported issues when planning my travel to Cyprus, addressed here. I've been to Cyprus now and I must say that road signage is a mess in Cyprus. Thoughts based on my recent travel:

There seem to be road numbering evaluations where road numbers are assigned to new roads. I could not find any info when the next evaluation should happened nor when the last happened. I could not find any official road list. Also wikipedia and wegenwiki are just as vague as OSM, GM and actual road signage.
There are a lot of road numbers indicated on directon signs which must be meant as "To xxx". I guess - but couldn't find evidence - that B roads might have been A roads before the motorways were built and thus there are still A roads signed in the cities?

- There are no "motorway" signs on motorways except on A6. Also on A6's main carriageway after (most) interchanges. Most motorways (A6 at el) have those white "Pedestrians forbidden on motorway" (I was just not able to find one on the fucked up Cypriot GSV right now)
- Exit numbers are well indicated throughout
- We currently have a B6_A label on A6 which should be 41A
- E and F roads are usually well signed (on A and B roads). Sometimes just "E   " with blank field for a possible number within the rectangle.

- I drove "A1" into Nicosia. It is only signed up to the first traffic lights inbound. It's where OSM has the end of motorway right now.
- I could also not spot A1 signs on directions signs outbound on the road itself we have in HB (recently extended) and indicated by OSM being A1.
- A1 is a one-way street on the last (unsigned) northbound segment. Where is the southbound leg?
- I saw "A1" on a sign for a very small street heading outbound just west of our current A1 end. I think it was what OSM calls "Avolos".
- A1 is "signed" (must mean "To A1") on our A9 far, far away from actual A1.
= I'd truncate A1 at north end to E116 because all other signs must mean "To A6".
= We might extend B1 from E116 to the north but I'm not sure.
I assume that it is dedicated as B1 but just not signed.

- "A1" is also not indicated at south end into Limassol (south of A6).
- "A1" is not indicated at current south end outbound. OSM is wrong!
- "A1" and "A6" are indicated on B6 westbound in front of the roundabout for E807 heading to A6's exit 29, clearly meant at "To"
- "B6" is also signed for the first time on this direction sign in front of the roudabout. In adition, on the direction sign leaving the roundabout westbound (I drove the roundabout 3 times to make sure that I don't miss anything).
= I'd truncate A1 at south end to exit 28
= I'd truncate B6 to the roundabout at E807
(btw, E807 is not signed at the roundabout)

- B6's west end is also... "%"%§) well, B6 is a west-east route but there is a B6 sign (below of "Lefkosia", I also traveled twice to be sure!) heading northbound on a route parallel (signed as E without numbering) to where OSM, GM and we have B6
= I tend to keep B6 as-is though because OSM + GM have the same routing and there is a lot of construction there which might cause missing signs.

- B7 in Paphos is (minimum) signed from the (new) roundabout in front of the Lidl. B7 is also signed north and southbound at the next junction to the north.
- B7 was mostly u/c south of the roundabout, and closed. I added two wps to reflect my travel!
- There were no B7 signs south of the Lidl roundabout but I saw this sign (looks quite new) without any number for B7 nor any other road number but just empty rectangles.
= I tend to keep B7 as-is

- "A2" is signed inbound into Larnaca all the way but it should be B2 because it is a simple city street
- I mention this, because we have recently extended A1 into Nicosia which is also just a city street but without "A1" signs inbound. If we would keep the A1 motorway on the city streets, we must extend the A2 motorway onto the city streets too!
= Keep A2/B2 as-is

- B4 is indicated as A4 (Believe me, also July 2022 GSV is not readable. I minimum saw three signs indicating A4 but also B4 on the road itself). However, there is no A4 at all. Thus my initial assumption that B roads might have been A roads in the past!?!?
= Keep B4 as-is

- B9 definitely exists west of Kokkinotrimithia as we can see on August 2022 GSV (2)
- B9 is also indicated here and here which is E949 (OSM and all the way B9 on GM!) and E925 (OSM) though. The very next sign indicated E925 with E! Is GM right on its routing?
- B9 is also inciated here on March 2022 GSV (what OSM has as E903, we recently truncted B9 here!). Also here and here. I saw these signs on my travel.
- B9 is only indicated westbound on this sign. I guess this is the most reliable sign since it is on the new alignment.
- B9 is also indicated west of A9's exit 96 where it is a simple 2-laned only.
= I tend to truncating B9 to A9's end, and reextend it to A9's exit 96
= And truncating A9 to exit 96

- I didn't see any A9 sign heading outbound of Nicosia till exit 92, just where OSM has the beginning of the motorway
= Looking at A1, A2 and "A4", I'd truncate A9 to exit 92 and let the remainder become B9

- I did't see any B road numbers in the city center of Nikosia but I only traveled "B18" between our current A1 and A9.
= Keeping B18 (and other B roads) as-is assuming that they are dedicated but just not signed?

I know that many proposed changes mean redrawing recent changes. Nonetheless, the changes helped me adjusting my travel and driving the routes in question to find evidence - or not. Thanks! :)

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Re: CYP: Findings
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2025, 12:27:24 pm »
It seems that the routes of the Turkish part have been renumbered:
At first glance, it seems that a "0" was added, i.e. D10 -> D100, D20 -> D200 etc. However, D100 (former D10) seems to extend to Sadrazamköy at west end....

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Re: CYP: Findings
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2025, 01:20:59 pm »
The coords of A1's 28a wp and A6's 28a wp need to be synced. A6's coords are positioned better.

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Re: CYP: Findings
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2025, 05:56:02 am »
The routes aren't concurrent there, but I've synced the points and added a shaping point to only the A1 to re-break the concurrency.

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Re: CYP: Findings
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2025, 07:54:03 am »
Now done the Northern Cyprus changes per the official maps (including the labels for county routes)