Highway Data Discussion > Updates to Highway Data

OR: US97BusRed & pals


OR126 -> OR126_W
The S end is synced up with OR126, but US97 is an NMP. US97's coords are a tiny bit closer to the center, but if you only want to resync one point, moving US97's here is easier.

US97Bus/OR126 -> US97Bus/126. Also the aforementioned NMP.
OR126 -> OR126_E

US97/97Bus: With US97Bus ending here, wouldn't US97_S be better?
US97 -> US97_N. This point's also an NMP with US97; recommend moving here to sync up.

Missed this thread.

I believe the NMPs are a result from the never finished recentering project I started for Oregon (US 97 got done, but OR 126 wasn't started, I'm guessing).

While I still have Thoughts about the tag relabeling, I'll get this done when I get home.

Fixed. Submitted.


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