Updates to get AB & NS ready for Preview are now in the HB.
Breakdown of status by province:AB ReadyBC Ping OscarNS ReadyON Ping JamesSK Needs workPing Oscar:• What's your take on BC GolEarsWay & KniSt? My inclination would be to ditch them; that's just my 2 cents.
• If you'd like, I could bash together an update for Circle Drive and submit it for your approval.
Ping James:• I looked over the ON routes along with all the others when this thread got started, and everything looked good & mostly ready to go. Right?
• However, Si does bring up
a good point about RR174 (Queensway) needing sorting.
• From a stylistic perspective, I don't like the mismatch between Route/Root (RR174) and City (Queensway), used for these named systems to provide the full highway name. I'd prefer they be more consistent, with what's signed. However,
there is the existing precedent of NV CR215. Thoughts?
(My dislike is not a violent dislike, to be clear...)• Despite me saying "Shield style ... convincing argument"
upthread, I still think that CANNF is the best place for Queen Elizabeth Way. Going back to Tim's third bullet point from
this post when the state/provincial systems' scope was first defined...
- In general, most states should have a well defined system of numbered state highways, with their own designation type and highway shield, which are often called something like "trunk" or "touring" or "traffic" routes. ... The scope of the system is not the same as "all state-maintained highways". Each state defines their highway system differently.....
(Italics as in original)