Continent/Regional systems (these are mostly just hyped-up development corridors at the moment, though the long term plan is to have them as international road networks)afrtah - UNECA Trans-African Highways reviewer:
t.b.d.afrcu - UEMOA Community Roads
afrea - EAC Road Network (si404) reviewer:
t.b.d.afrrtr - SADC Regional Trunk Roads (si404) reviewer:
Freeway systemsafrsnf - Africa Named Freeways?
alga - Algeria Autoroutes
coda - DRC Motorway
com - Cameroon Autoroutes (
gaba - Gabon Autoroutesmara - Morocco Autoroutesnama - Namibia A Roadsngae - Nigeria Expressways (si404) reviewer:
t.b.d.sena - Senegal Autoroutestuna - Tunisia Autoroutesugam - Uganda Motorways
National systemsagoen - Angola Estrada Nacional
(si404)bdirn - Burundi Routes Nationale (si404) reviewer:
michih (Done)benrnie - Benin Route Nationale Inter-Etat
benrn - Benin Route Nationale
bfan - Burkina Faso Route Nationale
bwaa - Botswana A Roadscafrn - CAR Routes Nationale
civa - Cote d'Ivoire Main Roads
cmrn - Cameroon Routes Nationale
codn - DRC Routes Nationale (si404) reviewer:
t.b.d.cogn - Congo Routes Nationale (si404) reviewer:
michih (Done)comrn - Comoros Routes Nationalecpv - Cabo Verde Estrada Nacional
(odd system - need to investigate further)djirn - Djibouti Routes Nationale
dzan - Algeria Routes Nationale
egy - Egypt?
erip - Eritrea Primary Roads
etha - Ethiopia Trunk Roads
gabn - Gabon Routes Nationaleghan - Ghana National Roads
ginn - Guinea Routes Nationale
gnbn - Guinea-Bissau Estradas Nacionaisgnq - Equatorial Guinea (no numbered roads. Two named semi-freeways, and part of TAH10 run in region) (si404)kena - Kenya A Roads (si404) reviewer:
t.b.d. - needs overhaul
kenb - Kenya B Roads (si404) reviewer:
t.b.d. - needs overhaul
lbr - Liberia ?
lby - Libya ?
lsoa - Lesotho Main Roadsmarn - Morocco National Roadsmdgn - Madagascar National Roads
mlin - Mali Routes Nationale
mozn - Mozambique Estrada Nacional (si404) reviewer:
t.b.d.mrtn - Mauritania Routes Nationale
musm - Mauritius Motorwaysmusa - Mauritius Primary Main Roadsmusb - Mauritius Secondary Main Roadsmwim - Malawi Main Roads (si404) reviewer:
michih (Done)mytd - Mayotte Routes Départementalesnamb - Namibia Major Routesnerrn - Niger Route Nationale
ngaa - Nigeria Federal Trunk Main Roads
reud - Reunion Routes Départementalerwanr - Rwanda National Roadssdna - Sudan Trunk Roads
senn - Senegal Routes Nationale (si404) reviewer:
michihsle - Sierra Leone ?
som - Somalia ?
ssd - South Sudan ?
stpen - Sao Tome and Principe Estrada Nacionalswzmr - Eswatini Main Roads (si404) reviewer:
michih (Done)syc - Seychelles ?
tcd - Chad ?
tgo - Togo ?
tunrn - Tunisia Routes Nationale (si404) reviewer:
michihtzat - Tanzania Trunk Roads (si404) reviewer:
t.b.d.uga - Uganda ? (currently part of kena / kenb)
zafn - South Africa National Highwayszafr - South Africa Main Provincial Roads (si404) reviewer:
t.b.d.zmbt - Zambia Trunk Roads (si404) reviewer:
t.b.d.zmbm - Zambia Main Roads (si404) reviewer:
t.b.d.zwer - Zimbabwe Regional Roadszwep - Zimbabwe Primary Roads