User Discussions > How To?
How users update .list files through GitHub
I've received an email from a user who'd like to start submitting his list file updates through GitHub rather than pull requests. Since I have write access, my procedure would be different from the typical user. Here's how I expect it would work, but I hope some of you who update your lists through GitHub can verify/correct/make better suggestions.
- Create a fork of, which will be
- Clone it to your own computer
- Make your changes, commit and push back to your fork
- Create a pull request to get your changes back to the master/origin repository
- Before making future edits, create and merge a pull request in the other direction so your fork is up-to-date with the master
Since most users will be editing a single file, I think it would also be possible to propose edits directly in the master which should create a pull request, but I have not tried that.
--- Quote from: Jim on October 28, 2017, 08:57:35 am ---Since most users will be editing a single file, I think it would also be possible to propose edits directly in the master which should create a pull request, but I have not tried that.
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It works. That’s how I’ve always done it. And it removes the need to update everyone else’s .lists in my fork every time.
I agree, directly editing is the easiest way.
Your first user list file submission should be done by sending an email to
Your user will be added with the next site update and your user list file will be published on GitHub.
To be done once:
1. Sign up on and create your own GITHUB user
2. Go to
3. Press on "Fork"
4. Click on your GitHub user name icon
To be done with every modification of your user list file:
5. Go to your user list file:<yourGITHUBusername>/UserData/blob/master/list_files/<yourTRAVELMAPPINGusername>.list
6. Click on "Edit this file" icon
7. Make your edits or copy the content of your offline user list file
8. Select "Commit directly to the master branch" on the bottom of the page
9. Press "Commit changes"
10. Go to<yourGITHUBusername>/UserData (link on top of the page)
11. Press "New pull request"
12. Check your changes indicated in green and red
13. Press "Create pull request"
14. Press "Create pull request" again
Your pull request will be merged by an admin before the next site update.
To undo your changes, press "Close pull request"
Is it necessary to be added to the TM team or can everyone edit his user list file?
--- Quote from: michih on October 28, 2017, 09:53:47 am ---Is it necessary to be added to the TM team or can everyone edit his user list file?
--- End quote ---
Anyone should be able to edit through the fork/pull model. Twice as many users have commits in the UserData repository as we have people listed as part of the team.
Thanks for the more detailed instructions.
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