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User uploads

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--- Quote from: pderocco on November 02, 2023, 04:46:36 am ---I'm curious: why are everyone's .list files stored in GitHub? I understand why the software is; that's what GitHub is for. But .list files? Why is it necessary to maintain a history of updates? Isn't just storing the latest version of each file all that's necessary? That would eliminate the whole process of pull requests.

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The history isn't essential, though many users, including me, put in meaningful commit messages about changes to our files.

It was chosen because we were already going to use it for the site update software, the web front end code, and the highway data.  I saw no reason to use a different solution for user data.

I am open to suggestions about other ways to store them that would work better.

I personally was using CVS to maintain a history of my .list file dating back to whenever it was I started with CHM. So I myself am quite thankful for the choice to use GitHub for storing .list fines on TM. YMMV.

^ One thing I love about git is the ability to go back thru the history & blame and see when and in what context a given line was added or edited.

It's great for source code, though I bet most people will not make heavy use of it for .list files. Still, it's a tool at our disposal for answering "What else was I doing on that road trip; how did I get there?" type questions.


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