Author Topic: Europe Tier-4 systems progress superthread (UNECE)  (Read 155135 times)

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Re: Europe Tier-4 systems progress superthread (UNECE)
« Reply #45 on: September 05, 2016, 05:30:41 pm »
btw: why have you changed the (default) color of YOUR European tier 4 systems from brown to orange?
To be honest, I think it looks worse compared to brown:,165,0):rgb(255,165,0).
You are right it looks awful, but thankfully it's rendered as a (default?) pinkish red that works well. I went with orange as most systems I gave the colour to use red or yellow shields for them (green and blue having been taken for motorways and E roads, though obviously many European countries have motorways signed in green), but the pinkish red gives contrast, looks good, and isn't tourist-route brown, so I'd like to go for that.
@Si: mdam (Moldova) is indicated as "ready to review" on your map but there's no corresponding thread. Is it not ready to review or is just a thread missing?
Neither really - it's ready, but the thread isn't missing as I'd rather prioritize other systems. If you want to review it then go for it!

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Re: Europe Tier-4 systems progress superthread (UNECE)
« Reply #46 on: September 05, 2016, 07:50:40 pm »
There are only 7 color names that will be honored by TM web code:

Code: [Select]
colorCodes[0] = { name: "blue", unclinched: "rgb(100,100,255)", clinched: "rgb(0,0,255)" };
colorCodes[1] = { name: "brown", unclinched: "rgb(153,152,102)", clinched: "rgb(153,102,0)" };
colorCodes[2] = { name: "red", unclinched: "rgb(255,100,100)", clinched: "rgb(255,0,0)" };
colorCodes[3] = { name: "yellow", unclinched: "rgb(255,255,128)", clinched: "rgb(225,225,0)" };
colorCodes[4] = { name: "teal", unclinched: "rgb(100,200,200)", clinched: "rgb(0,200,200)" };
colorCodes[5] = { name: "green", unclinched: "rgb(100,255,100)", clinched: "rgb(0,255,0)" };
colorCodes[6] = { name: "magenta", unclinched: "rgb(255,100,255)", clinched: "rgb(255,0,255)" };

I am not sure why it would be pink if other color names are specified, but I recommend staying with this list unless/until new color names are added to the above array.  I am open to more colors if there's a compelling reason to do so.

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Re: Europe Tier-4 systems progress superthread (UNECE)
« Reply #47 on: September 06, 2016, 11:26:13 am »
Thanks for the replies. I think we should use "honored" color because the current color might change by accident if the web site development proceeds.
In addition, we should use the same colors for whole Europe.

I think tier 1-3 is beyond dispute for Europe:
tier 1 = blue
tier 2 = teal
tier 3 = green

Red is not (or rarly) used for signage in Europe and it sticks out too much for a tier 4 system compared to tier 1-3.
Brown is the typical color for tourist routes and eventually an option for my suggested tier 5 "eurap" system?

There are 3 options left:
1. Yellow (looks a little bit over the top, maybe "gold" is more restrained?)
2. Magenta (sticks a little out like red though)
3. Jim would kindly add something like "pink" (well, I think it's pink or salmon for clinched and brown for unclinched segments)

If we had the options, we could also make a poll to get a final decision...

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Re: Europe Tier-4 systems progress superthread (UNECE)
« Reply #48 on: September 06, 2016, 11:57:04 am »
If you want to review it then go for it!

No. I'd like to review norrv first. Maybe poldk or svng.

Offline Jim

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Re: Europe Tier-4 systems progress superthread (UNECE)
« Reply #49 on: September 06, 2016, 03:37:17 pm »
Send me color codes you like (you can experiment with custom colors for any using query string parameters) and I can add more very easily.  However, I do think we want some consistency across all systems where appropriate.

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Re: Europe Tier-4 systems progress superthread (UNECE)
« Reply #50 on: September 06, 2016, 03:58:28 pm »
@Si: What's your preferred color? Do you wanna make a suggestion?

btw: beln is free for anyone...

Offline si404

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Re: Europe Tier-4 systems progress superthread (UNECE)
« Reply #51 on: September 06, 2016, 07:24:40 pm »
I like the salmon/pink. Red and magenta are too strong, brown is for tourist routes and yellow/gold doesn't work too well. The pink does go with a lot of europe tier 4 signs - roudn, fran, ltua, lvaa, finvt, alavt, estt, prtip and poldk all have red shields/cartouches (as will espa) and GB maps A roads in green or red, and green is taken by eure. Therefore a reddish hue is not out of sync with signage, and the pinkness means it will not be over-dominant.

Offline michih

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Re: Europe Tier-4 systems progress superthread (UNECE)
« Reply #52 on: September 07, 2016, 04:06:29 pm »
I used a color picker and pink should have these parameter:,238,238):rgb(255,147,147).
However, it looks different and the color picker displays a different code :(

I've figured out a code which results in a less-dominant color (I think it's better than "pink"):,200,200):rgb(255,160,122)

Code: [Select]
colorCodes[7] = { name: "lightsalmon", unclinched: "rgb(200,200,200)", clinched: "rgb(255,160,122)" };
I think if Si agrees, we could go for it. The new color should be used for all European tier 4 systems.

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Re: Europe Tier-4 systems progress superthread (UNECE)
« Reply #53 on: September 15, 2016, 06:24:38 pm »
Updated map

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Re: Europe Tier-4 systems progress superthread (UNECE)
« Reply #54 on: September 18, 2016, 11:58:21 am »
I've updated the list of the first post:
- hrvd (Croatia Državna Cesta) is in development now.
- grceo (Greece Ethniki Odos) has some routes drafted now.

I've read the wikipedia article about Russian federal highways. It seems, that all M roads have names which should be added to the "city" column of the csv files.

The system designation has been changed and the old numbering is still valid till the end of 2017, please refer to the introduction of the Russian wikipedia article. The new federal highway system has M, R and A roads. I think it's similar to Belgian N and R roads and both should be future tier 4 too (rusr and rusa). The Russian wikipedia has only one table for M, R and A roads. Any objections?

Generally, M, R and A roads could partially have motorway standard. If I'm not mistaken, these should be added to eursf or a potential future asisf system like it's done for Norway, Sweden or Denmark.

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Re: Europe Tier-4 systems progress superthread (UNECE)
« Reply #55 on: September 18, 2016, 01:11:09 pm »
Portugal was too (abandoned as it's rather a mess)
What about Madeira?
Besides the VR1, there are also VE1, VE2, VE3, VE4... Drove there this week and those roads are great...

Offline si404

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Re: Europe Tier-4 systems progress superthread (UNECE)
« Reply #56 on: September 18, 2016, 03:08:40 pm »
What about Madeira?
Besides the VR1, there are also VE1, VE2, VE3, VE4... Drove there this week and those roads are great...

Offline michih

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Re: Europe Tier-4 systems progress superthread (UNECE)
« Reply #57 on: September 19, 2016, 02:17:04 pm »
@Si: Thanks for adding the rusm route names and bringing the system to preview status but why have you used quotation marks? Looks odd...
I think M5Ore and M7Per city names should be separated by comma instead of brackets, e.g. (Volga, Perm). Brackets within brackets look ugly.

systems.csv has two rusm devel system entries (commented) and another rusm in preview. I think you wanna have rusr and rusa commented in devel?
Why should rusa be a tier 5 system only?

Offline cinx

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Re: Europe Tier-4 systems progress superthread (UNECE)
« Reply #58 on: September 28, 2016, 02:56:13 am »
What about Madeira?
Besides the VR1, there are also VE1, VE2, VE3, VE4... Drove there this week and those roads are great...

Thanks! :D
And another one, what about the Azores? :)

Offline si404

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Re: Europe Tier-4 systems progress superthread (UNECE)
« Reply #59 on: September 28, 2016, 08:24:02 am »
I see there's some Via Rapida on two of the islands (that I can put in eursf, like the Maderia one), but I can't find all the useful information (eg names/numbers) - can you help?