In my regions:Bedford Bypass
- The northern endpoint deserves another look. NS101's exit 1F is not the same as exit 1K and should be a separate point for the Bypass endpoint IMO.
Exit 1F in one direction; exit 1K in the other. 1PPI makes them
at the same coords. Sharing a graph connection with NS1 here is appropriate due to the EB direct connection.
The Bypass could use the CobRd point on NS1 if you think a graph connection would be useful there.
Wait, what? Are you saying run the bypass along the NS1 roadway? There's not even a WB direct connection. It should be pretty clear that the bypass feeds into the main freeway system on NS101, just as OSM has it labeled.
Don't know if maybe you were misled by the
1K label on NS101 and corresponding label on NS1. That one's been around since the CHM days. IIRC Tim originally drafted cannsf; maybe he called it that in order to keep a tidy alphanumerically ascending series of exit labels in the HB. Or it's also possibe that I labeled it that when I took over NS maintenance when draftng cannst.
Crowchild Trail
- Recommend adding a point at Crowfoot Rise off-ramp between NoseHillDr & AB201 (affects AB1ACoc)
Y'mean on-ramp? Yeah, this is its own distinct entrance from NoseHillDr. Added locally.
- Recommend adding a point at Brentwood Rd off-ramp between 32Ave & 40Ave (affects AB1ACoc)
Debated whether to call this BreRd or BrePl. BreRd added.
Comments?- Recommend adding a point at 10 Ave on-ramp (N of BowTrl)
(Y'mean off-ramp?

) Hm. Wibbly-wobbly. Within the footprint of BowTrl, but still its own separate thing. Added.
- Recommend adding a point at 54 Ave RIRO (S of 50Ave)
- It's not clear from GMSV that AB1ACoc follows Banff Trl between AB1_E and CroTrl_S
Right. Never has been, really. TM's original 1/1A junction was at Crowchild. Then I moved it to Banff because at the time there was no direct right-turn connection @ Crowchild. I justified the resulting route trace on "cutting across the diagonal of the couplet" grounds, a bit like
ME ME22 I-295 StJohnSt. Always gave me a little indigestion though.
But what's this?!OSM now shows a new ramp from AB1 west to AB1A. ESRI WorldImagery & especially
Google show fresh construction here. Don't know what will be on
this gantry, but good enough! Combined with what shapefiles show as the route of AB1A, this justifies a newsworthy relocation from Banff to Crowchild.
ToDo. Done locally. Affects CroTrl, AB1ACoc, AB1 & TCHMai.
Oh boy. Now I have The Alberta Anthem (Parts 1-4) by
Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie (Incorrect tune @ the part 4 link. Oh well.) stuck in my head. Not that there's anything wrong with that! This happened a lot when I was drafting canab & canabs.
Sherwood Park Fwy
- Recommend using 71St as the west end
More indigestion here. This was based on "include the whole so-named route" grounds. Shapefiles have the last bit as Sherwood Park Freeway, OSM & Google calling it "82 Avenue" notwithstanding. Plus signage went from
this to
this in July 2014 FWIW.
That said, this endpoint was on my mind as peer review got underway, and I can be convinced to cut it back to
71St on "include just the freeway bit" grounds if that's what the consensus is.
Thoughts, everyone?- East end does not connect to AB 630 (which ends at AB 21, not AB 216)
ToDo. I'll have to look into this. Maybe julmac mentioned this in his canabs peer review, which I've been letting sit far too long. Thankfully though, this wouln't require any changes to cannf, only to canabs.
Glenmore Trail (Calgary)
- This definitely belongs. It's a 14-km full freeway between AB 201 (on the west side of Calgary) and Barlow Trail, with plans for upgrades to AB 201 on the east side.
Yes, this belongs. Probably only left out because cannf has received little attention since CHM, at which time
AB8Gle existed in cansph.
I've dusted off the old file, recentered & renamed some points, extended to BarTrl, and added it to my local branch.
I never liked having to choose between either not including all the so-named route or including a long non-freeway stretch, but if we're going with the "Q1" answer quoted above, it gets the freeway section as mapcat recommends. The short gap before "AB201_E" I can live with, especially if it'll eventually be upgraded, which appears to be the case (the semi-recent
jughandle at 68th St appears to be a temporary interim solution). When that happens (even if it's a long way out yet), all of Glenmore Trail will be included, in either cannf
(cansf?) or canabs.
Potential additions (just focusing on my regions here):MacKay Br (Halifax)
- This wasn't so much suggested as offered as a reason not to include "freeways" that were just bridges, but if there's a strong interest in including it, the NS 111 shield on Connaught Ave could be used as an excuse for extending that route per signage.
Recommend against. It was originally included as part of NS111 on CHM, but removed. The signage intown is best considered as trailblazers with a missing TO; same goes for NS102.
MacLeod Trail (Calgary)
- From AB 201 to the traffic light at Lake Fraser Gate, it's a 5.4-km freeway. Recommend adding.
Thought about this one at times, but am more lukewarm on it. It only connects to routes in other systems @ the S end; the N end of the freeway just kinda peters out as it approaches central Calgary.
Thoughts?Memorial Drive (Calgary)
- It has some freeway segments, but there are a lot of traffic lights interrupting them. Recommend against.
Agree; skip this one.
Personally my thinking is, I'm taking the "(a) perform important connections between routes in other systems" criterion a bit beyond the "routes that consist entirely of one segment"
context it was mentioned in.
Wayne Gretzky Drive (Edmonton)
- Currently it's just two short freeway segments approaching a bridge from both sides, and doesn't connect any existing routes. Maybe if it ends up connected to AB 16, but for now I don't think so.
Whoop-Up Drive (Lethbridge)
- Similar to Wayne Gretzky Drive. It was my idea initially, but now I recommend against inclusion.
Agree; skip these.
Some have proposed (I'm thinking of usasf here too) otherwise non-freeway routes with just a couple interchanges in the middle, sometimes not even connecting to the rest of the network. Not a fan. Glorified expressways or boulevards IMO.
One more I discovered while doing this that might deserve inclusion, now or once it's completed:
Airport Trail (Calgary)
- It connects the airport to Hwy 2 and has 2 intermediate interchanges. Long term plans to extend the freeway to AB 201.
Meh. Lots of non-freeway in the east, and signalized ramps @ the west end.
A few items in other regions:Ring Rd:I don't get why the province went to the expense of building all this new-alignment road for the outer Regina Bypass, when it seems they could have upgraded the W end of Ring Rd to full freeway, put in a 2-way Y interchange just E of SK6, and made a shorter new alignment straight on east toward the new Wascana Creek crossing. But anyway.
Golden Ears Way:199A/201St -> one or the other per
this rule. Maybe 199ASt as it's the exiting one; what would be signed if they didn't sign control cities instead?
RR174:1) Actually, I'll keep that point as-is (since there's a ramp there and it's signed for RR57, maybe even shift it a tad closer to the gore point) and add a new point @ the new intersection with the label of RR55/57.
Looks like they're building an interchange?3) TraWay was the old Transit Way offramps there (in case somebody was using transit along there and used said ramps). Was there till around Jul '19 at least. After that, they've converted the area to light-rail in the middle of RR-174, and eliminated the exit ramps on both sides. So, I guess I could remove it, or just mark it as closed.
Mark as closed, and capitalize that W, lest it be flagged as LABEL_LONG_WORD some day

Holding off on a pull request pending any comments on BreRd vs BrePl.