Author Topic: IND-AH, IND-NH, IND-xx: India  (Read 27332 times)

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Re: India: INDNH-WB and INDSH-WB
« Reply #15 on: September 02, 2020, 09:00:41 am »
Files are in place on GitHub, but not quite ready for devel.  @Bickendan and others who have dealt with split countries split by region outside of the US and Canada, please take a look at where I put things and make sure it looks reasonable.

They can go to devel once we have one more .csv and all three _con.csv files.

Offline si404

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Re: India: INDNH-WB and INDSH-WB
« Reply #16 on: September 02, 2020, 03:21:23 pm »
Files are in place on GitHub, but not quite ready for devel.  @Bickendan and others who have dealt with split countries split by region outside of the US and Canada, please take a look at where I put things and make sure it looks reasonable.
Looks fine.

I've made the _con.csvs, per the routes as currently there, as well as making the missing .csv, and fixing the others (region is "IND-WB", rather than "WB"). I've added the systems to systems.csv, and ran a datacheck so it works. @Bickendan ought to download and maintain those files:

I've added 'x' banners to the asiahp files (and I'd imagine they'd just be replaced by the indah files in the asiah system) in West Bengal - because otherwise it throws a hissy fit as there's two routes with the same name. This is a heads up for when this redo extends to other states.

Offline Bickendan

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Re: India: INDNH-WB and INDSH-WB
« Reply #17 on: September 02, 2020, 04:40:04 pm »
I'll grab the fixed and added .csvs when I get on my laptop.
I just noticed the named National Expressway routes in the browser; as the Durgapur overlaps 100% with AH1/NH19, the Belghoria with AH1/NH12, and Kona with NH 12, should I worry about these (I feel like it'll stray into can of worms territory with other regions [ORH cough])? I don't want to stir that pot at the moment.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2020, 11:50:19 pm by Bickendan »

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Re: India: INDNH-WB and INDSH-WB
« Reply #18 on: September 03, 2020, 02:05:00 am »
Well... great. I was drafting out NH 27's border hopping between Bihar and West Bengal, noticed the border shifted on a zoom level change on OSM, so went to compare with Google. Google's Bihar/West Bengal is completely different, showing only two border skips compared to OSM's seven.
Bing shows four, Mapquest only one, and RMN also only one.

I don't know who to believe here.

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Re: India: INDNH-WB and INDSH-WB
« Reply #19 on: September 03, 2020, 06:23:15 am »
Initial draft completed:
NH 10
12 (with segment in Bihar)
27 (7 segments in WB, 7 in Bihar ['main' being ultra crude: UP/BH, NH12, BH/WB])
SH 2

Remaining for the initial draft:
NH 18
SH 1

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Re: India: INDNH-WB and INDSH-WB
« Reply #20 on: September 05, 2020, 06:57:40 am »
I'm down to the last NH in West Bengal -- 316A, and I'm finding no evidence outside of the Gazette of India article Wikipedia cites. It's supposedly a NH 316 spur mostly in Orissa/Odisha (the official language there is Odia, not Hindi or Bengali, and my friend in Kolkata says it's Odisha) that terminates with NH 116B in West Bengal. The itenary makes absolutely no sense, however, suggesting it's a route that first bounces west of NH 316 then north of NH 16, then back to the south of NH 16, wedged between 16 and the coast, while 16 isn't that far inland.

OSM has 116B heading west of Dhiga, WB, into Odisha and terminating soon thereafter, with WB 4 overlapping in WB and OD 57 in Odisha.
Google has no NH west of Dhiga, instead having OD 57 entering WB and ending in Dhiga (this itself is incorrect; WB has no state highway above 15).
Bing doesn't show 116B at all, but does show WB 4 running to the WB/OD border (WB State Police route descriptions agrees with this).
Mapquest agrees with OSM's routing, just not showing the SH overlaps.
And RMN agrees with OSM and MQ.

So with that in mind, no 316A.

The only truly unresolved question is how none of the online maps agree with each other when it comes to NH 27 and the Bihar/WB border.

To draft:
WB 1

Offline Jim

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Re: India: INDNH-WB and INDSH-WB
« Reply #21 on: September 05, 2020, 09:42:31 am »
In case anyone has a chance to investigate, I put lots of updated files from @Bickendan into GitHub and ran a site update, but this led to many errors.  I'm commenting out the system to get an update through for now.  Could be some misnamed or misplaced files, could be some fields missing in the csvs, but I won't have time to investigate and fix right away.

Code: [Select]
ERROR: Unrecognized region in indnh.csv line: indnh;IND-BH;NH12;;;;indbh.nh012;
ERROR: Unrecognized region in indnh.csv line: indnh;IND-BH;NH27;;;Golpalgamj-Purnia;indbh.nh027main;
ERROR: Unrecognized region in indnh.csv line: indnh;IND-BH;NH27;;;Angia;indbh.nh027ang;
ERROR: Duplicate main list name in indbh.nh027ang: 'IND-BH NH27' already points to indbh.nh027main
ERROR: Duplicate main list name in indwb.nh027kan: 'IND-WB NH27' already points to indwb.nh027sur
ERROR: Unrecognized region in indnh.csv line: indnh;IND-BH;NH27;;;Samda;indbh.nh027sam;
ERROR: Duplicate main list name in indbh.nh027sam: 'IND-BH NH27' already points to indbh.nh027main
ERROR: Duplicate main list name in indwb.nh027cha: 'IND-WB NH27' already points to indwb.nh027sur
ERROR: Unrecognized region in indnh.csv line: indnh;IND-BH;NH27;;;Kishanganj;indbh.nh027kis;
ERROR: Duplicate main list name in indbh.nh027kis: 'IND-BH NH27' already points to indbh.nh027main
ERROR: Duplicate main list name in indwb.nh027pan: 'IND-WB NH27' already points to indwb.nh027sur
ERROR: Unrecognized region in indnh.csv line: indnh;IND-BH;NH27;;;Pothia;indbh.nh027pot;
ERROR: Duplicate main list name in indbh.nh027pot: 'IND-BH NH27' already points to indbh.nh027main
ERROR: Duplicate main list name in indwb.nh027isl: 'IND-WB NH27' already points to indwb.nh027sur
ERROR: Unrecognized region in indnh.csv line: indnh;IND-BH;NH27;;;Islampur;indbh.nh027isl;
ERROR: Duplicate main list name in indbh.nh027isl: 'IND-BH NH27' already points to indbh.nh027main
ERROR: Duplicate main list name in indwb.nh027ram: 'IND-WB NH27' already points to indwb.nh027sur
ERROR: Duplicate main list name in inbh.nh027ram: 'IND-WB NH27' already points to indwb.nh027sur
ERROR: Duplicate main list name in indwb.nh027main: 'IND-WB NH27' already points to indwb.nh027sur
ERROR: Unrecognized region in indnh.csv line: indnh;IND-OD;NH116B;;;;indod.nh116b;
ERROR: Duplicate main list name in indwb.218pur: 'IND-WB NH218' already points to indwb.nh218
ERROR: Could not find Route matching ConnectedRoute root indwb.nh010 in system indnh.
ERROR: No roots in indnh_con.csv line: indnh;NH10;;;indwb.nh010
ERROR: Could not find Route matching ConnectedRoute root inhbh.nh027sam in system indnh.
ERROR: Could not find Route matching ConnectedRoute root indwb.nh027pot in system indnh.
ERROR: Could not find Route matching ConnectedRoute root indbh.nh027ram in system indnh.
ERROR: Could not find Route matching ConnectedRoute root indas.nh027 in system indnh.
ERROR: Could not find Route matching ConnectedRoute root indor.nh116b in system indnh.
ERROR: Could not find Route matching ConnectedRoute root indjh.nh218cha in system indnh.
ERROR: Could not find Route matching ConnectedRoute root indwb.nh218pur in system indnh.
ERROR: Could not find Route matching ConnectedRoute root indwb.nh512 in system indnh.
ERROR: No roots in indnh_con.csv line: indnh;NH512;;;indwb.nh512


Code: [Select]
[202.4] Processing waypoint labels and checking for unconnected chopped routes.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 2889, in <module>
    if r.rootOrder > 0 and len(q.point_list) > 1 and not r.con_beg().same_coords(q.con_end()):
  File "./", line 1096, in con_beg
    return self.point_list[-1] if self.is_reversed else self.point_list[0]
IndexError: list index out of range

Offline si404

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Re: India: INDNH-WB and INDSH-WB
« Reply #22 on: September 05, 2020, 12:50:37 pm »
The unrecognised region issue is because the ISO 3166-2:IN code for Bihar is BR, and thus our code is IND-BR, not IND-BH.

The Duplicate main list name issues are a lack of values in the 'Abbrev' field.

Offline Bickendan

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Re: India: INDNH-WB and INDSH-WB
« Reply #23 on: September 05, 2020, 05:27:52 pm »
The unrecognised region issue is because the ISO 3166-2:IN code for Bihar is BR, and thus our code is IND-BR, not IND-BH.
Not an intuitive ISO code, but I'll get those fixed, including in the tag labels.
The Duplicate main list name issues are a lack of values in the 'Abbrev' field.
Ok, I'll fix those up at lunch.

Offline si404

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Re: India: INDNH-WB and INDSH-WB
« Reply #24 on: September 05, 2020, 05:39:37 pm »
Not an intuitive ISO code
BihaR is no different to IowA, ConnecticuT, VermonT or VirginiA.

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Re: INH: India National Highways
« Reply #25 on: September 06, 2020, 04:35:41 am »
The unrecognised region issue is because the ISO 3166-2:IN code for Bihar is BR, and thus our code is IND-BR, not IND-BH.
Not an intuitive ISO code

Is BH signed on roads?

Offline Bickendan

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Re: INH: India National Highways
« Reply #26 on: September 07, 2020, 05:45:02 pm »
Doesn't look like NH was reactivated.

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Re: INH: India National Highways
« Reply #27 on: September 09, 2020, 11:06:04 pm »
Initial drafts for IND-WB have been finished. Once they're live, I can start refining the files and hunting down appropriate labels for every tag (less of an issue for the AH files and the routes that overlap them).
Nightmare routes for WB will be NH 10, 110, 710, 717A, and WB 12, as they all ascend into the Himalayas north of Darjeeling and are switchback hell (Sikkim's going to be fun -- might do that next to get it out of the way).

Offline Bickendan

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Re: INH: India National Highways
« Reply #28 on: February 16, 2021, 10:44:06 pm »
Can someone throw a quick glance at NH 27's border hops between Bihar and West Bengal to advise on how to address the Disconnected Route errors?
I *think* I have it all correct in the .csvs, but I'm not certain.

Offline si404

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Re: INH: India National Highways
« Reply #29 on: February 17, 2021, 09:31:57 am »
Can someone throw a quick glance at NH 27's border hops between Bihar and West Bengal to advise on how to address the Disconnected Route errors?
I *think* I have it all correct in the .csvs, but I'm not certain.
So I had a look at the individual routes and their border points. Seems like you finessed some on Bihar routes, but didn't then copy the coordinates over onto the Bengali routes

The order given for the (connected route) works fine, so there's nothing wrong with the csvs. But if you zoom in on several of the border points, you can see the disconnects

The western end (indbr.nh027,indwb.nh027sur,indbr.nh027ang,indwb.nh027kan) forms a working connected route, but almost everything after that everything is disconnected - the next 3 chopped routes (indbr.nh027sam,indwb.nh027cha,indbr.nh027kis) connect, but that's it, with everything else being near-miss points.

action points:

WB/BR - copy to indwb.nh027kan

BR/WB - copy to indwb.nh027pan

WB/BR - copy to indwb.nh027pan
BR/WB - copy to indwb.nh027isl

WB/BR - copy to indwb.nh027isl
BR/WB - copy to indwb.nh027ram

WB/BR - copy to indwb.nh027ram
BR/WB - copy to indwb.nh027