Highway Data Discussion > In-progress Highway Systems & Work

fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales

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Actual status of the systems:

fragesd08 - Ardennes Routes Départementales
fragesd10 - Aube Routes Départementales
fragesd51 - Marne Routes Départementales
fragesd52 - Haute-Marne Routes Départementales
fragesd54 - Meurthe-et-Moselle Routes Départementales
fragesm54 - Métropole du Grand Nancy Routes Métropolitaines
fragesd55 - Meuse Routes Départementales
fragesd57 - Moselle Routes Départementales
fragesm57 - Metz Métropole Routes Métropolitaines
fragesd6ae - Collectivité européenne d'Alsace Routes Départementales (Bas-Rhin shp files)
fragesm6ae - Eurométropole de Strasbourg Routes Métropolitaines
fragesd88 - Vosges Routes Départementales

Black=not yet drafted (not in HB), Red=devel, Orange=preview, Green=active

Notes to routes:

Please report issues here!

fragesd51 - Marne Routes Départementales will be in preview with the next site update. About 400 routes for 2,500mi.

frages.d003008: D8051A_M -> D8051A_N

frages.d805108 & frages.d098508gue: recommend a second waypoint at the roundabout, due to the way the junction is set up with multiple routes. It's sort of like one of these.


--- Quote from: yakra on November 22, 2020, 12:31:04 pm ---frages.d805108 & frages.d098508gue: recommend a second waypoint at the roundabout, due to the way the junction is set up with multiple routes. It's sort of like one of these.
--- End quote ---

I dealed with this as you recommend in the past but changed my mind meanwhile. The "one wp per interchange" rule applies now. Won't change!


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