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Mapview rte= functionality

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I'm busy converting all existing Mapview functionality to use the new underlying engine developed for the scrollable Mapview that's now available.  I'm hoping it's going to knock off some things that have been on wish lists for years and maybe even introduce some new useful functionality you might not have thought about.

For things like combinations of rg= and sys= QS parameters, it's easy enough and I plan to match existing functionality.  rg= alone shows all routes in the given region(s),  sys= alone shows all routes in the given system(s), and rg= and sys= together shows all routes in the regions that are in the systems.  These are used in links from various places on the site.

The country= parameter can replace or supplement the rg= parameter, and all regions of the given country are added to the region list before processing, and we can still restrict by systems, optionally.  I intend to maintain this, even though it invites massive queries that are likely to lead to long load times and overburdened map navigation.  But if you want it, it should be there.

The rte= parameter is a little more strange.  As pointed out in some recent discussions here and/or in GitHub Issues, the rte= parameter alone gives all "related" routes that use that as the "route" field in the routes table, ignoring banner, abbrev, and city.  So if you specify rte=I-90, you not only get all of the regional segments of mainline I-90 from usai, but you all get each of the business loops and spurs in usaib.  That seems like a reasonable feature and would not be hard to continue to provide.  However, we also use it to generate some links to mapview such as rte=I-84&sys=usai, which I believe are intended to show all segments of a connected route.  However, as this parameter gives no information about which connected route if there is more than one with the same "route" field, it just shows all.  Those interested can see the discussion in https://github.com/TravelMapping/Web/issues/101 .  I propose that we either disallow the system restriction  in Mapview altogether or leave the functionality as-is, but provide true connected route capabilities in an improved version of the HB (see: https://github.com/TravelMapping/Web/issues/421 ).

I'm bringing this last issue to the forum to try to get some wider feedback on it.

I find the system restriction useful, and use it pretty frequently.
Let's leave the functionality as-is, and provide true connected route capabilities in an improved version of the HB.

Thoughts on a banner= parameter?


--- Quote from: Jim on June 05, 2020, 04:18:43 pm ---So if you specify rte=I-90, you not only get all of the regional segments of mainline I-90 from usai, but you all get each of the business loops and spurs in usaib.  That seems like a reasonable feature and would not be hard to continue to provide.
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That's useful. rte=A1 and similar isn't so much.

The I-90 business routes are related to I-90. A1 gives you 41 different actual A1 routes (some consisting of several segments and related routes themselves): Albania, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Botswana, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Gabon, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Isle of Man, Italy, Jamaica, Jersey, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Latvia, Lesotho, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Martinique, Morocco, Mauritius, Namibia, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Senegal, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland and Tunisia. And also two that aren't: Florida's FLA1A and Massachusetts' MA1A.


--- Quote from: si404 on June 05, 2020, 05:54:37 pm ---And also two that aren't: Florida's FLA1A and Massachusetts' MA1A.

--- End quote ---
Is there a way to replicate the '^' functionality of a Un*x regex?


--- Quote from: si404 on June 05, 2020, 05:54:37 pm ---The I-90 business routes are related to I-90. A1 gives you 41 different actual A1 routes

--- End quote ---
One way to make the "Related Routes" link from the HB immensely more useful would be to add a sys= restriction to the mapview URL, E.G.


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