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Updates to Highway Data / DEU-TH: L1054 point for Buchenwald
« Last post by bhemphill on Yesterday at 11:40:44 pm »
In Thuringia, shouldn't there be a point at Blutstraße for Buchenwald on L1054 since tourists, especially those on buses, are likely to turn there instead of continuing on down the road to do a clinch and come back to the site? 
There appears to be a Truck Route NE 74 East at the turn and Truck Route NE 10 North at the turn and at the end that run over 33 Rd and US 6/US 34 to keep trucks from making the turn in town on the residential street.  I know, stupid truck routes.
Updates to Highway Data / DEU-SH: L28 missing point for K69 or K64
« Last post by bhemphill on Yesterday at 11:03:47 pm »
In Schleswig-Holstein on L28 it looks like the west shape point between L190 and L29 could be moved to the visible point for what appears to be either K69 or K64.  OSM calls it K64, but the reflectors show K69 labels on the posts near the L28 intersection while having K64 labels on the posts near L190.  Maybe the designation changes somewhere in the middle or there was a renumbering and some posts still have the old number?
Updates to Highway Data / DEU-SH: L150 missing point
« Last post by bhemphill on Yesterday at 10:45:39 pm »
In Schleswig-Holstein L150 is missing the point FriThiRing for Fritz-Thiedemann-Ring that exist on B203 and B5.
Updates to Highway Data / BEL: N884 missing point and broken concurrency
« Last post by bhemphill on Yesterday at 10:26:07 pm »
In Belgium on N884, it is missing the point from N853 with the label N884_S.  This breaks the end of the concurrency.  Also the current point N853_E on N884 is where the old routing diverged, but not the current so that point probably needs to be renamed.
It's obviously a false positive though.

Not really.  Not having the second 'prefix' after a slash goes back to the early days of the project.

As for the OP, my memory's a bit hazy, but I'm pretty sure this was an early example (Alabama being one of the first sets of US routes drafted) of Tim wanting to keep point labels short, and the lack of the hyphen was deemed acceptable here.
That can't be right, unless as you said, early example. The '-' has always been there, and standardizing the usual United States route prefixes was an early priority. KS7 not K-7, MI28 not M-28 or M28, etc. In any case, why lose that one char when there's an extra "US" after the '/'? Dropping prefixes after the slash goes back to the earliest "routedata.html" days.

I’ll refix that when I get to my next batch.


I'll move this back into the 'main' area for now so it isn't accidentally forgotten about.
Updates to Highway Data / Re: AR: AR 396 decommissioned
« Last post by TBKS1 on Yesterday at 06:30:35 pm »

I’ll refix that when I get to my next batch.
It's obviously a false positive though.
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