Author Topic: yakra's collaborator thread  (Read 54968 times)

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Offline yakra

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yakra's collaborator thread
« on: February 02, 2016, 03:30:24 am »
What I'm working on...
This list isn't necessarily up to date.

Regions I maintain:
• AR datacheck NMPs outlook
• CT datacheck NMPs outlook
• KS datacheck NMPs outlook
• MA datacheck NMPs outlook
• ME datacheck NMPs outlook
• NE datacheck NMPs outlook
• NH datacheck NMPs outlook
• NJ datacheck NMPs outlook
• NY datacheck NMPs outlook
• OK datacheck NMPs outlook
• RI datacheck NMPs outlook
• TX datacheck NMPs outlook
• AB datacheck NMPs outlook
• MB datacheck NMPs outlook
• NB datacheck NMPs
• NS datacheck NMPs outlook
• PE datacheck NMPs outlook
• NL datacheck NMPs

Systems in Preview:
canabs: Alberta Provincial Highways 500-986
canmbp: Manitoba Provincial Roads
usanyp: New York Parkways

Systems in Development:
cannss: Nova Scotia Scenic Travelways

Complete but commented out while I deal with my peer review backlog:
Texas Farm-to-Market Roads
Texas Ranch-to-Market Roads
« Last Edit: February 12, 2022, 12:37:57 pm by yakra »
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Offline yakra

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Re: yakra's collaborator thread
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2016, 03:32:01 am »
ToDo / Outlook / Notepad

US1AltPor: trimmed overdense points
ME77: trimmed overdense points

fieldcheck 92 S End

PE: "Second-wave" newsworthy updates, after transition to TM, vs ROADJURIS
TX: US84/FM399 jct: add "TO" to labels?

NY NY22 southernmost point? Croton Falls?
NY22+/50+ (incl 343)
NJ US1&9; NY US9

MA: inside 128; return trip: 290, 495?
PA: gaps in Harrisburg, Emerald
NC: route to SC?
GA: intown or byp @ Madison?
FL: Miami <-> Homestead

Mexico Federal Autopistas
Mexican Federal Highways
Mexican State Expressways (Autopistas)
« Last Edit: October 12, 2019, 08:07:46 pm by yakra »
Sri Syadasti Syadavaktavya Syadasti Syannasti Syadasti Cavaktavyasca Syadasti Syannasti Syadavatavyasca Syadasti Syannasti Syadavaktavyasca

Offline yakra

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« Last Edit: September 20, 2023, 11:53:58 pm by yakra »
Sri Syadasti Syadavaktavya Syadasti Syannasti Syadasti Cavaktavyasca Syadasti Syannasti Syadavatavyasca Syadasti Syannasti Syadavaktavyasca

Offline yakra

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Re: yakra's collaborator thread
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2016, 01:54:46 am »
Eric's Patented Colo(u)r Code
Wot, spell "bolour" with a 'k'?"

I color-code a lot of my ToDo lists as an organizational tool, and then edit the hell out of my posts as my work progresses.
Colo(u)r coding usually (but not always) means:

Red: ToDo; not yet addressed.
Magenta: Work in progress.
Purple: Work saved locally; ready to submit.
Blue: Committed to GitHub.
Cyan: Pull request submitted; not updated on-site yet.
Green: Completely complete.
Gold: I looked into this and determined no changes needed to be made. This is hard to read. Sorry.

Sometimes I engage in "off-label" usage of the colors for meanings other than the above, in ways that make sense to me. Yeah. Sorry.
I'll try to add some notes to posts that need them if I need to publicly clarify.

Nota Bene: Back in the CHM days, there was no GitHub step to the process involved. On the old forum, I used blue for what's now purple. There could still be some lingering posts here from before I moved away from the old color-coding convention. In a perfect world, they'll get edited.

Edit, 2019-12-20:
My use of color coding is evolving... As I see it now, there are more potential stages to the pipeline than colors I've been using...
1. ToDo; not yet addressed.
2. Work in progress, not saved yet.
3. Saved, in dirty working directory.
4. Saved & stashed.
5. Staged for commit.
6. Committed to local repo, not pushed yet.
7. Pushed to GitHub, no PR yet.
8. Pull request opened; not updated on-site yet.
9. Completely complete.
So, this is leading to some inconsistent usage; I've not standardized on anything yet.

Edit, 2021-05-05:
Still evolving. Steps 2-7 fly past so quickly that there's little point in making that many edits to a post to row through a long list of colors. Work is rarely saved in a partially-completed state.
These days, I pretty much start at red for step 1, go green when opening a pull request, which will be merged before too long.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2021, 01:20:43 pm by yakra »
Sri Syadasti Syadavaktavya Syadasti Syannasti Syadasti Cavaktavyasca Syadasti Syannasti Syadavatavyasca Syadasti Syannasti Syadavaktavyasca

Offline yakra

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Re: yakra's collaborator thread
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2016, 02:05:08 am »
Operation NMPs

nb   clean; no FPs
ne   clean; no FPs
pa   clean; no FPs
nh   clean; no FPs
ab   clean; no FPs
me   clean; no FPs
ok   clean; no FPs
ar   clean; no FPs
nd   clean; no FPs
md   clean; no FPs

ri   clean; FPs logged
ns   clean; FPs logged
nj   clean; FPs logged
ma   clean; FPs logged
pe   clean; FPs logged
ct   clean; FPs logged
tx   clean; FPs logged

dc   clean; multiplex break on VA side
ks   clean; both entries must be dealt with on the MO side

ny   has been moved to its own thread

Code: [Select]
ct.ct002 25 (41.561443,-72.126854) NMP ct.ct032 CT2(25) (41.561442,-72.126853) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
ct.ct032 CT2(25) (41.561442,-72.126853) NMP ct.ct002 25 (41.561443,-72.126854) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
ct.i095 86 (41.364536,-72.067612) NMP ct.us001 I-95(86) (41.364535,-72.067612) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
ct.us001 I-95(86) (41.364535,-72.067612) NMP ct.i095 86 (41.364536,-72.067612) ct.ct012 I-95 (41.364536,-72.067612) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
ct.ct012 I-95 (41.364536,-72.067612) NMP ct.us001 I-95(86) (41.364535,-72.067612) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
ct.i095 83 (41.366318,-72.108845) NMP ct.us001 I-95(83) (41.366319,-72.108845) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
ct.us001 I-95(83) (41.366319,-72.108845) NMP ct.i095 83 (41.366318,-72.108845) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
ct.i091 17 (41.521788,-72.77141) NMP ct.ct015 67S (41.521789,-72.77141) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
ct.i091 17A (41.532599,-72.768492) NMP ct.ct015 68N-E (41.532598,-72.768492) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
ct.ct015 67S (41.521789,-72.77141) NMP ct.i091 17 (41.521788,-72.77141) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
ct.ct015 68N-E (41.532598,-72.768492) NMP ct.i091 17A (41.532599,-72.768492) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]

ma.us006 BriSt (41.722339,-71.152568) NMP ma.ma079 *BriSt (41.722339,-71.152567) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
ma.us006 MA79/138 [alt: ['+MA138_S']] (41.716549,-71.154993) NMP ma.ma079 US6_E (41.716549,-71.154992) ma.ma138 US6_E (41.716549,-71.154992) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
ma.ma079 US6_E (41.716549,-71.154992) NMP ma.us006 MA79/138 [alt: ['+MA138_S']] (41.716549,-71.154993) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
ma.ma079 *BriSt (41.722339,-71.152567) NMP ma.us006 BriSt (41.722339,-71.152568) ma.ma138 BriSt (41.722339,-71.152568) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
ma.ma138 US6_E (41.716549,-71.154992) NMP ma.us006 MA79/138 [alt: ['+MA138_S']] (41.716549,-71.154993) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
ma.ma138 BriSt (41.722339,-71.152568) NMP ma.ma079 *BriSt (41.722339,-71.152567) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]

nj.nj024 8 (40.733357,-74.354032) NMP nj.nj124 SumRd (40.733358,-74.354031) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
nj.nj024 9B (40.727434,-74.34538) NMP nj.nj124 HobGapRd (40.727434,-74.345381) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
nj.nj124 SumRd (40.733358,-74.354031) NMP nj.nj024 8 (40.733357,-74.354032) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
nj.nj124 HobGapRd (40.727434,-74.345381) NMP nj.nj024 9B (40.727434,-74.34538) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]

ns.ns111 6B (44.681562,-63.544986) NMP ns.ns007 NS111(6B) (44.681563,-63.544987) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
ns.ns007 NS111(6B) (44.681563,-63.544987) NMP ns.ns111 6B (44.681562,-63.544986) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]

pe.pe017a PE324_W (46.074434,-62.525737) NMP pe.pe017a PE324_E (46.074533,-62.525762) pe.pe324 PE17A_N (46.074533,-62.525762)
pe.pe017a PE324_E (46.074533,-62.525762) NMP pe.pe017a PE324_W (46.074434,-62.525737) pe.pe324 PE17A_S (46.074434,-62.525737)
pe.pe324 PE17A_S (46.074434,-62.525737) NMP pe.pe017a PE324_E (46.074533,-62.525762) pe.pe324 PE17A_N (46.074533,-62.525762)
pe.pe324 PE17A_N (46.074533,-62.525762) NMP pe.pe017a PE324_W (46.074434,-62.525737) pe.pe324 PE17A_S (46.074434,-62.525737)
pe.pe020 PE104_N (46.512454,-63.680382) NMP pe.pe020 PE103_W [alt: ['+PE103/104']] (46.512525,-63.680422) pe.pe103 PE20_W (46.512525,-63.680422)
pe.pe020 PE103_W [alt: ['+PE103/104']] (46.512525,-63.680422) NMP pe.pe020 PE104_N (46.512454,-63.680382) pe.pe104 PE20_N [alt: ['+PE20/103']] (46.512454,-63.680382)
pe.pe103 PE20_W (46.512525,-63.680422) NMP pe.pe020 PE104_N (46.512454,-63.680382) pe.pe104 PE20_N [alt: ['+PE20/103']] (46.512454,-63.680382)
pe.pe104 PE20_N [alt: ['+PE20/103']] (46.512454,-63.680382) NMP pe.pe020 PE103_W [alt: ['+PE103/104']] (46.512525,-63.680422) pe.pe103 PE20_W (46.512525,-63.680422)

ri.i095 19 (41.812834,-71.406948) NMP ri.i195 1 (41.812835,-71.406949) ri.us006 I-195(1) [alt: ['+I-195(1B)']] (41.812835,-71.406949) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
ri.i195 1 (41.812835,-71.406949) NMP ri.i095 19 (41.812834,-71.406948) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
ri.us006 I-195(1) [alt: ['+I-195(1B)']] (41.812835,-71.406949) NMP ri.i095 19 (41.812834,-71.406948) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]

tx.i040blama US87 (35.222021,-101.830984) NMP tx.us287 I-40BL/60 [alt: ['+US60_E']] (35.222021,-101.830985) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.us087 I-40BL/60 [alt: ['+US60_E']] (35.222021,-101.830984) NMP tx.us287 I-40BL/60 [alt: ['+US60_E']] (35.222021,-101.830985) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.us287 I-40BL/60 [alt: ['+US60_E']] (35.222021,-101.830985) NMP tx.i040blama US87 (35.222021,-101.830984) tx.us087 I-40BL/60 [alt: ['+US60_E']] (35.222021,-101.830984) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.us087 TXLp279 (35.207201,-101.833913) NMP tx.us287 TXLp279 (35.207201,-101.833914) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.us287 TXLp279 (35.207201,-101.833914) NMP tx.us087 TXLp279 (35.207201,-101.833913) tx.lp279 US87 (35.207201,-101.833913) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.lp279 US87 (35.207201,-101.833913) NMP tx.us287 TXLp279 (35.207201,-101.833914) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.us087 TXLp395 (35.203107,-101.834728) NMP tx.us287 TXLp395 (35.203107,-101.834729) tx.lp395 US287 (35.203107,-101.834729) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.us287 TXLp395 (35.203107,-101.834729) NMP tx.us087 TXLp395 (35.203107,-101.834728) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.lp395 US287 (35.203107,-101.834729) NMP tx.us087 TXLp395 (35.203107,-101.834728) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.geobushtpk IndPkwy (33.003245,-96.748264) NMP tx.tx190pla IndPkwy (33.003246,-96.748264) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.geobushtpk CusPkwy (33.003832,-96.73206) NMP tx.tx190pla CusPkwy (33.003832,-96.732059) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.geobushtpk AlmaRd (33.004005,-96.716157) NMP tx.tx190pla AlmaRd (33.004004,-96.716157) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.geobushtpk US75 (33.003958,-96.708162) NMP tx.tx190 US75 (33.003958,-96.708163) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.us075 GeoBushTpke (33.003958,-96.708162) NMP tx.tx190 US75 (33.003958,-96.708163) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx190pla IndPkwy (33.003246,-96.748264) NMP tx.geobushtpk IndPkwy (33.003245,-96.748264) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx190pla CusPkwy (33.003832,-96.732059) NMP tx.geobushtpk CusPkwy (33.003832,-96.73206) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx190pla AlmaRd (33.004004,-96.716157) NMP tx.geobushtpk AlmaRd (33.004005,-96.716157) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx190 US75 (33.003958,-96.708163) NMP tx.geobushtpk US75 (33.003958,-96.708162) tx.us075 GeoBushTpke (33.003958,-96.708162) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.geobushtpk JupRd (33.002624,-96.682289) NMP tx.tx190 JupRd (33.002623,-96.682289) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx190 JupRd (33.002623,-96.682289) NMP tx.geobushtpk JupRd (33.002624,-96.682289) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.geobushtpk CoitRd (32.999461,-96.767803) NMP tx.tx190pla CoitRd (32.99946,-96.767803) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx190pla CoitRd (32.99946,-96.767803) NMP tx.geobushtpk CoitRd (32.999461,-96.767803) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.geobushtpk RenRd (32.997075,-96.67089) NMP tx.tx190 RenRd (32.997075,-96.670891) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx190 RenRd (32.997075,-96.670891) NMP tx.geobushtpk RenRd (32.997075,-96.67089) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.i035e 445 (32.981848,-96.930056) NMP tx.tx190car I-35E (32.981848,-96.930057) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.geobushtpk I-35E (32.981848,-96.930056) NMP tx.tx190car I-35E (32.981848,-96.930057) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.geobushtpk OldDenRd (32.983243,-96.909875) NMP tx.tx190car OldDenRd (32.983242,-96.909875) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.geobushtpk JosLn (32.985457,-96.890477) NMP tx.tx190car JosLn (32.985457,-96.890478) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.geobushtpk KelBlvd (32.986242,-96.869006) NMP tx.tx190car KelBlvd (32.986242,-96.869005) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.geobushtpk LooDr (32.982496,-96.664906) NMP tx.tx190 LooDr (32.982495,-96.664906) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.us077 I-35E(445) (32.981848,-96.930056) NMP tx.tx190car I-35E (32.981848,-96.930057) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx190car I-35E (32.981848,-96.930057) NMP tx.i035e 445 (32.981848,-96.930056) tx.geobushtpk I-35E (32.981848,-96.930056) tx.us077 I-35E(445) (32.981848,-96.930056) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx190car OldDenRd (32.983242,-96.909875) NMP tx.geobushtpk OldDenRd (32.983243,-96.909875) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx190car JosLn (32.985457,-96.890478) NMP tx.geobushtpk JosLn (32.985457,-96.890477) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx190car KelBlvd (32.986242,-96.869005) NMP tx.geobushtpk KelBlvd (32.986242,-96.869006) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx190 LooDr (32.982495,-96.664906) NMP tx.geobushtpk LooDr (32.982496,-96.664906) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.geobushtpk CamRd (32.975222,-96.657036) NMP tx.tx190 CamRd (32.975222,-96.657037) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx190 CamRd (32.975222,-96.657037) NMP tx.geobushtpk CamRd (32.975222,-96.657036) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.geobushtpk GarAve (32.966061,-96.642096) NMP tx.tx190 GarAve (32.966062,-96.642096) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx190 GarAve (32.966062,-96.642096) NMP tx.geobushtpk GarAve (32.966061,-96.642096) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.geobushtpk BraRd (32.957124,-96.629981) NMP tx.tx190 BraRd (32.957124,-96.62998) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx190 BraRd (32.957124,-96.62998) NMP tx.geobushtpk BraRd (32.957124,-96.629981) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.geobushtpk LasColBlvd (32.90826,-96.952771) NMP tx.tx161irv LasColBlvd (32.90826,-96.952772) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx161irv LasColBlvd (32.90826,-96.952772) NMP tx.geobushtpk LasColBlvd (32.90826,-96.952771) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.geobushtpk MacArtBlvd (32.904429,-96.958758) NMP tx.tx161irv MacArtBlvd (32.90443,-96.958758) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx161irv MacArtBlvd (32.90443,-96.958758) NMP tx.geobushtpk MacArtBlvd (32.904429,-96.958758) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.geobushtpk TX114 (32.895581,-96.972193) NMP tx.tx161irv TX114 (32.895582,-96.972193) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx114 GeoBushTpk (32.895581,-96.972193) NMP tx.tx161irv TX114 (32.895582,-96.972193) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx161irv TX114 (32.895582,-96.972193) NMP tx.geobushtpk TX114 (32.895581,-96.972193) tx.tx114 GeoBushTpk (32.895581,-96.972193) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.geobushtpk NBeltLineRd (32.877648,-96.991513) NMP tx.tx161irv BeltLineRd (32.877647,-96.991513) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx161irv BeltLineRd (32.877647,-96.991513) NMP tx.geobushtpk NBeltLineRd (32.877648,-96.991513) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.geobushtpk WalHillLn (32.865904,-97.002612) NMP tx.tx161irv WalHillLn (32.865904,-97.002613) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx161irv WalHillLn (32.865904,-97.002613) NMP tx.geobushtpk WalHillLn (32.865904,-97.002612) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.geobushtpk NorDr (32.857043,-97.013156) NMP tx.tx161irv NorDr (32.857043,-97.013157) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx161irv NorDr (32.857043,-97.013157) NMP tx.geobushtpk NorDr (32.857043,-97.013156) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.geobushtpk RocRd (32.845263,-97.016779) NMP tx.tx161irv RocRd (32.845263,-97.01678) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx161irv RocRd (32.845263,-97.01678) NMP tx.geobushtpk RocRd (32.845263,-97.016779) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.geobushtpk ShaGroRd (32.80345,-97.018397) NMP tx.tx161sir ShaGroRd (32.803449,-97.018397) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx161sir ShaGroRd (32.803449,-97.018397) NMP tx.geobushtpk ShaGroRd (32.80345,-97.018397) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.geobushtpk OakRd (32.792456,-97.018536) NMP tx.tx161sir OakRd (32.792455,-97.018536) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx161sir OakRd (32.792455,-97.018536) NMP tx.geobushtpk OakRd (32.792456,-97.018536) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.geobushtpk LowTarRd (32.778678,-97.025955) NMP tx.tx161 LowTarRd (32.778677,-97.025955) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx161 LowTarRd (32.778677,-97.025955) NMP tx.geobushtpk LowTarRd (32.778678,-97.025955) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.i030 45A (32.771397,-96.811144) NMP tx.i035e 428D [alt: ['+428C']] (32.771398,-96.811144) tx.us077 I-35E(428D) [alt: ['+I-35E(428C)']] (32.771398,-96.811144) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.i035e 428D [alt: ['+428C']] (32.771398,-96.811144) NMP tx.i030 45A (32.771397,-96.811144) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.us077 I-35E(428D) [alt: ['+I-35E(428C)']] (32.771398,-96.811144) NMP tx.i030 45A (32.771397,-96.811144) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.geobushtpk EgyWay (32.764881,-97.02919) NMP tx.tx161 EgyWay (32.764881,-97.029189) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx161 EgyWay (32.764881,-97.029189) NMP tx.geobushtpk EgyWay (32.764881,-97.02919) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.i030 32 (32.759526,-97.029276) NMP tx.tx161 I-30 (32.759526,-97.029275) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.geobushtpk I-30(32) (32.759526,-97.029276) NMP tx.tx161 I-30 (32.759526,-97.029275) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx161 I-30 (32.759526,-97.029275) NMP tx.i030 32 (32.759526,-97.029276) tx.geobushtpk I-30(32) (32.759526,-97.029276) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.geobushtpk TX180 (32.741709,-97.020226) NMP tx.tx161 TX180 (32.741709,-97.020225) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx161 TX180 (32.741709,-97.020225) NMP tx.geobushtpk TX180 (32.741709,-97.020226) tx.tx180 GeoBushTpk (32.741709,-97.020226) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx180 GeoBushTpk (32.741709,-97.020226) NMP tx.tx161 TX180 (32.741709,-97.020225) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.geobushtpk MarDr (32.721118,-97.022656) NMP tx.tx161 MarDr (32.721118,-97.022655) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx161 MarDr (32.721118,-97.022655) NMP tx.geobushtpk MarDr (32.721118,-97.022656) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.geobushtpk TXSpr303 (32.70988,-97.024732) NMP tx.tx161 TXSpr303 (32.70988,-97.024731) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx161 TXSpr303 (32.70988,-97.024731) NMP tx.geobushtpk TXSpr303 (32.70988,-97.024732) tx.sp303 GeoBushTpk (32.70988,-97.024732) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.sp303 GeoBushTpk (32.70988,-97.024732) NMP tx.tx161 TXSpr303 (32.70988,-97.024731) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.geobushtpk MayRd (32.691783,-97.024426) NMP tx.tx161 MayRd (32.691783,-97.024425) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx161 MayRd (32.691783,-97.024425) NMP tx.geobushtpk MayRd (32.691783,-97.024426) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.us183 TX45/130 (30.081542,-97.692662) NMP tx.tx045 TX130(458) (30.081542,-97.692661) tx.tx130 458 (30.081542,-97.692661) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx045 TX130(458) (30.081542,-97.692661) NMP tx.us183 TX45/130 (30.081542,-97.692662) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx130 458 (30.081542,-97.692661) NMP tx.us183 TX45/130 (30.081542,-97.692662) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.us183 OldLocRd (30.043994,-97.689712) NMP tx.tx130 460 (30.043994,-97.689711) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx130 460 (30.043994,-97.689711) NMP tx.us183 OldLocRd (30.043994,-97.689712) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.us183 TX21 (30.027758,-97.687909) NMP tx.tx130 461 (30.027758,-97.687908) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx021 US183/130 (30.027758,-97.687909) NMP tx.tx130 461 (30.027758,-97.687908) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx130 461 (30.027758,-97.687908) NMP tx.us183 TX21 (30.027758,-97.687909) tx.tx021 US183/130 (30.027758,-97.687909) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.us183 HomTr (30.005183,-97.687148) NMP tx.tx130 465 (30.005183,-97.687147) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx130 465 (30.005183,-97.687147) NMP tx.us183 HomTr (30.005183,-97.687148) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.us183 SchRd (29.967976,-97.677932) NMP tx.tx130 464 (29.967976,-97.677931) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx130 464 (29.967976,-97.677931) NMP tx.us183 SchRd (29.967976,-97.677932) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.us183 FM1185 (29.9513,-97.674257) NMP tx.tx130 466 (29.9513,-97.674256) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx130 466 (29.9513,-97.674256) NMP tx.us183 FM1185 (29.9513,-97.674257) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.us183 TX130 (29.914834,-97.68114) NMP tx.tx130 470 (29.914834,-97.681139) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.tx130 470 (29.914834,-97.681139) NMP tx.us183 TX130 (29.914834,-97.68114) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.i010 768A (29.77734,-95.369568) NMP tx.i045 48B (29.777341,-95.369568) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.i045 48B (29.777341,-95.369568) NMP tx.i010 768A (29.77734,-95.369568) tx.us090 I-10(768A) (29.77734,-95.369568) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.us090 I-10(768A) (29.77734,-95.369568) NMP tx.i045 48B (29.777341,-95.369568) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.i002 DixRd (26.188369,-97.721715) NMP tx.us083busmca DixRd (26.188368,-97.721715) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.us083 DixRd (26.188369,-97.721715) NMP tx.us083busmca DixRd (26.188368,-97.721715) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
tx.us083busmca DixRd (26.188368,-97.721715) NMP tx.i002 DixRd (26.188369,-97.721715) tx.us083 DixRd (26.188369,-97.721715) [LOOKS INTENTIONAL]
« Last Edit: January 06, 2017, 03:16:20 am by yakra »
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« Last Edit: November 19, 2016, 01:33:55 am by yakra »
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Re: yakra's collaborator thread
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2017, 01:33:52 am »
Operation UnusedAltLabels

I personally won't make an "Operation" out of this,
Making a liar out of myself, evidently?

AB   3 <--3 in AB1 & 2 in AB16 left in, to maintain identical files with TCHMai & TCHYel respectively
MB   1
NB   6

NL   1
NS   2
PE   3 <--PE1 Fry left in, to maintain identical file with TCHPEI

total   15

New England:
CT   8
MA   6
ME   5
NH   3
RI   6

total   28

New York:
usai   5
usaif   2
usaus   6
usany   18

total   31

Central States:
KS   18
NE   7
OK   19

total   44

usai   11
usaib   3
usaus   26
usausb   4
usatx   5
usatxl   6
usatxs   1

total   56

Unclaimed regions:
DC   3
DE   7

MD   21
ND   9
NJ   15

PA   38
total   62

Fold into Operation AR Cleanup:
AR   14
« Last Edit: December 04, 2017, 01:33:51 pm by yakra »
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Re: yakra's collaborator thread
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2017, 11:46:23 am »
Operation NMP 500

No FPs last time; start right in:
ne   all FPs; add to log
ab   3 3A 21 49 52   (No NMPs!)
nb   119 148 505   Mark FPs
nh   1B 10 13 25 25B 31 110A 113 114 125 175 202A   Mark FPs
North Dakota
  coordinate with oscar
  I-29/US81@SD/ND vs I-29(1)/US81 -- just mark false positive
  nd.nd017@ND/MN: resync to mn.mn317@ND/MN
  sd.sd075@SD/ND matches the border in ESRI view; HAIL ERIS; resync nd.nd008@SD/ND
  yakra.list: ME ME149 RivSt ME145 -> ME ME149 ME234_E ME145
  DATACHECK me.i095;291;302;;VISIBLE_DISTANCE;10.79
  Mark FPs
ok   Mark FPs
mb   (No NMPs!)
  coordinate with rickmastfan67?
  Mark FPs
  more edits
  coordinate with rickmastfan67
  Mark FPs

FPs to be backed out:
ri   Mark FPs
ns   Mark FPs
ma   Mark FPs
nj   Mark FPs
  Mark FPs
  resync TXSpr280 & US287BusFtW; check for new FPs (None).
  recenter ChiTrlPkwy@ForParkBlvd; moved points just far enough apart (.000526) to avoid flagging as NMP
pe   Mark FPs
New York
  Auburn: 20/5/34/38 area
  mark FPs

Border entries affecting adjacent region:
dc   Everything's on the VA side. Not going to bother marking any FPs.
ks   mark FPs (leaving MO border unmarked, pending any fixes Jeff may choose to do)

Fold into Operation AR Cleanup:

Confirm that everything's flagged as FP:
ne ab nb nh nd me ok mb de pa md ri ns ma nj ct tx pe ny ks
nh: ping froggie re vt FPs
nd: edits pending

ok: ping Jeff Morrison re mo FPs
Code: [Select]
mo.mo043 AR/MO (36.499462,-94.617683) NMP ok.ok020 OK/AR [alt: ['+OK/MO']] (36.499167,-94.61782)

sd.i029 SD/ND [alt: ['+999']] (45.935631,-96.843582) NMP nd.i029 1 (45.935887,-96.843466) nd.us081 I-29(1) (45.935887,-96.843466)
sd.us081 SD/ND (45.935631,-96.843582) NMP nd.i029 1 (45.935887,-96.843466) nd.us081 I-29(1) (45.935887,-96.843466)
md: ping rickmastfan67 re wv FPs
ct: 5/9/15/372; Mark results

« Last Edit: August 09, 2017, 02:28:21 pm by yakra »
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Re: yakra's collaborator thread
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2017, 03:55:24 am »

canmbw: Preview
canabs: Preview
usanyp: Preview
canmbp: Preview

cannl peer review
usaar peer review
« Last Edit: September 02, 2018, 01:14:36 am by yakra »
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Re: yakra's collaborator thread
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2017, 01:52:06 pm »
GIS side projects:

delete variables once no longer needed

add numeric field support
Field decimal count in binary: applicable for type N & F fields.
GISplunge, DBFtrim

GISplunge Bugs
add numeric field support
signed char bug? possibly not? Gone either way; DBFheader function replaced with DBF.h

signed char bug(FieldLength) fixed 20171103
output commandline to output.txt
header files

numeric field support

fix signed char bug
header files

add numeric field support
type N fields: trim extraneous trailing '0's
check out that Arkansas newline in hex editor

header files:
DBFcull, DBFmine, GISplunge
« Last Edit: February 21, 2018, 03:48:18 am by yakra »
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Re: yakra's collaborator thread
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2018, 12:45:52 pm »
Operation New-style NMP

CT: all marked FP
KS: extraneous point in MO
MA: 2 non-FP pairs in Fall River
ME: all marked FP
NE: all marked FP
NH: all marked FP
NJ: all marked FP
NY: 1 actual FP; 3 from a point coord error
OK: 1 half-marked pair; would require flagging a point in AR
RI: all marked FP
TX: 2 half-marked pairs; would require flagging a point in NM
AZ: 1, 2, CA
DC: everything is @ VA border
DE: all marked FP
MD: all marked FP

AB: no NMPs
MB: all marked FP
NB: all marked FP
NS: all marked FP
PE: 3 non-FP pairs
NL: no NMPs
« Last Edit: October 13, 2021, 11:23:12 am by yakra »
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Re: yakra's collaborator thread
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2018, 02:21:15 pm »
Texas Loops missing graph connections at one or more ends
in case I want to cite them as an example of something in the future

I-40BLAdr @ both ends
TXLp353 @ I-35(154A)
TXLp395 @ I-40
TXLp434 @ US87/287_N
TXLp478 @ US62
TXLp522 @ US59_S

Not at a terminus, just oddball:
TXLp354 @ I-635

Not checked for further examples: usausb, usatxs
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Re: yakra's collaborator thread
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2018, 01:02:06 pm »
Operation Autoshape


Points to resync:
NS cannst ns.ns007 NS111(6B)
NJ usanj nj.nj024 8 9B
RI usai ri.i095 19
RI usari ri.ri114 RI15_W
MA usaus ma.us006 MA79/138
MA usama ma.ma079 *BriSt
CT usai ct.i091 17
CT usaus ct.us001 I-95(83) I-95(86)
CT usact ct.ct015 68N-E
CT usact ct.ct032 CT2(25)
NY usai ny.i095 6A
NY usai ny.i787 4
NY usany ny.ny027 I-678 JFKExpy RocBlvd FarBlvd SprBlvd
TX usai tx.i030 45A
TX usai tx.i045 48B
TX usai tx.i169 BakLn (Should be concurrent!)
TX usaus tx.us087 TXLp395
TX usaus tx.us183 TX130 FM1185 SchRd HomTr OldLocRd TX45/130
TX usaus tx.us287 TXLp279 I-40BL/60
TX usausb tx.us083busmca DixRd
TX usatx tx.tx130 461
TX usatx tx.tx161 MayRd TXSpr303 MarDr TX180 I-30 EgyWay LowTarRd
TX usatx tx.tx161sir OakRd ShaGroRd
TX usatx tx.tx161irv RocRd NorDr WalHillLn BeltLineRd TX114 MacArtBlvd LasColBlvd
TX usatx tx.tx190car I-35E OldDenRd JosLn KelBlvd
TX usatx tx.tx190pla CoitRd IndPkwy CusPkwy AlmaRd
TX usatx tx.tx190 US75 JupRd RenRd LooDr CamRd GarAve BraRd

NS cannst ns.ns007 NS111(6A)
NJ usanj nj.nj124 SumAve
RI usaus ri.us006 I-95(20)
RI usari ri.ri114 RI15_E
MA usaus ma.us006 BriSt    <--Manually use 2nd-best point, to avoid FP plex with MA138
MA usama ma.ma079 *BriSt
MA usama ma.ma138 US6_E
CT usaus ct.us001 I-95(83) I-95(85)
CT usact ct.ct015 67S 67
CT usact ct.ct032 CT2(26)
NY usai ny.i095 6A
NY usaus ny.us009 I-787(3)
NY usany ny.ny027 I-678 JFKExpy RocBlvd FarBlvd SprBlvd
TX usai tx.i030 45A
TX usai tx.i045 48A
TX usaus tx.us183 TX130 FM1185 SchRd HomTr TX21 OldLocRd TX45/130
TX usaus tx.us287 US60/87 TXLp395 TXLp279 I-40BL/60
TX usausb tx.us083busmca US83_S
TX usatx tx.tx161 I-20 MayRd TXSpr303 MarDr TX180 I-30 EgyWay
TX usatx tx.tx161sir OakRd
TX usatx tx.tx161irv TX183 RocRd NorDr WalHillLn BeltLineRd TX114 MacArtBlvd
TX usatx tx.tx190car I-35E OldDenRd JosLn
TX usatx tx.tx190pla CoitRd IndPkwy CusPkwy
TX usatx tx.tx190 US75 JupRd RenRd LooDr CamRd GarAve

LOL River MESSachusetts:
North of Brightman St:
• US6 & MA138 concurrent on ramps
• MA79 solo on freeway mainline
South of Brightman St:
• US6 (frontage roads) & MA79 (freeway mainline) separate both directions.
• MA138 (mainline) & US6 (frontage) separate southbound.
• MA138 (frontage) & MA79 (mainline) separate northbound

NY I-678: graph point near southern end
TX US287: Lampasas St interchange, Ennis
TXLp395: point at US60
remove nmpfpsunmatched
« Last Edit: April 24, 2019, 05:29:56 pm by yakra »
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Re: yakra's collaborator thread
« Reply #13 on: August 24, 2019, 01:01:08 pm »
Code: [Select]
bool Waypoint::has_exit_number()
{ // return whether this waypoint has a "standard" exit number for its own route:
// begins with numeral(s) and is followed by no more than one capital letter only
if (label[0] < '0' || label[0] > '9') return 0; // anything not starting with a numeral is out
size_t i = 1;
while (i < label.size() && label[i] >= '0' && label[i] <= '9') i++; // skip remaining numerals
if (i == label.size()) return 1; // reached the end after all numerals
if (i < label.size()-1) return 0; // >1 character after numerals
if (label[i] >= 'A' && label[i] <= 'Z') return 1; // last char is capital letter
return 0; // all remaining cases are out
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Re: yakra's collaborator thread
« Reply #14 on: September 22, 2019, 08:59:32 pm »
Operation Directional Prefix

Code: [Select]
Region Results Command
CT 34 grep -v '^NY/CT\|^CT/NY' CT/*/*.wpt | grep '[NEWS][A-Z]\|[NS][EW][A-Z]'
KS 12 grep '^[NEWS][A-Z]\|^[NS][EW][A-Z]' KS/*/*.wpt | grep -v '[NS][EW][0-9]\|[NEWS]Rd'
MA 19 grep '^[NEWS][A-Z]\|^[NS][EW][A-Z]' MA/*/*.wpt | grep -v NY/MA
ME 136 grep '^[NEWS][A-Z]\|^[NS][EW][A-Z]' ME/*/*.wpt | grep -v NH/ME
NE 40 grep '^[NEWS][A-Z]\|^[NS][EW][A-Z]' NE/*/*.wpt | grep -v 'NE[0-9]\+[A-Z]\?[ _/]\|NE/[A-Z][A-Z] \|[A-Z][A-Z]/NE '
NH 57 grep '^[NEWS][A-Z]\|^[NS][EW][A-Z]' NH/*/*.wpt | grep -v 'NH[0-9]\|NH/[A-Z][A-Z] '
NJ 45 grep '^[NEWS][A-Z]\|^[NS][EW][A-Z]' NJ/*/*.wpt | grep -v 'NJ[0-9]\|NJ/[A-Z][A-Z] \|[A-Z][A-Z]/NJ \|NJTpk '
NY 192 grep '^[NEWS][A-Z]\|^[NS][EW][A-Z]' NY/*/*.wpt | grep -v 'NY[0-9]\|NY/[A-Z][A-Z] \|[A-Z][A-Z]/NY '
OK 8 grep '^[NEWS][A-Z]\|^[NS][EW][A-Z]' OK/*/*.wpt | grep -v 'NM/OK'
RI 9 grep '^[NEWS][A-Z]\|^[NS][EW][A-Z]' RI/*/*.wpt
TX 27 grep '^[NEWS][A-Z]\|^[NS][EW][A-Z]' TX/*/*.wpt | grep -v 'NM/TX\|[WE]End\|NASA\|[0-9]\{4\} '
AB 2 grep '^[NEWS][A-Z]\|^[NS][EW][A-Z]' AB/*/*.wpt | grep -v 'SK[0-9]\{1,3\} \|SK/AB \|NT/AB '
MB 19 grep '^[NEWS][A-Z]\|^[NS][EW][A-Z]' MB/*/*.wpt | grep -v '[NS]./MB '
NB 30 grep '^[NEWS][A-Z]\|^[NS][EW][A-Z]' NB/*/*.wpt | grep -v 'NB[0-9]\|N./[A-Z][A-Z] '
NS 44 grep '^[NEWS][A-Z]\|^[NS][EW][A-Z]' NS/*/*.wpt | grep -v 'NS[0-9]\|NB/NS'
PE 2 grep '^[NEWS][A-Z]\|^[NS][EW][A-Z]' PE/*/*.wpt | grep -v NB/PE
NL 2 grep '^[NEWS][A-Z]\|^[NS][EW][A-Z]' NL/*/*.wpt | grep -v 'NL[0-9]'

All-purpose Formula:
grep '^[NEWS]' $rg/*/*.wpt | cut -f1 -d' ' | egrep -v ":\+|:.[a-z]|:[A-Z]{2}/[A-Z]{2}$|$rg[0-9]{1,3}|^NE/.*:S[0-9]{1,2}[A-Z]$|:NJTpk|^OK/.*:[NEWS][0-9]{4}|:[NEWS]End$|:NASA"
AR   8
CT   27
KS   33
MA   17
ME   128
NE   34
NH   49
NJ   24
NY   133
OK   9
RI   8
TX   34 48?
AB   5
MB   19
NB   30 33?
NS   44
PE   2
NL   2 10?
« Last Edit: November 28, 2021, 02:16:02 am by yakra »
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