User Discussions > Other Discussion

Idea for an unranked user showing all limited access routes

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Along the lines of the 6lane.list effort, I wonder if there's any interest in creating a similar unranked user list file for all limited-access segments of routes in TM.  The data in 6lane.list got me thinking about ways to incorporate that information into some graphs for my Algorithms class in the spring, and that got me thinking that graphs augmented with data about all limited access routes, regardless of the number of lanes, might be more interesting (not sure).

It would have to be very well defined. Do we want full freeways? Anything with no driveway access? Freeways with occasional side streets (common in developing countries)? How many interchanges in a row?

I've mocked up a user called 'freeway' with Ireland (Republic and Northern), Scotland and Wales covered. Basic caveat that it's late and there's no doubt I've been too generous in places (especially as I got more tired pushing to finish it). It would have been easier with a definition.

There's no rush on this, so I'm happy to discuss the rules for inclusion for a bit.

How about this?  Include any segments such that both ends are interchanges and there are no ways on or off in between that are intended for the average traveler.  So a dirt road driveway is ok, as would be things like emergency accesses or accesses through service areas.  I'm not thrilled that this would eliminate things like I-587 in Kingston, which has roundabouts at both ends, but I do want to eliminate situations where there's a single interchange and normal intersections in either direction.

Happy to hear other proposals for what to include.


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