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Please test new user page

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I believe the database consolidation is complete (still only on the test server, though), and I've updated the first of several web pages to take advantage of the new format.  Please try out

(replace my username with yours or anyone else whose user stats you wish to view)

The main new things here are that both "active only" and "active+preview" stats are shown, and devel systems are not included at all, even in the system table near the bottom of the page.

While I am happy to hear general design suggestions, my main concern for the moment is to see if the information looks correct.  It should be using all of the same highway data and user list file data as the main site as updated late on 6/2.  I have only done the most basic spot checks.

You can also see the new log file and csv stats at and  The main differences here are that there are entries for both "active only" and "active+preview" where appropriate.

I hope to convert more of the existing web pages to use the new database very soon, at which time I'll make it the default.  This will cut site update times in half and eliminate the need for the "db=TravelMappingDev" QS parameter.

the "Clinched Mileage (inc preview)" headings are rather large.

I think it looks great. As far as I can tell the information is accurate.


--- Quote from: si404 on June 03, 2016, 06:01:33 am ---the "Clinched Mileage (inc preview)" headings are rather large.

--- End quote ---

Improved just now by moving the "active" and "active+preview" information to a separate row above the main headers.

Looks fine to me. i agree about omitting table entries for systems a user hasn't yet traveled, though if a user adds some mileage in such a system, he or she will need to look up the system list some other way.


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