Web Design Discussion > General Web Design Discussion
Showroute wastes time showing Loudonville
I have access to some pretty big displays that I can try out. @pderocco can you give me an example of a showroute URL where you are seeing the lengthy delays on loading?
Actually, I just discovered that this is a Firefox problem. I switched back to Edge, and it loads all the tiles fast enough that it isn't a problem. But as I mentioned earlier, it is more prone to locking up if trying to load a large map area. On balance, I'll stick with Edge. But if no one else sees the problem with Firefox, then this is a false alarm, and there's something screwed up in my Firefox config.
I just took a look in Firefox (normally use Vivaldi) and didn't seem to have an issue loading tiles in mapview. I do occasionally see an issue in Vivaldi, however it's intermittent. I assume it's an OSM issue and not a TM issue.
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