Highway Data Discussion > Completed Highway Systems Threads

zafr: South Africa Main Provincial Roads

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795(N2) -> 795(N1W)?
798(N2) -> 798(N1W)?

The systems seems to be ready for peer-review for a while now. It has 58 routes for about 10,110 miles.
We currently have five travelers.

@Duke87 Do you plan to peer-review the system anywhere down the road as you already reviewed zafn back then?

I’d like to try peer reviewing this system, if that’s alright. This will be my first peer review, so I welcome any advice or criticism if I’m doing something wrong.

I’d also welcome any good sources – primary or otherwise – if si404 or anybody else knows of any. For the first few routes I’ve started reviewing, I’ve mainly been using their Wikipedia pages, a government document from 2012 titled South African Numbered Route Description and Destination Analysis (henceforth referred to as the RDDA) which is the principal source cited on those Wikipedia pages, and – above all – Google Street View. There are obvious downsides to these sources: The RDDA is now 12 years out of date, and signage visible on GSV is sometimes deficient (particularly – I’ve noticed – in and around Johannesburg, which also happens to be where the highest density of routes is).

In addition to pointing out errors, I plan to give options for replacing shaping points with visible points, wherever I can find a convenient intersection, and to provide a potential name for said new points. I’ve also begun my review under the assumption that we want a point at every Metropolitan Route because they may get added to TM eventually, as briefly implied in the zafn thread.

N1: Exit is numbered as 134, albeit based off of N1’s exit number.
N12: Exit is numbered as 429, albeit based off N12’s exit number
Consider a point where R21 turns at the intersection of Rietfontein Road and Rondebult Road.
ComSt: Commissioner Street is M46.
There’s a ramp from eastbound Commissioner Street (M46) onto R21 just west of LeeRd.
LeeRd: Should be LeeSt.
M43: Should this be M43_S? Exit 41 would be M43_N if not for the exit number.
Wikipedia, OSM, and the RDDA say R21 then runs concurrently with M43 southwest to N3, but there are no signs indicating this. so I think the route we have is correct.
Man: This point is not at an intersection, but it is just south of one.
MseAir: Signed as D1885.
Mse: Signed as P444.
+X789427: You could swap this for a visible point at D852 without moving it much.
Mbo: Signed as P446/748. (Also, it should be “Mba” if named after the town.)
D675: D675_N
+X470579: Could be replaced with a visible point a bit south at D675_S.
P746: Signed as P476. OSM appears to be wrong.
+X562592: You could swap this for a visible point at D540 without moving it much.
+X971823: You could swap this for a visible point at P2-8 without moving it much. Also, this is the only KwaZulu-Natal Main/P Road intersecting R22 currently without a point.
Wikipedia says R23’s northern terminus is at M57. The RDDA says R23’s northern terminus is R21. (The latter is what we currently have in TM.) Signs at R21 and at Monument Road say R23 continues north toward M57. The signs at M57 say that R23 does not reach M57.
+X588400: Could be replaced with a visible point at 8th Ave/7th Road.
M45: Should be M45_N. M45 is concurrent with R23 until Celia Nestadt Road, which does not currently have a point.
MainRd: Main Road is M44.
Missing points at M56_N (Lancaster Road), M56_S (New Kleinfontein Road), and M46 (Airport Road) between SnaRd_N and N17.
   Edit +X540135: Could be replaced with a visible point just to the west at Johnny Mokoena Street_E. This is where westbound traffic heading to R51 northbound would turn.
R546: R546_S
Oli: Should be 3rdAve.
+X715393: You could swap this for a visible point without moving it much, but I don’t know what you’d name it. I don’t know what the name of the road is at that curve, but it’s rather illogically signed for Hekpoort, so you could name the point Hek. Alternately, Google Maps says the vicinity of that intersection is called Maanhaarrand, so you could name the point Maa.
+X758929: Another good candidate to be replaced by a visible point at the road just to the north. Said road is the third in under 12 km signed for Hekpoort. Good luck with naming this one.
M36_E: Should be M36. M36 runs concurrently with R24 east from this point to Barratt Road, which currently does not have a point.
MainReefRd: Should be MainReefRd_W.
Missing a point at M67 (Cortlett Avenue) between R558 and CroDr.
CroDr: Should be WilSt.
M18: Should be ComRd M10. Commando Road is not M18.
Consider adding points where R24 turns at New Castle Road.
Missing points at M5_W (Du Toit Avenue) and M5_E.
   Edit Missing a point at M7 (Park Drive) between M17 and R41.
R41: I think the eastern terminus of R41 is wrong. While the route we have in TM matches Google Maps and Wikipedia’s route description, the RDDA and OSM have R41 following Marshall Street and Anderson Street to Simmonds Street, and then becoming R29. Signs on Sauer Street (one block west of Simmonds) match this latter routing, and I couldn’t find any signs matching the former. Therefore, this point should be MainReefRd_E.
R21: Exit is numbered as 46, albeit based off R21’s exit number.

Unless there’s a recent truncation I’m unaware of, the western terminus we have for R25 is way off. It actually starts at the intersection of M27 (Jan Smuts Avenue) and Cotswold Drive.
M54: Should we split this point into two? The sign for the ramp leaving R25 eastbound has M54 in parentheses, and then there is another sign preceding the next intersection which has M54 without parentheses. The western point could be JohRd, and the east could keep the M54 label.
KwaRd: Should be M86.
There’s a 29.09-mile stretch between R104 and R544 with no visible points. Consider adding a point near Sokhulumi.
Ela: Should be D1399.
Aqu: Maybe should be replaced with a point at the intersection with D2535 just to the north.
R54: R54 may not extend through Villiers. I’ll have a write-up of the evidence when I get to R54.
   Edit FraAir: Should be S52.
+X634073: Could be replaced with a visible point at the next intersection to the south with S1245 and T2368.
+X607213: Could be relaced with a visible point at the next intersection to the south with S1141.
Sla: Should be S1047_N.
+X427459: Could be replaced with a visible point just to the north at S1047_S.
Peka: Should be S306.
ChuSt: Should be S331.
S330: R26 has an overpass over S330. The point should be moved to the next intersection south and renamed to PietRetSt.
Dip: Should be MulSt.
R702: Should be R702_E (or R702_S).
Consider adding a point at the intersection north of R726, since all southbound traffic on R26 heading for R726 would turn there. It should probably be named LucMajSt or ToR726.
R45: May not be R45 anymore, though it’s still signed for R45. I’ll have a more complete write-up of the evidence for and against R45’s rerouting when I get to R45.
Missing a point at an interchange completed in late 2019 north of LanRd. It’s signed for R45. I’ll have a more complete write-up of the evidence for and against R45’s rerouting when I get to R45.
There’s a 24.03-mile stretch R315 and R307 with no visible points. Consider adding a point at Silverstream Road.
M14: Should be M14_S
PaaEllRd: Should be PaaEilRd.
+X867477: You could swap this for a visible point at Jimmy Connan Road without moving it much.
+X222608: You could swap this for a visible point at this road signed for Keiskie without moving it much.
You could break up the 30.11-mile stretch with no visible points between R357_Nie and AalSt with a point at this road signed for Gemsbokrivier.
R93_E: Should be 9thRd. R93 doesn’t exist.
R93_W: R93 doesn’t exist. Should probably be KhoEaHlaAve.
Hil: Should be D1114.
MosRd: Should probably be M1. Signed as M1 and mentioned as M1 in the RDDA, but it’s clearly not the same M1 listed on Wikipedia’s list of Johannesburg Metropolitan Routes. At the next intersection south, it’s signed as M59 (with a very old looking sign), and it was previously simultaneously signed as both M1 and M59 on different signs at the intersection with R28. This is also clearly a different M59 than the one listed on Wikipedia. The road is signed consistently as M1 from Faraday Boulevard south, and signs in Vanderbijlpark mention other Metropolitan Routes, so it seems Vanderbijlpark and Vreeniging have their own system of Metropolitan Routes. The RDDA also says that M1 intersects R28 a second time somewhere along its concurrency with R553, but I could not find any signs indicating this.
VanRieSt: Signed as M4.
R42/R82: Should be R82.

I think the western terminus of R29 is wrong. While the route we have in TM matches Google Maps and Wikipedia’s route description, the RDDA and OSM have R29 ending at Simmonds Street. Signs on Sauer Street (one block west of Simmonds) match this latter terminus, pointing toward R41 westbound on Anderson and R29 eastbound on Marshall.
RisSt: M9 north of R29 follows Harrison Street and Rissik Street, so this point should be moved west one block to Loveday Street and renamed M9_N.
Missing a point at Eloff Street for M9_S.
Consider adding a point where R29 turns onto John Page Dr.
JulSt: Should be M14.
Ben: Should be ChiSt.
KraRd: Where did you get this label from? It should probably be StaRd.
CemRd: Should be M53.
M59: According to Wikipedia, M59 ends a few miles to the north at its junction with M37, and what OSM has labeled as M59 is actually M37. I found an M37 shield at Lazarus Malewa Road along M57, but none near R29. If Wikipedia is correct, M37 runs concurrently with R29 west to Stanley Road (which is currently lacking a point) and then turns south. However, the RDDA does not list any junction with any route between M39 and R21.
MainRd: Should be MainSt.
M44: Should be FieRd.
BenRd: Should be ModBRd.
   Edit Missing a point at M56 (Hospital Road) between R51_N and R51_S.
WelRd: Should be R555.
WitsRd: Should be WitRd.
   Edit Missing a point at M46 (Clydesdale Road) between WitsRd and WilSt.
WilSt: Doesn’t it make more sense to put a point Fryer Road, one block to the east?
+X384427: You could swap this for a visible point at this road signed for Grootpan without moving it much.
+X779392: You could swap this for a visible point at this road signed for Boons without moving it much.
You could break up a 14.44-mile stretch with no visible points between R509 and D826 by adding one at this road signed for Welverdiend.
+X640008: You could swap this for a visible point at this road signed for Kilpplaatdrift without moving it much.
+X232845: You could swap this for a visible point at this road signed for Ratzegaaiskraal without moving it much.
IngAve: Ingle Street has been closed at R30. You could move the point to Fabriek Street one block north or Leemhuis Street about 2.4 miles south.
MilAve: Should be AusRd.
You could break up a 22.51-mile stretch with no visible points between R76 and R59_E by adding one at S723.
R70: We might have the wrong northwestern terminus of R70. Wikipedia says R70 ends at the roundabout on Church Street in Odendaalsrus, but the signs at that roundabout don’t mention R70, only R34. Signs at the southeastern end of the concurrency we have in TM have R70 only going southeast, and there are no signs for R70 at the interchange with R30. However, the RDDA and OSM have the route currently in TM. If R70 gets truncated, this point should be renamed HosWy.
+X214518: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road just to the north, which used to be signed for Port Allen.
ZRMahHwy_N: Should be R730.
Lus: Signed for Masilo.
You could break up a 23.79-mile stretch with no visible points by adding one at S500.
+X807701: Could be replaced by a visible point at S405.
Glen: Should be S392.
KooPan: This isn’t a road, and there are no roads nearby. Is there a reason this point exists?
+X293379: R31 has a new alignment here that no longer passes through this point. You could replace it with a visible point at D3335.
R31 briefly leaves the red lines on the waypoint editor between R380_N and Hot.
Hot: Should be PepLn.
+X447456: Could be replaced with a visible point without moving it much.
I think we’re missing a point for R372 between N14 and Kono. While the RDDA says R372’s western terminus is at N14 in Kagung, Wikipedia says the route turns left to go to R31. R372 is signed from R31 but not from N14.
You could break up a 30.68-mile stretch with no visible points between Kono and Dan with a point at D3403. I think a point here would be more important than one at most other middle-of-nowhere roads because Wonderwerk Cave (a tourist attraction of international significance – it contains the oldest known evidence of hominins using controlled fire) is about 25 miles north of Dan, so any tourists travelling from the south would miss out on all that mileage. (There is an argument to be made that a point should be placed at Wonderwerk Cave’s entrance road instead of/in addition to D3403.)
Dan: Should be LeoSt.
R385: Should this be ToR385? The RDDA says R385 intersects with R31, which is not possible unless R385 has a spur off the main route.
Koo_N: It appears that there is a new R373.
+X489748: Could be replaced by a visible point here called Lon.


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