Highway Data Discussion > Completed Highway Systems Threads

autl7: Tyrol Landesstraßen L

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The preview system has 191 routes for almost 700 miles: https://travelmapping.net/user/system.php?u=michih&sys=autl7
The system is ready for peer-reviewing. Please report issues here!

Additional info can be found under: https://forum.travelmapping.net/index.php?topic=1776.msg28949#msg28949
Route list: https://www.ris.bka.gv.at/GeltendeFassung.wxe?Abfrage=LrT&Gesetzesnummer=20000250

L2 - add point for Schartental to match Wie

L3, L4, L5, L6, L7 - fine

 - OSM has a different route between BauGas and SoleGas
 - Add point for Stadtgraben heading east to Mils

 - A12 -> A12(75)
 - add point at A12(67)

L10 - fine

L11 - B171_Tel is off

L12, L13, L14, L15, L16, L17, L18, L19, L21, L23 - fine

L24 - And -> StAnd

L25 - Jak -> StJak

L26 - Kals -> Kod?

L27, L28, L28Wal, L30, L32, L33 - fine

L35 - B171 -> A12? (or extend to A12 for graph connection?)

L36 - fine

L37 - Ack -> AckMauStr

L38, L39, L40, L41, L42, L43, L44, L46, L47, L48, L49, L50, L51 - fine

L52 - Gre -> Gru

L53 - Aus -> LochWeg

L54, L55, L56, L57, L58, L59, L60 - fine

L61 - Arz -> ImstPit? BahImstPit?

L61Rom, L62, L63, L64, L65 - fine

L66 - End -> Spi?

L67 - Inn -> Ine (to match the format of INnerLangsthei for INnerEgg)

L68 - add point for GSJ at Schhann

L69, L70, L71, L72, L73, L74, L75, L76, L77 - fine

L202, L203, L204, L205, L206, L207, L208, L209, L210

L211, L215 - Sch/Kuf -> the other L road? There are other cases when this happens, and at them you use the road number, not the border

L212, L213, L216, L218, L220, L221, L222, L223, L224 - fine

 - Hin -> HinArm?
 - Gna -> StMic

L226, L227 - fine

L228 - Kat -> StKat

L229, L230, L231, L232, L233, L234, L235, L236, L237, L238, L239, L240, L241, L242, L243 - fine

L244 - move B171 to actual junction

L245, L246, L248, L250, L252, L253, L254, L255, L259, L260 - fine

L261 - B199 is off

L264 - Guf is off

L265, L266, L267 - fine

L268 - Kra?

L273, L274, L275, L281, L282, L282Hin, L283, L284, L285, L286, L288, L289 - fine

L290 - GeoStr -> StGeoSt

L294, L295 - fine

L297 - move B169 (and corresponding B169 point) to overpass?

L298, L299 - fine

L300, L301, L302, L304, L306, L307, L309, L310, L312, L313, L317, L318, L319, L321, L322, L324, L325, L326, L328, L330, L331, L332, L335, L336, L337 - fine

L339 - Wat -> Lec or Bir (everything around is Wat)

L340, L342, L344, L348, L350, L351, L352, L355

L358 - Def -> StVeit (other x in y places you use only the x bit, here you've used only the y bit)

L359, L361, L371, L379, L388, L389, L391 - fine

L393 - Joh -> StJoh

L394, L396 - fine

Note about 'St': 'San' (ie the first three letters of Sankt) would also be fine, though the abbrevation 'St' seems to be the common usage. However they should be included 1) as its an integral part of the village name ('Sankt Johann im Walde' would be referred to as 'Sankt Johann', but never 'Johann'), and 2) because you don't need to drop the word to truncate as you only have two words to shorten.


--- Quote from: si404 on September 21, 2022, 09:02:44 am ---Note about 'St': 'San' (ie the first three letters of Sankt) would also be fine, though the abbrevation 'St' seems to be the common usage. However they should be included 1) as its an integral part of the village name ('Sankt Johann im Walde' would be referred to as 'Sankt Johann', but never 'Johann'), and 2) because you don't need to drop the word to truncate as you only have two words to shorten.
--- End quote ---

St is used for writing even more than Sankt in Germany and Austria. And it is never omitted when spoken. However, I've always omitted it from town/village wp labels all over Germany and Austria (I found 3x "St" in street names in Austria). Same for "Bad". My approach was to keep the wp labels short. I don't like to deal different for Tyrol now as I had to revise about 20 other systems too to be consistent. Check all non-route-number wp labels. I think that the individual wp labels are not wrong per se as long as we are consistent. And such wp labels are not that important to users anymore when using the ".list Toolbox" for creating the list file entries.

Is it fine to you to keep it as-is or do you persist on changing it?


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