Highway Data Discussion > In-progress Highway Systems & Work
Europe Tier-4 systems progress superthread (UNECE)
RAG list of potential systems (Black=not in HB, Red=devel, Orange=preview, Chocolate=review requested, Green=active).
alavt - Aland Valtatiet
albsh - Albania Rrugë Shtetërore Roads
andcg - Andorra Carreteras Generales Roads
armm - Armenia Magistrale
autb - Austria Landesstraßen B
azem - Azerbaijan Magistrale
belr - Belgium Ringwegen
bihm - Bosnia and Herzegovina Magistralni Put (si404) reviewer: t.b.d. (system in place, but then Republic Srpska went and renumbered all their roads)
bgri - Bulgaria First and Second Class Roads
blrm - Belarus M Roads
cheh - Switzerland Hauptstrassen
cisa - Central Asian doroga nacional'nogo znacenija
cism - Central Asia Magistral
cypb - Cyprus B Roads
cypd - Cyprus Devlet Yolları
czei - Czechia Silnice I. Třídy
deub - Germany Bundesstraßen
dnkpr - Denmark Primaerruter
espn - Spain Carretera Nacionales
estp - Estonia Pohimaanteed
frolv - Faroe Islands Landvegur
finvt - Finland Valtatiet
finkt - Finland Kantatiet
fran - France Routes Nationales
frht - Corsica Routes Territoriales
geos - Georgia Sakartvelo Roads
gbna - Great Britain A Roads
grceo - Greece Ethniki Odos
hrvd - Croatia Državna Cesta
hunf - Hungary Főút
islth - Iceland Þjóðvegir
imna - Isle of Man A Roads
isrh - Israel Highways
itass - Italy Strada Statale (panda80) reviewer: rework = review (many routes were transferred back to ANAS; system is being reworked)
jeya - Jersey A Roads
kaza - Kazakhstan Main Roads
kgzem - Kyrgyzstan ЭМ Roads
irln - Ireland National Roads
ltua - Lithuania Magstralinai Keliai
luxn - Luxembourg Nationalstrossen
lvaa - Latvia Valsts Galvenie Autoceli
mdam - Moldova Magistrale
mdar - Moldova Drumuri Republicane
mkda - Northern Macedonia Magistrale
mltt - Malta Trig
mnem - Montenegro Magistralni Put
nira - Northern Ireland A Roads
nldr - Netherlands Rijksweg
norrv - Norway Riksveier
poldk - Poland Drogi Krajowa
prtic - Portugal Itinerários Complementares
prtve - Madeira Via Expresso
rksn - Kosovo National Roads
roudn - Romania Drumuri Nationales
rusm - Russia Moskva Roads
rusr - Russia Regional Roads (si404) reviewer: t.b.d.
rusa - Russia Access Roads (si404) reviewer: t.b.d.
srbb - Serbia Državni Put
svki - Slovakia Cesta I. Triedy
svng - Slovenia Glavne Ceste
swer - Sweden Riksvägar
turd - Turkey Devlet Yolları
ukrm - Ukraine Mezdunarodnyj
uzbn - Uzbekistan ??? (https://orexca.com/rus/uzbekistan_roads.shtml)
Thanks for the latest update :).
Aruba is missing the country assignment in the HB though.
I think the systems.csv entry is incorrect:
abwrt;ABW;Aruba Routes;brown;4;devel
abwrt;NLD;Aruba Routes;brown;4;devel
A little correction about the (German) system names:
auts - Austria Schnellstraßen
autb - Austria Bundesstraßen **
deub - Germany Bundesstraßen
Straße is with sharp S in Germany and Austria. Please correct the name of the auts system which is already active.
Sharp S is generally not used in Switzerland though:
chen - Switzerland Autostrassen
--- Quote ---(though most are A roads, IIRC)
--- End quote ---
** Austrian Bundesstraßen were federal roads till 2002. They are state-owned roads now but still signed with 'B' (except Vorarlberg where they are signed with 'L' now). The official name is 'Landesstraßen B'. In Vienna, they are called 'Hauptstraßen B'.
So the bloody spelling reform that meant I had to use different spelling to what I had learnt in previous years when it came to my final year in school (when they learnt that the exams wasn't going to allow spellings that had been wrong for the past 6 years, rather than deny the 1996 reforms had happened, as they exam board had done in previous years, and demand pre-reform spelling) got overturned? :'(
Would be great if Faroe, Iceland, Norway and Sweden could be the next systems done because they are the only countries which don't appear in the highway browser. Sweden and Norway only appear if you enter the (correct but unknown) country code in the region filter box :).
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