Web Design Discussion > General Web Design Discussion

User uploads

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If Travel Mapping had simple passworded accounts, I would think it would be pretty easy to allow a user named xyz to upload a file called xyz.list to a processing directory, from whence the server could automatically process it and make it visible. It would be really nice if we could see the results of our additions within a minute or so. And it would eliminate the need for Jim or anyone to do this manually.


Two thoughts related to this:

- As long as the TM server resides on my research server hosted by my employer, I am strictly limiting who has write access to any part of it.
- We can get much of this functionality with automated merges and pulls from GitHub in what I believe would be a much more secure process.  It wouldn't give results in a minute, since a site update process takes several minutes, mostly to reload the databases.  I am thinking more along the lines of hourly updates.  I am still very hesitant on the automated merges of GH pull requests, so this might be accomplished by having several people with ability to merge PRs, and those changes would go into the next automated update.


--- Quote from: Jim on October 28, 2023, 06:51:04 am ---having several people with ability to merge PRs, and those changes would go into the next automated update.
--- End quote ---

Sounds great!

I'm curious: why are everyone's .list files stored in GitHub? I understand why the software is; that's what GitHub is for. But .list files? Why is it necessary to maintain a history of updates? Isn't just storing the latest version of each file all that's necessary? That would eliminate the whole process of pull requests.


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