Highway Data Discussion > 6-Month+ Highway Data Outlook
New York Outlook
2025: I-690 Crouse / Irving interchange
I drove I-86 from Hornell to US 219 today. No ground-mounted NY 17 signs in Region 6, but they reappeared upon entering Region 5.
Winter 2023/24: New exit on HutRivPkwy
There will be a new exit ramp from the northbound Hutchinson River Parkway to Bartow Ave, which will be signed as Exit 2, according to the contract plans (sheets 321 and 322). The ramp can be seen under construction in April 2023 GSV.
Fall 2025:
NY12E will be relocated from its existing bridge over the Black River in Brownville to a new bridge approximately 0.5 miles to the west. The existing bridge will be demolished, and the rest of the existing alignment in Brownville will revert to Jefferson County.
Contract plans are here. Scheduled completion for the new bridge, and thus the reroute, is November 30, 2024 (slide 10).
What to do about NY17. Is and is not! (Implied concurrency? :D)
Q1: New Hutch exit 2 NB (Can anyone confirm?)
Nov 30: NY12E bridge replacement
2025: I-690 Crouse / Irving interchange
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