Travel Mapping

Highway Data Discussion => 6-Month+ Highway Data Outlook => Topic started by: yakra on June 25, 2017, 02:48:36 am

Title: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: yakra on June 25, 2017, 02:48:36 am

Construction Project Fact Sheets
• US 77/Fremont Southeast Beltway (
  (new waypoints on existing routes)
• N-7 between Bassett and Springview (
Big Improvement for Your Buck: This small, cost-effective project straightens curves and improves shoulders on a two-mile stretch of N-7 between Bassett and Springview. With one of the higher crash rates in the region, this project addresses safety needs on a regionally signficant segment.

Builds on Previous Investments: Previous improvements have already been made under the asset preservation program. The modernization of this segment will potentially allow for the redesignation of the roadway to US 183,  which would provide improved route connectivity.

Design Project Fact Sheets
• US 30 Grand Island East Bypass (
Stakeholder Support: There is support for moving US 281 from the west side of Grand Island to the east side to provide a more direct route from I-80 to the Central Nebraska Regional Airport. Additionally, the relocation of the highway would provide a better connection for existing businesses that rely heavily on transportation.
Keep US281 where it is, and move NE2 east offa da multiplexes, you savages!
Title: Re: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: yakra on December 03, 2020, 04:58:21 pm
June ( US30, North Bend to Fremont Rogers

Summer ( Fremont Southeast Beltway
End of 2023 ( Blair bypass

Spring ( Lincoln South Beltway (

US30, Schuyler to Rogers
US30, Rogers to North Bend (
Title: Re: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: the_spui_ninja on December 30, 2020, 04:11:39 pm
End of 2023 ( Blair bypass
Is this link right?
Title: Re: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: yakra on December 30, 2020, 06:43:35 pm
Fixed. Thanks for the heads-up.
Title: Re: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: Highway63 on January 05, 2021, 12:50:03 am
The Blair bypass is new to me. Any idea if it would be signed as mainline 30 or Truck 30? OSM has a line drawn in, looks like it would connect to 75 but if mainline 30 is put on it "eastbound" 30 would tack northwest. Plus, westbound 30 would now have two lefts and one right vs. one left through Blair.

I'm putting off clinching my unvisited Nebraska counties until that four-lane 30 is totally done between Fremont and Columbus, but if that has an ambiguous date I'll have to wait a while longer.
Title: Re: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: yakra on January 05, 2021, 02:35:44 pm
No idea on how the eventual designations would work out. Many of the items I include in these Outlook lists are as simple as adding a waypoint to an existing route, or even just renaming a point that's already there.

I have to wonder if the long-term plans include extending the bypass farther east.
Title: Re: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: Highway63 on January 07, 2021, 01:05:39 am
It would probably be really hard to extend the bypass with the railyard right there. Maybe in a northeasterly direction that meets present 30 by the Missouri River bridge, but that would require a long viaduct (probably like the ones in Marshalltown, actually).
Title: Re: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: yakra on June 05, 2021, 12:54:47 pm
#4858 ( US30, Schuyler to North Bend
#5216 ( NE85 decommissioned? (

How's it signed?
US30 North Bend bypass (

July ( US30, North Bend to Fremont

5/1 ( Lincoln South Beltway (
Summer ( Fremont Southeast Beltway
End of 2023 ( Blair bypass

Spring ( Scribner Bypass?
2024 ( US30, North Bend to Fremont
Title: Re: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: yakra on July 03, 2022, 10:19:48 am
How's it signed?
US30 North Bend bypass (

5/1 ( Lincoln South Beltway ( (L55W probably to be deleted?)
6/30 ( US30, North Bend to Fremont
Summer ( Fremont Southeast Beltway
End of 2023 ( Blair bypass

Spring ( Scribner Bypass?
Title: Re: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: the_spui_ninja on September 05, 2022, 11:22:22 pm
Just got back from the in-laws near Omaha, some field updates:

5/1 ( Lincoln South Beltway ( (L55W probably to be deleted?)
This actually appeared slightly ahead of schedule; most of the roadway was paved and the only major construction is the west end flyovers at US 77. L55W is badly signed as-is, so they'll probably just remove the remaining signs... or surprise me and change it into S55W!

Summer ( Fremont Southeast Beltway
Didn't see anything new on this, but it was dark.

End of 2023 ( Blair bypass
Didn't see any construction on the US 30 (west) end of this, but maybe they're starting on the US 75 (east) side.

How's it signed?
US30 North Bend bypass (
I didn't go through there, but I'll be back in the area in a few weeks and will make sure to field-check this.
Title: Re: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: yakra on September 08, 2022, 05:35:59 pm
Thanks for the updates, and TIA for checking on North Bend. I'm curious to see what happens there.
L55W as well, though I suspect it will be decommissioned.
Title: Re: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: yakra on December 04, 2022, 12:36:28 am
How's it signed?
US30 North Bend bypass (

12/14 ( Lincoln South Beltway ( (L55W probably to be deleted?)

6/30 ( US30, North Bend to Fremont
Summer ( Fremont Southeast Beltway
End of 2023 ( Blair bypass

May ( NE2 Jamaica (Ave? Lane?) & 82nd/84th interchanges
Spring ( Scribner Bypass?
Title: Re: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: the_spui_ninja on December 04, 2022, 10:22:12 pm
Updates: sorry for not field-checking, having a small child along now complicates things.

How's it signed?
US30 North Bend bypass (
Per Streetview, as nothing (,-96.7805437,3a,15y,183.72h,87.29t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1svDnpZbTG3UQ-8UBxOeO-Dg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192).

12/14 ( Lincoln South Beltway ( (L55W probably to be deleted?)

Since that's opening on the 14th, I'll try to get on this on the 23rd/24th to see (pending family stuff).
Title: Re: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: yakra on December 19, 2022, 10:35:06 am
South Beltway is open.
Going to delete L55W. Anywhere there's recent enough GMSV, it's been consistently replaced by TO NE2 or TO US77 signage.
Plus it's no longer listed in the Log Book (

6/30 ( US30, North Bend to Fremont
Summer ( Fremont Southeast Beltway
End of 2023 ( Blair bypass

May ( NE2 Jamaica (Ave? Lane?) & 82nd/84th interchanges
Spring ( Scribner Bypass?
Title: Re: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: the_spui_ninja on December 19, 2022, 11:11:10 pm
South Beltway is open.
Going to delete L55W. Anywhere there's recent enough GMSV, it's been consistently replaced by TO NE2 or TO US77 signage.
Plus it's no longer listed in the Log Book (
The last signage I saw was on the north end, and since NE 2 is getting removed they've probably got rid of all the signage as well. I can drive it on the way back north from the bypass just to double-check.

Because of weather I'm heading down there a bit earlier than expected, so let me know if there's anything you want me to check out. If there's time on the way down I'll confirm how the North Bend area is signed on the west end.
Title: Re: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: yakra on December 20, 2022, 09:21:59 am
Feel free to check it out if you want, but no need to on my account. I'm satisfied with the need to delete it.

There's updated GMSV at the west end now -- as of Aug (,-96.8554369,3a,27.8y,89.89h,90.12t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1s7mt4L075GGAZEKpJYTR6xA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!9m2!1b1!2i40)/Sept (,-96.855183,3a,43.6y,85.1h,93.2t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1sXvt2bFNWi8r9RLhnDmOd0Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!9m2!1b1!2i40), the EB bypass was still closed there so there's nothing to sign.
I bet this state of affairs will continue till the whole shebang opens, so I'll just go no-build on the FutHwy30 label, even if it's a bit suboptimal.

6/30 ( US30, North Bend to Fremont
Summer ( Fremont Southeast Beltway
End of 2023 ( Blair bypass

May ( NE2 Jamaica Ave & 82nd/84th interchanges
Spring ( Scribner Bypass?
Title: Re: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: the_spui_ninja on December 20, 2022, 10:36:36 pm
Cool. So I didn't end up going that way, ended up clinching NE 94 and then going down through Scribner on 275; the spring 2024 completion date lines up with what I saw on the ground on that project, the bypass is just one part of a larger four-laning effort from past West Point (where we met up with 275) to Hooper with concrete on the new lanes in some parts and other parts just dirt/gravel. They'll probably finish the new lanes next spring/summer, then tear up the old road and repave that by the following spring. Fremont SE bypass shows no further progress at the south end since like June or so, they must be working on other parts if it's going to open soon.

Also should add, there's still signage for the Fremont business loops (noticed a single sign apiece), wonder if they'll sign a 77 Bus when the bypass opens.

I'll check out the new Lincoln bypass either tomorrow or on 12/28, depending on weather. Will confirm what's in the HB and see if there's anything else notable.
Title: Re: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: the_spui_ninja on December 21, 2022, 10:47:15 pm
Trip report over on AARoads: (

Pretty much everything is correct. As far as point names, the exits have different road names going each direction, since the bypass runs right along a section line offset (one of the few areas around here that I've seen within a county). I would recommend using JamaicaAve, 70thSt, and 84thSt since those are the roads going north into the populated area. Although, if JamaicaAve, 68thSt, and 82ndSt are used because they're on top on the signs that's fine too (82nd and 68th are rural roads that 90% of people wouldn't use). L55W is indeed gone, the one shield I remember was gone.
Title: Re: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: yakra on December 22, 2022, 09:12:46 pm
My philosophy was, "use the lower number". Maybe that's what got those numbers listed on top on the BGSes too.

There's updated GMSV at the west end now -- as of Aug (,-96.8554369,3a,27.8y,89.89h,90.12t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1s7mt4L075GGAZEKpJYTR6xA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!9m2!1b1!2i40)/Sept (,-96.855183,3a,43.6y,85.1h,93.2t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1sXvt2bFNWi8r9RLhnDmOd0Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!9m2!1b1!2i40), the EB bypass was still closed there so there's nothing to sign.
I bet this state of affairs will continue till the whole shebang opens, so I'll just go no-build on the FutHwy30 label, even if it's a bit suboptimal.

Fall ( Tryon North

6/30 ( US30, North Bend to Fremont
Summer ( Fremont Southeast Beltway
Dec ( Pender South Bridges
End of 2023 ( Blair bypass

May ( NE2 Jamaica Ave & 82nd/84th interchanges
Spring ( Scribner Bypass?

Hastings Southeast ( construction begins

US30 realignment, Grand Island (
Title: Re: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: yakra on November 10, 2023, 07:07:48 am
Tryon North (
North Bend to Fremont / Fremont Southeast Beltway


Dec ( Pender South Bridges

May ( NE2 Jamaica Ave & 82nd/84th interchanges
Summer ( Blair bypass
Spring ( Scribner Bypass?

Hastings Southeast ( construction begins

US30 realignment, Grand Island (
Title: Re: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: oscar on April 05, 2024, 01:53:31 am


Spring ( Scribner Bypass?

I drove US 275 through the Scribner area earlier this week. All traffic in both directions of US 275 now uses the bypass around Scribner. Work is still in progress on twinning the two-lane segments of the bypass (most of it). But I think we could go ahead and reroute US 275 onto the bypass.
Title: Re: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: the_spui_ninja on April 05, 2024, 09:46:57 am


Spring ( Scribner Bypass?

I drove US 275 through the Scribner area earlier this week. All traffic in both directions of US 275 now uses the bypass around Scribner. Work is still in progress on twinning the two-lane segments of the bypass (most of it). But I think we could go ahead and reroute US 275 onto the bypass.

Ooh, I'll have to go that way the next time I go down to my in-laws!

May ( NE2 Jamaica Ave & 82nd/84th interchanges
Summer ( Blair bypass

I'll try to check these out sometime this summer/fall.
Title: Re: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: yakra on June 21, 2024, 11:16:09 am
L1E removal & Scribner bypass (

May ( NE2 Jamaica Ave & 82nd/84th interchanges
Late July (,59832): Blair bypass

Hastings Southeast ( construction begins

June ( Grand Island West

Fall ( Mark NE US77 OldCheRd closed

US30 realignment, Grand Island (
Title: Re: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: Highway63 on July 02, 2024, 04:41:03 pm
US30 realignment, Grand Island (
Maybe never, if the already-404'd page tells us anything.  ;)
Title: Re: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: yakra on July 03, 2024, 08:40:07 pm
Oops. That's now listed under 2026 with a new link, Grand Island West. I should have removed that old link when posting the new one.

Done: #7503 ( NE2 Jamaica Ave & 82nd/84th interchanges
2024: Late July (,59832): Blair bypass
2025: Hastings Southeast ( construction begins
2026: June ( Grand Island West
2028: Fall ( Mark NE US77 OldCheRd closed
Title: Re: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: the_spui_ninja on July 08, 2024, 06:51:46 pm
2024: Late July (,59832): Blair bypass

Drove by this on Sunday, everything looks paved and on track for opening at the end of the month. Not sure if this will just be a city street (so points on US 30 and US 75) or a new route (L89B?), can't tell at this stage yet.
Title: Re: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: yakra on October 08, 2024, 10:38:48 pm
Blair Bypass opened Sept 12.
Holding off on adding points until I can confirm whether it is or is not a Link.
Watched a few news clips in hopes of seeing a sign; no luck.
Title: Re: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: the_spui_ninja on October 09, 2024, 02:27:45 pm
Blair Bypass opened Sept 12.
Holding off on adding points until I can confirm whether it is or is not a Link.
Watched a few news clips in hopes of seeing a sign; no luck.

I'll be down in the neighborhood at the end of October and can field-check.
Title: Re: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: the_spui_ninja on October 25, 2024, 10:00:30 am
Blair Bypass opened Sept 12.
Holding off on adding points until I can confirm whether it is or is not a Link.
Watched a few news clips in hopes of seeing a sign; no luck.

I'll be down in the neighborhood at the end of October and can field-check.

Field-checked it yesterday, there is no signage for any route whatsoever that I could tell (which might be a reason nobody's using it). For now, I would recommend adding "HolRd" points to both US 75 and US 30, which could be upgraded to route points if signage appears months after construction (like S27E).
Title: Re: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: yakra on October 25, 2024, 11:19:48 am
Done: #7845 ( Blair bypass
2025: Hastings Southeast ( construction begins
2026: June ( Grand Island West
2028: Fall ( Mark NE US77 OldCheRd closed
Title: Re: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: the_spui_ninja on October 25, 2024, 11:48:15 am
Also, not sure of the timeline on this, but my in-laws were talking about the future four-laning of US 77 from Wahoo to Fremont. It sounds like NDOR wants to Missouri Expressway it (which is dumb, they have the right-of-way to do a new-terrain alignment might as well do it right the first time), so don't think there will be any point updates needed but I'll keep tabs on it.
Title: Re: Nebraska Outlook
Post by: yakra on October 25, 2024, 02:18:07 pm
4498 NE: Operation Log Book 2020 (
4755 NE: L56D extends south of I-80 by about 500 feet  (

2025: Hastings Southeast ( construction begins
2026: June ( Grand Island West
2028: Fall ( Mark NE US77 OldCheRd closed