Travel Mapping

Highway Data Discussion => In-progress Highway Systems & Work => Topic started by: michih on May 23, 2020, 11:42:14 am

Title: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: michih on May 23, 2020, 11:42:14 am
Actual status of the systems:

fragesd08 - Ardennes Routes Départementales
fragesd10 - Aube Routes Départementales
fragesd51 - Marne Routes Départementales
fragesd52 - Haute-Marne Routes Départementales
fragesd54 - Meurthe-et-Moselle Routes Départementales
fragesm54 - Métropole du Grand Nancy Routes Métropolitaines
fragesd55 - Meuse Routes Départementales
fragesd57 - Moselle Routes Départementales
fragesm57 - Metz Métropole Routes Métropolitaines
fragesd6ae - Collectivité européenne d'Alsace Routes Départementales (Bas-Rhin shp files (
fragesm6ae - Eurométropole de Strasbourg Routes Métropolitaines
fragesd88 - Vosges Routes Départementales

Black=not yet drafted (not in HB), Red=devel, Orange=preview, Green=active

Notes to routes:

Please report issues here!
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: michih on October 25, 2020, 05:11:07 pm
fragesd51 - Marne Routes Départementales will be in preview with the next site update. About 400 routes for 2,500mi.
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: yakra on October 30, 2020, 01:46:03 pm
frages.d003008: D8051A_M -> D8051A_N
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: yakra on November 22, 2020, 12:31:04 pm
frages.d805108 ( & frages.d098508gue ( recommend a second waypoint at the roundabout, due to the way the junction is set up with multiple routes. It's sort of like one of these (
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: michih on November 22, 2020, 02:59:02 pm
frages.d805108 ( & frages.d098508gue ( recommend a second waypoint at the roundabout, due to the way the junction is set up with multiple routes. It's sort of like one of these (

I dealed with this as you recommend in the past but changed my mind meanwhile. The "one wp per interchange" rule applies now. Won't change!
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: michih on November 23, 2020, 12:39:47 pm
recommend a second waypoint
One wp? Two wps? Three? Four? Five?
One wp? Two, three or four?
One wp? Two, three or four?
One wp? 2, 3, 4, 5 or even 6?
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: michih on November 27, 2020, 01:51:21 pm
Future M route systems:

fragesm54 - Métropole du Grand Nancy Routes Métropolitaines
fragesm57 - Metz Métropole Routes Métropolitaines
fragesmXX - Eurométropole de Strasbourg Routes Métropolitaines
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: si404 on January 09, 2021, 03:34:33 pm
These might be useful for Alsacian routes with the new Collectivité (not the Metropole of Strasbourg). Basically the two departmental systems stay intact (with the removal of Strasbourg Metropole), with a couple of cross-border routes renumbered, along with any duplicates. And the D1083 is now D83. All N roads in Alsace are now downgraded (mostly D10xx).

OSM seems to have implemented it all, including Strasbourg (which includes downgrading of the free autoroutes to voie express, albeit not yet renumbered. Ditto the N4).
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: michih on January 09, 2021, 03:51:26 pm
Thanks! This will be useful!

Edit: I think ('Alsace) that the systems should be called:

fragesd6ae - Collectivité européenne d'Alsace Routes Départementales
fragesm6ae - Eurométropole de Strasbourg Routes Métropolitaines

The old departement numbers were 67 + 68 and the new one is 6AE :D

All N roads in Alsace are now downgraded (mostly D10xx).

Except of N159 if I got the source right "the RN159 being granted, it will remain RN159".
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: michih on January 10, 2021, 10:59:40 am
fragesm6ae - Eurométropole de Strasbourg Routes Métropolitaines will be in preview with the next site update. About 47 routes for 144mi.

N83Str, N353 and N2350 have been renamed to M routes.
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: si404 on January 10, 2021, 11:56:29 am
The old departement numbers were 67 + 68 and the new one is 6AE
I think they actually remain 67 and 68 - the departments weren't abolished, merely their councils were and the administrative functions given to this new body (along with some devolved from the region). I think the code, as we would see it, for the new body is actually 6A, with the E standing for 'Collectivité européenne', but I'm not sure. In 2019, Paris' commune council and department council merged into a single commune council and INSEE gave it the new authority the code 75C (C for Commune) - that hasn't translated to number plates and all that, AFAICS. Similarly some of the DOMs are governed by Regional councils after department and region merged into one council and so are officially 97xR (R for region).

We can always drop the E later, if I turn out to be right.
Except of N159 if I got the source right "the RN159 being granted, it will remain RN159".
Not the best translation, but yes, the N159 remains untouched. AFAICS it's roughly* "NB: RN159 is a concession (, it remains RN159 - the Autoroutes, concessions or not, do not get renumbered."

Basically, because it's a road that isn't run by the State, but by a semi-private company on the state's behalf (it's a tolled tunnel), it didn't move to Alsace's control, and so they have no authority to renumber it. The tolled bits of A36 and A4 ditto. They aren't renumbering the free autoroutes that they have direct control over.

*taken from the text of the map, based on the little French I have and my knowledge of French roads.
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: michih on January 10, 2021, 12:50:47 pm
We can always drop the E later, if I turn out to be right.

Agree. Only renaming the wpt files will be annoying.

The document about downgraded N routes and the map do not mention N363 and N1083 but wikisara indicates that they have been downgraded to D1363 and D1083 from 2021-01-01.
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: michih on January 22, 2021, 03:44:00 pm
fragesd6ae - Collectivité européenne d'Alsace Routes Départementales will be in preview with the next site update. More than 750 routes for more than 3,400mi. I still need to check the routes in Bas-Rhin with shp files.
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: michih on January 23, 2021, 07:10:42 am
fragesm54 - Métropole du Grand Nancy Routes Métropolitaines
fragesm57 - Metz Métropole Routes Métropolitaines

First M routes appeared on OSM in the last few days. I could not find M route signs in Metz on October 2020 GSV but in Nancy (,6.2222091,3a,48.2y,0.63h,93.22t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sTTcfdC5Om-Lh_sxVM6ZEsg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192) :)

I should wait a little bit till the OSM update is (hopefully) complete.
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: michih on February 02, 2021, 09:52:25 am
fragesd6ae - Collectivité européenne d'Alsace Routes Départementales will be in preview with the next site update. More than 750 routes for more than 3,400mi. I still need to check the routes in Bas-Rhin with shp files.

shp files checked and routes updated :)

see readme for notes:
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: michih on May 22, 2022, 03:51:22 pm
fragesd6ae - Collectivité européenne d'Alsace Routes Départementales
fragesm6ae - Eurométropole de Strasbourg Routes Métropolitaines

6AE is confirmed being the official code:
Title: Eurometropole de Strasbourg Routes Metropolitans
Post by: si404 on September 22, 2022, 10:57:05 am
M31, M35, M37, M41, M45, M61, M63, M64, M83, M84 - fine

M93 - End -> RueMou_W

M111, M118 - fine

M120 - eastern end seems odd, so short from the main road (ex-N68). Not saying its wrong, saying its strange. (There's other odd ends, but this seemed the strangest). Double check where roads peter out in the city

M161, M165, M174, M184, M185, M194, M215, M221, M222, M223 - fine

M225 - D30 -> M30? (and add route, splitting D30) or is this D30 running for a stretch inside the Metropole?

M226 - add point in the middle of Eckwersheim to help distinguish where the route is

M263 - metropolitan boundary slightly south of A4. Acceptable fudge, though boundary runs along road and OSM has that bit as D263. Check

M284, M301, M302, M345 - fine

M351 - the transition point to D1004 is further west, between the M228 and A355 junctions (you have the wrong boundary)

M353, M384, M392, M400, M445, M451, M468, M468Hon, M484, M545, M563, M622, M718, M745, M863, M884, M885, M963, M2350 - fine
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: michih on October 21, 2022, 02:14:09 pm

M93 - End -> RueMou_W

I think that the road (temporarily) ended here due to the motorway construction. M93 extends to Ernolsheim now according to September 2022 GSV (,7.5696404,3a,35.8y,335.1h,80.23t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1su5OR0JxtijP331ml8bBWUA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192), also confirmed by OSM + GM. Thus, I've extended D93 and M93.

M120 - eastern end seems odd, so short from the main road (ex-N68). Not saying its wrong, saying its strange. (There's other odd ends, but this seemed the strangest). Double check where roads peter out in the city

Either shp files (I try to download them from noreaster right now but it's damn slow) or GSV. I remember that GSV was partially older when I drafted the system than M route signs appeared in the field. It seems that parts of Strasbourg are covered by Sommer 2022 GSV now. I'll have a deeper look into it when I have the shp files.

M225 - D30 -> M30? (and add route, splitting D30) or is this D30 running for a stretch inside the Metropole?

M225 intersects D30 according to September 2021 GSV (,7.5507455,3a,62.3y,72.84h,79.21t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sGE_nLskw542Ly7waYOjjBA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192).

M263 - metropolitan boundary slightly south of A4. Acceptable fudge, though boundary runs along road and OSM has that bit as D263. Check

Also later...

M351 - the transition point to D1004 is further west, between the M228 and A355 junctions (you have the wrong boundary)

Dunno, I think it's as it is because the motorway (former A351) ended here. Changed now.
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: michih on October 23, 2022, 10:34:18 am

M120 - eastern end seems odd, so short from the main road (ex-N68). Not saying its wrong, saying its strange. (There's other odd ends, but this seemed the strangest). Double check where roads peter out in the city
M263 - metropolitan boundary slightly south of A4. Acceptable fudge, though boundary runs along road and OSM has that bit as D263. Check

Short answer: shp files coords.

Long answer for specific routes:
I've checked M223, M63, M185, M31 (very tiny adjustment to meet shp file coords), M120 (tiny adjustment), M468 (kept as-is because the shp end is not exatly where we put wps but in the junction, 0.02mi away), M263 (kept as-is to keep graph connection with M468, route is 0.13mi longer than in shp file), M392 (tiny adjustment), M41 (kept as-is although shp file end is 0.03mi beyond the junction) and M745.

M2350 is odd though. There is no 2020 shp file because A350 was downgraded to N2350 in 2015, the eastern segment of the now-N2350 to whatever in 2016, and the western segment to M2350 in 2021. OSM indicates "M2350" on the western segment only, GM "N2350" on both, wikisara ( only indicates "M2350" for the segment downgraded in 2021. September 2022 GSV (,7.7324245,3a,47.5y,46.06h,105.43t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1snlp1DQdpikqN822ihwMYEg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192) still indicates "N2350" on M35 (still signed as A35), and even "A350" on the next direction sign (,7.7347052,3a,26.5y,58.52h,107.33t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s96oJx6UBoLuTE74owXTekw!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192). The km0 post (,7.7396258,3a,15y,52.96h,88.18t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sqD8S_coCjPEEoVlXyI61Yg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192) indicates A350 too. No numbers beyond exit 2 on summer 2022 GSV.
I've now truncated M2350 from Avenue Herrenschmidt to exit 2 as indicated on OSM + wikisara + GSV with "old numbers".
`M353` west end between `M35`/`M400` interchange and `M84` could be `M401` (shp files + renumbering map) but OSM indicates it being `M353` all the way which makes pretty much sense, no updated numbering visible on 2020 GSV -> to be checked before activation

Done now. M353 is signed on August 2022 GSV (,7.6662307,3a,75y,139.82h,99.2t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sjknCuC8TLhFriCB3EQditA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192) (and October 2020 too). Keep as-is, readme line removed.

`M445` south end (south of railway) on OSM differs to shp files, shp route is permanently closed according to 2008 + 2019 + 2022 GSV, drafted according to OSM

Confirmed by 2022 GSV. No sign at M392. Kept as-as.

3 point out of 119 shp file points for better understanding (first, last and where diverting):
Code: [Select]

And just for completion:
- `M763` is only a short one-way street of `M63`, not drafted

OSM indicates M345 for the segment between "D" and "L" but there is really a M345 far away. Keep everything as-is.
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: michih on October 24, 2022, 03:53:16 pm
Further comments on fragesm6ae - Eurométropole de Strasbourg Routes Métropolitaines before activation?

The NMPs have been marked FP (
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: si404 on October 24, 2022, 04:51:05 pm
Nothing more to say.
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: michih on October 25, 2022, 01:42:40 pm
fragesm6ae - Eurométropole de Strasbourg Routes Métropolitaines will be active with the next site update.
Title: fragesd6ae: Alsace Routes Départementales
Post by: si404 on January 07, 2023, 07:22:13 am
D1, D1.1, D1.3, D1.4, D1.5 - fine

D1.6 - PlaMai -> RueSch

D1.7, D1.8, D1.9 - fine

D1B - D415_E -> D415

D1BIng, D1BRib, D1B1, D1B2, D1B3, D1B4 - fine

 - D20/D401 -> D20 (unless D401 should be added, in which case add)
 - D401_N -> RueReg (unless D401 should be added, in which case add)
 - move D201_N to roundabout to the north (route rerouted onto new road, old route closed)
 - move D201_S to where D201_N currently is (route rerouted onto new road, old route closed)

D2B2 - fine

 - D503_W -> D503
 - D51/D503 -> D51

D3.1, D3.2, D3B, D3B3, D3B4, D3B6, D4, D4.1, D4.2, D4.3, D4B, D4B1, D4B1Rae, D4B2, D4BBan - fine

D5, D5.1, D5.2, D5.3, D5.4, D5.5, D5.6, D5.8, D5.9, D5B1, D5B3, D6, D6.1, D6B, D6B1, D7, D7B - fine

D8 - swap D2_N and D2_S labels

D8.1, D8.2, D8.3, D8B1, D8B2 - fine

D8B3 - add point for Blvd des Nations as major road

D9, D9.1, D9.2, D9B, D9B1, D9B2, D9B3, D9B4 - fine
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: si404 on January 07, 2023, 11:57:13 am
D10, D10.1, D10.3, D10.4, D10.5, D10.6, D10.7, D10B, D11, D11.1 - fine

D11.2 - add point for Kreuzweg (leads to end of D10.5)

D11.3, D11.4, D11.5, D11.6, D11.8, D12, D12B, D12B1, D12B2, D12B3, D12B4, D12B6 - fine

D13, D13B, D13B1, D13B2, D13B3, D13B4, D13B5, D13B6, D13B8, D13B9 - fine

D14, D14B, D14BMan, D14BSop, D14B1, D14B2, D14B3, D14B4, D15, D15.1 - fine

D16, D16Hag, D16.1, D16.2, D16.3, D16.4, D16.5, D16.6, D17, D17.1, D17.2 - fine

D18, D18.1, D18.2, D18.3, D18.4, D18.5, D18.6, D18.7, D18B, D18B1, D18B2, D18B3, D18B4 - fine

D19, D19.1, D19.2, D19.3, D19B, D19B1, D19B2, D19B3 - fine

D20 - move D83 to a better location

D20Wit - D2/D401 -> D2

D20.1, D20.2, D20.3, D20.4, D20.5, D20B, D21, D21.1, D21.2 - fine

D21.3 - move D469 to roundabout

D21.4, D21.5, D21.6, D21.7 - fine

D21B - D23_W -> D23_E

D21B1, D21B2, D21B3, D22, D23 - fine

D23Ley - D9B/D12B -> D9B

D23.1, D23.2, D23.3, D23.4, D23.5, D23.6, D24, D24.1, D24.2, D24.3, D25, D25Ett, D25.1, D25.2, D26, D26.1, D26.2 - fine

D26.3 - D26 -> D26/D32

D26.4, D27, D27.1, D28, D29 - fine
Title: Re: fragesd6ae: Alsace Routes Départementales
Post by: michih on January 08, 2023, 12:36:13 pm

 - D20/D401 -> D20 (unless D401 should be added, in which case add)
 - D401_N -> RueReg (unless D401 should be added, in which case add)

D20Wit - D2/D401 -> D2

I've added two new routes: D401 and D2B. As usual, when the label indicates a route that isn't there, I usually forgot drafting the route (D3's D51/D503 wp is a rare exception)

D8 - swap D2_N and D2_S labels

Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: si404 on January 09, 2023, 11:00:51 am
D30, D31, D32, D32.1, D32.2, D32.3, D32.4 - fine

D32.5 - D485 -> D483

D32.6, D32.7, D32.8, D32.9 - fine

 - does it reach the D426?
 - D526_N is probably the wrong label as there's not actually a junction with the D526 there unless the D33 is the (unsigned) southbound route and D526 just the northbound. Also it seems like it's not in the right place.

D34, D34.1, D34.2, D34.3, D34.5, D34.6, D35, D35.1, D35.2, D36, D37, D38, D39 - fine

D40, D40.1, D40.2, D40.3, D40.4, D40.5, D41, D41.1, D41.2, D42, D42.1 - fine

D43, D44, D44.1, D44.2, D45, D47, D47.1, D47.2, D48, D48.2, D48.3, D48.4 - fine

D50, D51, D52, D53, D54, D55, D56, D56.1, D56.2, D56.3, D56.4, D57, D58, D59 - fine

D60, D61, D62, D64, D65, D66, D66Pfa, D66Rix, D67, D68, D69, D70 - fine

D72 - D227 -> D227_S

D73, D74, D75, D76, D77, D78, D79 - fine

D80 - D248_N / _S need suffix swapping

D81, D82 - fine

 - move D1059 slightly to (new?) junction
 - D1B/D1B2 - is this not just 'D1B' with 'D1B2' included in that?
 - add point corresponding to 'RueRad' to D3B3 or remove

D85, D86, D87, D88, D89, D90, D90Wol, D91, D92, D93, D94, D95 - fine

D96 - add point for RueMon (leads to A4 exit 42)

D97, D98, D99 - fine
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: michih on January 09, 2023, 02:15:30 pm

 - does it reach the D426?
 - D526_N is probably the wrong label as there's not actually a junction with the D526 there unless the D33 is the (unsigned) southbound route and D526 just the northbound. Also it seems like it's not in the right place.

D526 is the northbound route and D33 the soutbound route according to the Bas-Rhin shp files.
D526_N is currently exactly at the coords of the D526 shp file. Should I move it 200-300m to the south?

I only modified the coords for the D426 roundabout so far, since they've been a little bit off.
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: si404 on January 16, 2023, 06:45:03 am
D526_N is currently exactly at the coords of the D526 shp file. Should I move it 200-300m to the south?
I don't think it's off by that amount - it just seems a little late for the two directions to merge.

anyway, the 100s...

D2B, D100, D101, D102, D103, D103Asp, D104, D105 - fine

D106, D107, D108, D109, D110, D111, D112, D113, D114, D115 - fine

D116 - D633 is off (new build junction)

D117, D118, D119, D120, D121, D122, D123, D124, D125, D126 - fine

D127, D128, D129, D130, D131, D132, D133, D134, D135, D136 - fine

D137, D137Ses, D138, D139, D140, D141, D142, D143, D144, D145, D146 - fine

D147 - A35 is NMP

D148 - delete D148-88Bon

D149, D151, D152, D153 - fine

D155 - D430 -> D429/D430

D156 - D213 -> D214

D157, D158, D159, D160, D161, D162, D163, D164 - fine

D166 - A36 is NMP

D167, D170, D171, D172, D173, D175 - fine

D176 - D1340 -> D519/D1340

D177, D178, D179, D180, D181, D182, D183, D186, D187, D189 - fine

D190, D191, D191Urm, D192, D193, D196, D197, D198, D199 - fine
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: si404 on January 16, 2023, 08:33:17 am
D200, D201, D202, D203, D204, D205, D206, D206Ben, D207 - fine

D208 - DD111_E -> D111_E

D209, D210, D211, D212, D213, D214, D215, D216, D217, D218, D219 - fine

D220 - D228_W -> D228_E, D228_E -> D228_W

D222, D223, D224, D225, D226, D227, D227Wit, D228, D229, D230, D231 - fine

D232 - D59_S -> D59_W

D233, D234, D235, D236, D237, D238, D239, D240, D241, D242, D243, D244, D245 - fine

D246 - D734 -> D734/D752

D247, D248, D249, D250, D251 - fine

D252 - D919 is off (new roundabout)

D253, D254, D255, D256, D257, D258, D258Hir, D259, D260, D261, D263, D264, D266 - fine

D275, D280, D282, D283, D286, D288, D290, D292, D296, D297 - fine
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: michih on January 16, 2023, 01:36:12 pm
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: michih on January 21, 2023, 07:13:10 am
fragesm54 - Métropole du Grand Nancy Routes Métropolitaines
fragesm57 - Metz Métropole Routes Métropolitaines

First M routes appeared on OSM in the last few days. I could not find M route signs in Metz on October 2020 GSV but in Nancy (,6.2222091,3a,48.2y,0.63h,93.22t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sTTcfdC5Om-Lh_sxVM6ZEsg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192) :)

I should wait a little bit till the OSM update is (hopefully) complete.

Nancy looks quite advances according to 2021 GSV and OSM. Metz still looks bad.
fragesm54 - Métropole du Grand Nancy Routes Métropolitaines will be in devel state with some routes after the next site update
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: michih on January 22, 2023, 02:32:12 am
Métropole du Grand Nancy Routes Métropolitaines will be in preview with the next site update. More than 20 routes for some 35mi.
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: michih on January 28, 2023, 03:18:03 am
fragesm57 - Metz Métropole Routes Métropolitaines

I could not find M route signs in Metz on October 2020 GSV

Metz still looks bad.

OSM indicates some M routes since 2020 but they are not confirmed by October 2022 GSV. I didn't find a single M route sign all over the place in Metz.
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: si404 on February 10, 2023, 07:34:33 am
D300, D303, D304, D304Sau, D309, D310, D311, D314, D315, D319, D320, D321, D322, D323, D324 - fine

D325 - D1006 -> D100

D326, D327, D328, D329, D330, D331, D332, D333 - fine

D334 - guessing the maps we have (mostly using similar data) are wrong on where the border is.

D335, D337, D338, D339 - fine

D340 - move D740 to centre of roundabout

D341, D344, D348, D350, D351, D362, D370, D388, D392, D397, D401 - fine

D403 - border again, this time the river is an obvious border. Guessing Alsace maintains the bridge...

D404, D410, D411Pfe, CHE D411, D411, D414, D415, D415Wol, D416 - fine

D416B - D416 -> D300/D416

D417, D418, D419, D420, D421, D422, D423, D424, D425 - fine

D426 - RuePri -> RuePri_S

D427, D428 - fine

D429 - D430(9) -> D155/D430

D430, D430Wit, D431 - fine

 - D18.9 needs that route added (,7.305574,3a,21.8y,177.38h,87.92t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s2GsUDpLuDvEg06hAO_6qbQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192)
 - add point for Swiss route 247?

D433, D434, D435, D436, D437, D439, D441, D442, D444, D459 - fine

 - D11B doesn't meet D11B as that route needs adding (,7.2579212,3a,75y,102.14h,87.97t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1spBKGDikN4mnXRSAVHxHAYA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192) (that route also meets D473 and D724)
 - add point to correspond with D473 RueFor (marked as D16 on OSM, with good reason (,7.444047,3a,32.6y,121.72h,75.79t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sOrWsSluU5tkpmBMjGsJGhQ!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192))

D466, D468, D468Dru, D468Nee, D469, D473, D481, D483 - fine
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: si404 on February 10, 2023, 07:53:26 am
D500, D501, D502 - fine

 - D3_W -> D3
 - End -> CliLim (for Climbach Limits) or Win/Cli (for Wingen/Climbach) ?

D504 - fine

D505 - RueOrs_S -> RueOrs

D509, D510, D514, D517 - fine

D519 - D1340 -> D176/D1340

D521, D522, D523, D524, D524Tha, D525, D526, D529, D530, D531, D534, D535, D539, D541, D553, D570 - fine
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: michih on February 11, 2023, 12:26:44 pm

D334 - guessing the maps we have (mostly using similar data) are wrong on where the border is.

The wp was where the shp file has the last point. GM has the border there too. OSM is right about the actual border line though, see mapillary (
We might think about a 0.04mi long DEU-RP D334-6ae route but signs in the field are obvious.


D403 - border again, this time the river is an obvious border. Guessing Alsace maintains the bridge...

Wp also according to shp file and GM but yes, the river is obviously the border, likely maintained by Alsace. No mapillary pics available. A 0.01mi DEU-RP D403-6ae segment makes no sense.

Moved to river.
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: si404 on February 13, 2023, 09:39:34 am
D11B, D18.9, D600, D601, D602, D603, D604, D605, D606, D607, D608, D609 - fine

D611, D612, D613, D616, D617, D619, D620, D621, D622, D623, D624, D625, D627, D629 - fine

D630, D632, D633, D638, D642, D643, D645 - fine

D648 - D415/D468_X -> D48/D415_X

D650 - fine

D653 - D28 -> D28/D662

D654, D655, D657, D658, D659, D660, D662 - fine

D663 - D rather than M?

D666, D667, D668, D669, D670, D672, D675, D677, D680, D682, D683, D686, D690 - fine

D692 - D1061_S -> D800/D1061

D696, D697, D698, D699, D700, D701, D702, D703, D704, D705, D706, D707, D708, D709 - fine

D710, D711, D712, D713, D715, D716, D717, D718, D719 - fine

D720 - D1004 is off

D721, D722, D722Sch, D723, D724, D725 - fine

D726 - D246 -> D24

D727, D729, D730, D731, D732, D734, D735, D737, D738, D739 - fine

D740, D741, D742, D743, D744, D745, D747, D748, D750, D751 - fine

D752 - D734_W -> D734_N

D753, D754, D755, D756, D757, D758, D759, D766, D768, D769, D772 - fine

D774 - D1 -> D1.6

D777, D782, D783, D788, D790, D790Kir, D791, D793, D796 - fine
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: si404 on February 13, 2023, 10:21:01 am
D800, D801, D802, D803, D804, D805, D806, D807, D808, D809, D810, D813, D815, D816, D817, D818 - fine

D820, D821, D822, D823, D824, D825, D827, D829, D830, D832, D835, D842, D848 - fine

D850, D853, D854, D855, D857, D858, D866, D872, D883, D888, D888Nor, D897 - fine

D901, D903, D904, D906, D913, D917, D918, D919, D922, D924, D925, D927, D929 - fine

D930, D935, D942, D953, D957, D988, D993, D997 - fine

D1004 - D422/D2004 -> D422/D942 ? (numerical order)

D1059 - D424 -> D424_S

D1061, D1062, D1063, D1066, D1083, D1340, D1363, D1404, D1420 - fine

D1422 - D603_N -> D603_S

D2004 - D422/D1004 -> D422/D942 ? (numerical order)

D2029 - fine

D2420 - D392_S -> D315/D392
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: michih on February 13, 2023, 01:47:22 pm

D1422 - D603_N -> D603_S


Did you check all 780 routes? If so, I'll check NMPs tomorrow.
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: si404 on February 13, 2023, 02:11:47 pm
Did you check all 780 routes?
Any route I've not listed?
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: michih on February 13, 2023, 02:22:44 pm
Did you check all 780 routes?
Any route I've not listed?

Dunno. 780 is a lot. I just want to say "I'm happy that you did it" :)

You sometimes skip something and I wanted to be sure ;)
Title: Re: fragesd6ae - Collectivité européenne d'Alsace Routes Départementales
Post by: michih on February 15, 2023, 01:13:05 pm
No datacheck errors, NMPs checked and marked FP. Any further comments to Alsace before activation?
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: si404 on February 17, 2023, 09:38:16 am
I don't have further comment.
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: michih on February 17, 2023, 01:02:49 pm
fragesd6ae - Collectivité européenne d'Alsace Routes Départementales will be activated with the next site update. 780 routes for almost 3,500mi.
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: michih on February 04, 2025, 01:08:57 pm
fragesm57 - Metz Métropole Routes Métropolitaines

I could not find M route signs in Metz on October 2020 GSV

Metz still looks bad.

OSM indicates some M routes since 2020 but they are not confirmed by October 2022 GSV. I didn't find a single M route sign all over the place in Metz.

I finally found a blue M route sign from September 2024 ( :) However, most of GSV is still from 2022/23 (or older) showing only yellow D route signs. Most of mapillary pics are from 2017. OSM was mostly updated D -> M over the past months, sometimes refering to this wiki route list (,_nationales_et_m%C3%A9tropolitaines_%C3%A0_Metz) :). GM does also indicate blue M routes meanwhile. This might be a GO for drafting the system :D

Edit: wikisara ( does also have a route list, to be checked.
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: michih on February 09, 2025, 02:08:00 pm
This might be a GO for drafting the system

No :(
First, M1 in Saint-Julien-lès-Metz was signed in September 2024 ( OSM + wikimetz (,_nationales_et_m%C3%A9tropolitaines_%C3%A0_Metz) indicated that there is a M1. D2 in Saint-Julien-lès-Metz is still indicates as D2 on OSM. D2 is not mentioned on wikimetz. M3 in Saint-Julien-lès-Metz is indicated as M3 on OSM but also not mentioned on wikimetz. August 2023 GSV ( does still indicate D2 and D3. All examples are in the same community and should thus all be M or D.
Second, Woippy belongs to the metropolis but OSM changes from M to D routes at the Metz city - Woippy community boundaries.

I need to wait for better evidence what routes have been changed, and what communities have M routes now. I should likely wait for 2024+ GSV coverage.
Title: Re: fragesdXX: Grand-Est Routes Départementales
Post by: michih on March 01, 2025, 12:18:28 pm
I've traveled M999, M955, M4, M603 and M954 in the east of the Metz metropolis today. All routes outside of Metz are perfectly signed with blue M numbering. km posts are still yellow with D numberings. Intersecting routes are also signed with blue Ms. Back in 2023 (latest GSV), everything was still in yellow D.
M955 is also signed inside of Metz but M4 and M603 are not.