Travel Mapping

Highway Data Discussion => In-progress Highway Systems & Work => Topic started by: yakra on January 26, 2016, 01:13:07 pm

Title: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: yakra on January 26, 2016, 01:13:07 pm
Admins / mods: Please edit this post whenever any info is incorrect or outdated, and post at the end of the thread indicating what change(s) you've made.
Let's keep all the info easy to find right here at the start of the thread.

Please note: This list is only meant to show who maintains existing systems. There's no implication that a given collaborator will start development of future systems not yet in development. For example, yakra maintains AR, but has no interest in developing the AR state highways.

ESH, MAR - panda80

Western Asia:
ARM, AZE, CYP, GEO, ISR - si404
IRN - no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody
TUR - panda80
PSE - si404
ARE, BHR, IRQ, JOR, KWT, LBN, OMN, QAT, SAU, SYR, YEM - no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody
Central Asia:
AFG, PAK - no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody
KAZ, KGZ, TJK, TKM, UZB - si404
South and East Asia:
HKG, KOR, LKA, MGL, NPL, TWN - si404
IND (all regions) - Bickendan
JPN - nezinscot
BGD, CHN (all mainland regions), PRK - no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody

Southeast Asia:
PHL - no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody

Islands of the North Atlantic:
ISL - Duke87
FRA-COR - si404
PRT - michih
Northern Europe:
ALA, EST, FIN, LVA - si404
BEL, DNK, LTU, LUX, NLD, NOR, SWE - michih
Central Europe:
AUT, CHE, CZE, DEU (all regions), LIE - michih
POL, SVK - si404
Southern/SE Europe:
BIH, ITA, MLT, SRB - si404
HRV, MKD, SVN - michih
BGR, HUN, MNE, ROU - panda80
ALB, GRC, RKS - no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody
Eastern Europe:
BLR, CRM, MDA, RUS, UKR - si404

North America

United States
AK - oscar
AL - froggie
AR - yakra
AS - si404
AZ - Duke87
CA - cl94
CO - the_spui_ninja
CT - yakra
DC - Duke87
DE - Markkos1992
FL - rickmastfan67
GA - ntallyn
GU - no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody
HI - oscar
IA - Highway63
ID - compdude787
IL - Highway63
IN - mapcat
KS - yakra
KY - mapcat
LA - mapcat
MA - yakra
MD - Duke87
ME - yakra
MI - mapcat
MN - froggie
MO - Highway63
MP - no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody
MS - froggie
MT - the_spui_ninja
NC - mapmikey
ND - the_spui_ninja
NE - yakra
NH - yakra
NJ - yakra
NM - oscar
NV - cl94
NY - yakra
OH - mapcat
OK - yakra
OR - Bickendan
PA - Markkos1992
PR - mapcat
RI - yakra
SC - mapmikey
SD - Highway63
TN - mapcat
TX - yakra
UT - Duke87
VA - mapmikey
VI - Duke87
VT - froggie
WA - compdude787
WI - Highway63
WV - rickmastfan67
WY - the_spui_ninja
AB - yakra
BC - oscar
MB - yakra
NB - yakra
NL - yakra
NS - yakra
NT - oscar
NU - N/A
ON - rickmastfan67
PE - yakra
QC - oscar
SK - oscar
YT - oscar

MEX-AGS - (no data yet)

Caribbean and Atlantic
BLZ - mapmikey
CRI - Duke87
GTM, HND, NIC, PAN, SLV - neroute2


South America
ARG, BOL, BRA (all regions), CHL, COL, ECU, PER, PRY, VEN - neroute2
GUF - si404
URY - no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody


I've gone with forum usernames instead of real names, so forum readers can easily know who's who.
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: yakra on July 30, 2016, 01:54:59 am
I'm officially dropping maintenance of North Dakota. I've edited the OP to assign it to no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody.
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: yakra on October 27, 2016, 05:43:52 pm
IN   si404 -> mapcat
MI   a/e/n -> mapcat
WA   a/e/n -> michih
ISL -> Duke87
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on October 28, 2016, 12:19:34 pm
WA   a/e/n -> michih

WA   michih -> a/e/n

It seems that the first post of this thread was edited by several user and something went wrong...
Nevertheless, I've never intended maintaining WA!
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: yakra on November 27, 2016, 04:17:58 am
WA -> compdude787
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: mapcat on December 27, 2016, 08:58:25 pm
TN rickmastfan67 -> mapcat
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on January 11, 2017, 03:46:09 pm
LTU si404 -> michih
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: si404 on March 16, 2017, 04:55:24 pm
PR: si404 -> mapcat
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: si404 on April 03, 2017, 01:08:12 pm
ID: si404 -> compdude787
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: compdude787 on April 07, 2017, 03:12:12 pm
Since this thread has nothing to do with who is working on systems that are in development/ preview status, wouldn't it make more sense to move it to the "Updates to Highway Data" subforum?
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on April 08, 2017, 06:16:46 am
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: Jim on April 08, 2017, 06:40:24 pm
Regardless of where changes to it are discussed here on the forum, I would be fine having the actual list kept current in a subsection of the HighwayData repository's file or a new file at the root of the repository.
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on April 09, 2017, 05:21:00 am
There's an out-dated list in the wiki section:

To be honest, I don't wanna have two lists (we even had 3 lists). I think a link from github to the forum should be enough.
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: compdude787 on April 30, 2017, 12:16:04 am
Nobody seems to have expressed opposition to moving this thread to the Updates to Highway Data subforum, so I'm going to go ahead and move it
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: yakra on April 30, 2017, 01:08:45 am
Just got in, and had missed previous updates. I am opposed.
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: compdude787 on May 01, 2017, 12:14:07 am
Just got in, and had missed previous updates. I am opposed.

Why? As I stated above, this has nothing to do with who is doing systems in development, but rather it has more to do with active systems, so it would make more sense in the Updates to Highway data subforum.
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: yakra on May 01, 2017, 01:02:23 am
The content of that subforum is for individual updates, or small groupings of them -- think of them as "issues" or "tickets" if you will -- that optimally are solved and then moved away to another subforum. There's really no static content there, other than the one How-To sticky.
I think this list is more appropriately stored under the broader "In-progress Work" heading.
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on May 01, 2017, 04:58:41 pm
I understand that contributers who have already been active for a long time wanna have everything organized as it always was but I also understand compdude787.

"In-progress Highway Systems & Work" subforum is "For Highway systems that are currently in progress and haven't been activated yet." That means, it's about systems in development or in preview status.
"Updates to Highway Data" subform is used to "Report errors and changes to be made immediately to the highway data. (Only Activated systems)". It's used for maintenance issues of active systems.

The are threads like "Canada and USA state/province/territorial highways master thread" with info about who is developing new systems.
The "How the work is split / who maintains what regions" thread contains info about who is maintaining active systems.

To be honest, I don't see any reason why this thread should remain here. I think it perfectly belongs to the other subforum.
"Normal" users usually reports errors in the "Updates to Highway Data" subforum. If one has opened an issue or ticket and gets no response, where should the user find the user who's responsible? (note: some regions have no maintainer anymore)

Just my 2 cents....

btw: I've started a Forum organization poll (;viewresults) long ago and the result is 3:2 PRO change!
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: compdude787 on May 05, 2017, 03:20:04 pm
btw: I've started a Forum organization poll (;viewresults) long ago and the result is 3:2 PRO change!

I agree with your forum reorganization plan.
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: vdeane on May 07, 2017, 09:43:28 pm
Personally, I don't really see the need to reorganize the forum.
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: froggie on May 11, 2017, 07:32:40 am
Neither do I, nor do I see a compelling need for "the public" to know specifically who works on what state, given that we're pretty fairly open with regards to pull requests and who does them.  As long as needed updates and fixes are made, it doesn't really matter to "the public" who makes them.
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: bejacob on May 11, 2017, 03:26:45 pm
Neither do I, nor do I see a compelling need for "the public" to know specifically who works on what state, given that we're pretty fairly open with regards to pull requests and who does them.  As long as needed updates and fixes are made, it doesn't really matter to "the public" who makes them.

As one of "the public," ;) I  agree. It doesn't matter to me how stuff happens behind the scenes. Knowing who does what is more important to those involved. Folks like me will post updates/corrections as we notice them in whatever way the core group wants us to do it.

You guys do a great job. As long as it's fairly easy to maintain my list and post corrections or comments, I'm perfectly happy.
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: yakra on May 13, 2017, 01:59:28 am
Neither do I, nor do I see a compelling need for "the public" to know specifically who works on what state, given that we're pretty fairly open with regards to pull requests and who does them.  As long as needed updates and fixes are made, it doesn't really matter to "the public" who makes them.
froggie sums up my thoughts well. A forum member posts an issue, and someone-or-other handles it.

Knowing who does what is more important to those involved.
My thoughts too.
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on July 18, 2017, 01:10:27 pm
LIE --> michih
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: yakra on December 18, 2017, 03:21:16 am
NJ   a/e/n -> yakra
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: mapcat on January 19, 2018, 07:10:10 pm
AR yakra -> mapcat
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: mapcat on June 24, 2018, 07:56:25 pm
LA mwasleski -> mapcat (until mwasleski wants it back or usala is activated)
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on June 25, 2018, 11:56:38 am
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: Duke87 on August 11, 2018, 08:58:30 pm
UT NickCPDX → Duke87
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: oscar on August 11, 2018, 09:25:44 pm
NV NickCPDX -> oscar
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on August 12, 2018, 02:28:18 am
NV NickCPDX -> oscar

I've changed the overview for you.

AZ NickCPDX --> no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on August 25, 2018, 03:09:05 pm
PA no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody --> Markkos1992
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on August 27, 2018, 01:04:34 pm
ND no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody --> the_spui_ninja
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: rickmastfan67 on September 14, 2018, 04:59:45 am
GA rickmastfan67 --> no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody

Need to drop the state for now.  Maybe in the future I'll take it back again if somebody else hasn't.
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on November 07, 2018, 04:08:33 pm
DNK, HUN, NOR, ROU, SVN si404 --> michih
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: si404 on December 08, 2018, 05:37:44 am
VI si404 --> Duke87
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: panda80 on January 14, 2019, 06:16:44 am
MAR si404 --> panda80
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: ntallyn on January 14, 2019, 07:09:55 pm
GA rickmastfan67 --> no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody

Need to drop the state for now.  Maybe in the future I'll take it back again if somebody else hasn't.

I'm working through the GA state routes. I'm happy to take it over once I finish the fixes there.
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: yakra on January 21, 2019, 11:13:01 pm
Shall we call it yours now?
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: ntallyn on January 22, 2019, 02:21:55 am
Sure, but I'd like to finish the first run through the GA routes before I track down any of the existing route updates.
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: panda80 on January 29, 2019, 07:20:59 am
TUR si404 --> panda80
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on February 03, 2019, 07:30:11 am
BRA, ECU, URY --> michih
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: Markkos1992 on February 03, 2019, 01:49:04 pm
I have no issue with taking over DE at this point.  It would be secondary below PA, but I have already done enough recently to make it seem like I am taking it over.
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on February 03, 2019, 02:18:35 pm
If you wanna take it, just edit the overview.
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: Markkos1992 on February 03, 2019, 03:20:14 pm
DE no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody --> Markkos1992
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: Duke87 on February 10, 2019, 12:29:09 am
MD no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody --> Duke87
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on March 24, 2019, 03:23:30 am
ROU michih --> panda80
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: si404 on March 24, 2019, 05:44:36 am
I'm dropping some of my regions, as I'm spread rather thin, and need to spend my time sorting out preview systems to activation.

CO, GU, MP, MT, WY, LUX, PRT - si404 -> no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody

AUS (all regions) - no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody -> si404
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on March 24, 2019, 08:33:50 am
LUX no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody --> michih
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: ntallyn on March 24, 2019, 09:24:13 pm
GA no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody --> ntallyn
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: panda80 on March 25, 2019, 11:31:34 am
PRT no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody --> panda80
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on March 25, 2019, 02:33:54 pm
GA no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody --> ntallyn

You can edit the first post of this thread. I've done it now.
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: yakra on September 26, 2019, 07:11:23 pm
I've added UGA to si404's African regions. Is that right?
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: si404 on September 28, 2019, 04:25:42 am
Yes that's right.

I've given michih FRA-IDF and FRA-GES, while taking FRA-COR, FRA-CVL, FRA-PDL and FRA-BRE for myself. These regions will exist properly when France is split sometime soon.
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on September 28, 2019, 03:01:01 pm
I've given michih FRA-IDF and FRA-GES, while taking FRA-COR, FRA-CVL, FRA-PDL and FRA-BRE for myself. These regions will exist properly when France is split sometime soon.

So, you also wanna get rid of maintenance of the regions? I thought only developing frad systems. But fine to me. Need to ask panda80 what regions he wants.
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: yakra on October 04, 2019, 05:14:17 pm
Made a few additions to the OP. Are all these correct?
AUS-QLD  -  si404
DZA  -  si404
ESH  -  panda80
ESP-AR  -  si404
ESP-CB  -  si404
KEN  -  si404
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on October 06, 2019, 02:23:47 pm
@yakra, I think that's fine. Do we miss more regions? Dunno why Si has split ESP since he maintains all regions like China and India (or me for Germany).

btw: I've moved Germany from Northern to Central Europe.
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on October 31, 2019, 12:04:29 pm
FRA, FRH - si404 (legacy regions)

FRA-BRE, FRA-COR, FRA-CVL, FRA-PDL - si404 (when created)

FRA-BFC, FRA-GES, FRA-HDF, FRA-IDF - michih (when created)

European region lines sorted by alphabetical order of the first region
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on November 06, 2019, 12:15:11 pm
FRA-ARA, FRA-NOR - si404
FRA-ARA, FRA-NOR - michih
Title: Re: Datacheck.php Link per highway data manager
Post by: michih on December 20, 2019, 09:24:23 am
I've created links to datacheck.php filtered by highway data manager based on the first post of this thread. Feel free to update the links if I missed anything:









michih: long link (w/o VD errors) (,FRA-BFC,FRA-GES,FRA-HDF,FRA-IDF,FRA-NOR,BEL,DNK,LTU,LUX,NLD,NOR,SWE,AUT,CHE,CZE,deu-bb,deu-be,deu-bw,deu-by,deu-hb,deu-he,deu-hh,deu-mv,deu-ni,deu-nw,deu-rp,deu-sh,deu-sl,deu-sn,deu-st,deu-th,HUN,LIE,HRV,SVN,ARG,BRA,ECU,URY&hide=VISIBLE_DISTANCE)










si404 (Americas): long link (,ABW,BRB,CYM,GLP,JAM,MAF,MTQ,SPM,GUF)




No specific maintainer:,MP
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on December 29, 2019, 02:33:09 am
Mexico ... no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody
Mexico ... neroute2
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on June 30, 2020, 02:53:59 am
CHL, ECU, GTM --> neroute2
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: Duke87 on October 10, 2020, 11:41:17 pm
AZ a/e/n → Duke87

Noticed some changes that need making, gonna go ahead and grab the state since no one else has it.
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on October 18, 2020, 10:11:54 am
HUN michih --> panda80
PRT panda80 --> michih
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: mapcat on December 29, 2020, 10:45:58 am
AR mapcat → yakra
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: Bickendan on March 17, 2021, 04:01:23 am
IND -> Bickendan
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on April 22, 2021, 02:27:15 pm
FRA-PAC si404 --> michih
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on June 04, 2021, 01:08:43 pm
FRA-OCC si404 --> michih
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: yakra on June 13, 2021, 12:00:28 am
TTO isn't in the OP. Looks like one of Si's.
Is that Caribbean and Atlantic, or South America?
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: Duke87 on June 13, 2021, 01:57:56 am
I'd put it under Caribbean and Atlantic by virtue of it being entirely islands and not part of the South American mainland.
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on November 29, 2021, 10:58:51 am
I will do the updates.  My sources for highway news cover both the expressways and national highways, so it makes sense for me to do both.

JPN si404 --> nezinscot
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: Duke87 on December 01, 2021, 08:35:04 pm
DC a/e/n → Duke87

Since I'm already responsible for MD this is logical continuity. Also kind of like with AZ I've spotted a change worth making and am gonna just go ahead and take care of it (DC 295 has a couple exit numbers).
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: Markkos1992 on December 01, 2021, 08:40:09 pm
DC a/e/n → Duke87

Since I'm already responsible for MD this is logical continuity. Also kind of like with AZ I've spotted a change worth making and am gonna just go ahead and take care of it (DC 295 has a couple exit numbers).

Well thank you.  I could have taken it if I really wanted it, but the lack of official sourcing and posting would have had my tails spin.  It is already odd enough with my questioning on if MD 139 SB actually exists in most of Baltimore City.
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on December 02, 2021, 01:58:31 pm
Just in case anyone is interested. Two US regions do not have a maintainer right now:

GU - no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody
MP - no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on December 25, 2021, 09:35:08 am
FRA-BRE si404 --> michih
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on January 09, 2022, 03:07:04 pm
FRA-CVL si404 --> michih
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on March 26, 2022, 03:49:43 pm
FRA-NAQ si404 --> michih
FRA-PDL si404 --> michih
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: cl94 on June 30, 2023, 09:59:06 pm
USA - NV oscar --> cl94
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: Duke87 on July 01, 2023, 02:28:50 pm
CRI --> Duke87
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on September 21, 2023, 06:04:16 am
ARG michih --> neroute2
BRA --> neroute2
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: si404 on October 14, 2023, 06:04:56 am
I'm dropping a load of Asian regions where I don't have time or interest to deal with these anymore.

AFG, ARE, BHR, BGD, CHN (all regions), IRN, IRQ, JOR, KWT, LBN, OMN, PAK, PHL, PRK, QAT, SAU, SYR, YEM si404 -> no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody

That's Afghanistan, UAE, Bahrain, Bangladesh, (mainland) China, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, North Korea, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Yemen.

The Philippines Expressways system is the only active one in these regions with any travels on them - while there's some active routes in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and some parts of China, no one has any travels on them. Everything else is preview or devel (and mostly untravelled).

I'm also dropping several Balkan regions (though have kept hold of the more difficult ones that need work as it seems unfair to dump popular regions while they are a mess) just to lighten my load a little.
ALB, BGR, GRC, MKD, MNE, RKS - si404 -> no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on October 15, 2023, 02:12:36 pm
BGR, MNE --> panda80
MKD --> michih
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on October 16, 2023, 12:27:07 pm
I'm dropping Uruguay in return for taking North Macedonia.

URY michih --> no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: neroute2 on February 08, 2024, 10:38:53 pm
I'm dropping Uruguay in return for taking North Macedonia.

URY michih --> no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody
Does this mean minor changes (such as intersections with new unnumbered bypasses) can be made and submitted? Or do I make a thread first?
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on February 09, 2024, 12:36:18 pm
I'm dropping Uruguay in return for taking North Macedonia.

URY michih --> no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody
Does this mean minor changes (such as intersections with new unnumbered bypasses) can be made and submitted? Or do I make a thread first?

Feel free to make changes. I like the idea of making a thread for unclaimed regions. I also opened a thread for GRC A52 ( the other day.
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on October 30, 2024, 01:08:17 pm
GTM - neroute2 -> GTM, HND, NIC, PAN, SLV - neroute2

ARG, BRA, CHL, ECU - neroute2 -> ARG, BOL, BRA (all regions), CHL, COL, ECU, PER, PRY, VEN - neroute2

GNQ + HND + NIC + PER do also not have any maintainer according to our list ( but I think that @neroute2 developed some systems there. Do you consider yourself as maintainer of the regions?
I guess I'm the maintainer. I'll take a look.

@neroute2 Please check if I missed any region.
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: michih on October 30, 2024, 01:12:36 pm
GNQ ->  si404

Equatorial Guinea was not listed but since si404 made the only edits (, I assume it's right. If not, please change to A/E/N.
Title: Re: How the work is split / who maintains what regions
Post by: oscar on March 08, 2025, 10:40:58 pm
USA - CA oscar --> cl94