Travel Mapping
Highway Data Discussion => In-progress Highway Systems & Work => Topic started by: michih on January 10, 2022, 04:52:29 pm
Actual status of the systems:
fracvld18 - Cher Routes Départementales
fracvld28 - Eure-et-Loir Routes Départementales
fracvld36 - Indre Routes Départementales
fracvld37 - Indre-et-Loire Routes Départementales
fracvlm37 - Tours Métropole Val de Loire Routes Métropolitaines
fracvld41 - Loir-et-Cher Routes Départementales
fracvld45 - Loiret Routes Départementales
fracvlm45 - Orléans Métropole Routes Métropolitaines
Black=not yet drafted (not in HB), Red=devel, Orange=preview, Green=active
Notes to routes:
Please report issues here!
The M routes in Tours and Orléans are not signed according to 2021 GSV, nor indicated on OSM or GM. I will wait for any confirmation before I will start drafting the systems.
fracvld36 - Indre Routes Départementales will be in preview with the next site update. More than 400 routes for more than 3,000 miles.
fracvld18 - Cher Routes Départementales will be in preview with the next site update. Almost 350 routes for almost 2,800 miles.
fracvld28 - Eure-et-Loir Routes Départementales will be in preview with the next site update. Almost 1,100 routes for more than 4,200 miles.
FINALLY :) :) :)
Do we have a 1PPI (one point per interchange) junction where D2007, D2060 and D2107 meet?
^I guess you could go with that as I think you could get away with graph connections either way.
Yeah, I could see that going either way.
Sometimes the 1PPI Gods like messing with us.
fracvld45 - Loriet Routes Départementales will be in preview with the next site update. More than 320 routes for almost 2,200 miles.
Do we have a 1PPI (one point per interchange) junction where D2007, D2060 and D2107 meet?
I went so:
fracvld41 - Loir-et-Cher Routes Départementales will be in preview with the next site update. More than 260 routes for almost 2,100 miles.
fracvld37 - Indre-et-Loire Routes Départementales will be in preview with the next site update. More than 300 routes for more than 2,300 miles.
Is Chartres going to get any M routes? I notice D routes with the same number on either side of the city (and in at least one case, OSM signs it through).
Is Chartres going to get any M routes?
Nope. It is not a Métropole - no M routes.
I notice D routes with the same number on either side of the city (and in at least one case, OSM signs it through).
It's difficult to find the best way because some towns generally don't sign D routes within their boundaries but some do. Many towns have old signs (especially N route signs) still in place decades after they were downgraded or albeit bypasses are in service now. It is always an individual decision for each town whether I draft routes through towns, up to the town boundaries (like in Chartres) or up to a town bypass but I try to be consistent for all routes of the town although there might be some signs within the town for individual routes.
Chartres seems to have signs up to the town boundary only. However, feel free to prove me wrong with GSV links :)
It's difficult to find the best way because some towns generally don't sign D routes within their boundaries but some do. Many towns have old signs (especially N route signs) still in place decades after they were downgraded or albeit bypasses are in service now. It is always an individual decision for each town
I should add that OSM and GM often show different routings and it would be wild guess without the evidence of signs. There is also a lot of new GSV coverage from 2020-22 showing towns or departements with either "a lot of new signs" or "a lot of signs disappeared".
The M routes in Tours and Orléans are not signed according to 2021 GSV, nor indicated on OSM or GM. I will wait for any confirmation before I will start drafting the systems.
Nothing on OSM nor GM nor 2023 GSV except of M37 and M801 in Tours that are indicated on GM and OSM. OSM was changed in Nov 2023.
wikisara has each kinda route list for Tours ( and Orléans (
The wikisara route articles indicate
Since 1 January 2018, the part of this road located on the territory of Tours Métropole Val de Loire has been reclassified as a metropolitan road retaining its former name, i.e. M751.
In October 2018, the first 4.8 kilometres of the road south of the Tangentielle d'Orléans were transferred to Orléans Métropole. It was renamed on a metropolitan road while retaining its number, i.e. M97.
Just like Bordeaux ( (unsigned), Rennes ( and Rouen ( Why "retain M"? "Retain D" would make sense :pan: Should I draft them with M or D numbering?