Travel Mapping
Railway Data Discussion => In-progress Railway Systems & Work => Topic started by: Duke87 on August 09, 2023, 01:03:11 am
Admins / mods: Please edit this post whenever any info is incorrect or outdated, and post at the end of the thread indicating what change(s) you've made.
Let's keep all the info easy to find right here at the start of the thread.
- No one yet, up for grabs
SGP, HGK - si404
JPN - nezinscot
Islands of the North Atlantic:
Selected systems for initial rework / draft only:
POL - si404
Everything else:
no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody
North America
United States
OR - Bickendan
MN - froggie
CO (excluding Amtrak), SD, Salt Lake City, Kansas City - the_spui_ninja
NV and northern CA - cl94
Seattle - Compdude787
St. Louis, Memphis - neroute2
everything else - Duke87
Vancouver - Compdude787
everything else - Duke87
- No one yet, up for grabs
Caribbean and Atlantic
- No one yet, up for grabs
all - si404
South America
- No one yet, up for grabs
(not entirely related snipped of original post preserved below)
So we've got a merge conflict generated by the fact that two of us were messing with some of the same files at the same time:
This is a good reason for having it clearly established what contributors are responsible for what like we do with roads.
So we've got a merge conflict generated by the fact that two of us were messing with some of the same files at the same time:
Yea, sorry - I'll try and fix that.
Edit: Fixed.
But of course subject to further subdivision should more people wish to contribute. Any objections? Anyone else wish to carve out turf for themselves?
I'll have Ireland, which you didn't give me, and any of Europe that michih doesn't want.
Based on how things stand at the moment it looks like the following makes sense for what is whose domain...
North America: Duke87
Europe (except UK): michih
UK, Asia, Australia: Si404
All systems where I have travels without being updated to latest common understanding of the rules might see me updating later this month. I might also draft some systems later which are not yet in RB, e.g. Copenhagen metro or Zagreb trams. Dunno if I really want to step into Istanbul....
I see this as an one-time job for the time being.
Do we want to split maintenance by region - as with highways - or by system? If memory serves, the latter was suggested anywhere but I fail to find it.
Nevertheless, I'm in favor of reporting issues by system.
Do we want to split maintenance by region - as with highways - or by system? If memory serves, the latter was suggested anywhere but I fail to find it.
Nevertheless, I'm in favor of reporting issues by system.
I did suggest by system, yes - at this time however it's effectively by region since you don't have any cases of different systems in the same region being claimed by different people. We can make sure we specify accordingly when/if that comes up.
I do have the Amtrak, TriMet MAX, WES, Portland Streetcar and Aerial Tram, and Willamette Shore Trolley drafted up, so I could take Oregon.
How much of Amtrak?
If any of it is concurrent with commuter rail systems out east, hold on because you're gonna have to resync it with the cleanup I'm working on there.
Any rate, the Oregon systems are officially yours and OP updated to reflect this.
Islands of the North Atlantic:
ENG, IMN, IRL, NIR, SCT, WLS - si404
Everything else
- michih
Again, temporarily for initial rework / draft only. Selected systems in DEU, CHE (Bern only), CZE (Praha only), DNK (Copenhagen only), FRA (Dijon, Marseille, Paris), ITA (Milano, Roma), HRV (Zagreb), POL (Warsaw) and maybe TUR (Istanbul).
How much of Amtrak?
If any of it is concurrent with commuter rail systems out east, hold on because you're gonna have to resync it with the cleanup I'm working on there.
Any rate, the Oregon systems are officially yours and OP updated to reflect this.
Oregon only has the Empire Builder, Coast Starlight, and Cascades Amtrak lines.
If we're going off of highway regions, ND and MT only have the Empire Builder line, WY has nothing, and Colorado has a couple Amtrak lines, RTD in Denver, and some tourist railroads.
If we're willing to move off of that, I'd be willing to draft the SLC and Denver rail networks (since I have a little experience with those), the Colorado tourist railroads, plus some other short lines that I know fairly well (Old Hill City railroad in SD, KCMO streetcar), but I don't want to step on anyone's toes.
If we're going off of highway regions, ... If we're willing to move off of that
We are not going off highway regions and are more than willing to move off that.
I'd be willing to draft the SLC and Denver rail networks (since I have a little experience with those), the Colorado tourist railroads, plus some other short lines that I know fairly well (Old Hill City railroad in SD, KCMO streetcar), but I don't want to step on anyone's toes.
I don't think you will be stepping on anyone's toes.
Is anyone willing to draft the subsequent systems by Mid September?
I might happen to be there in late September / early October.
I don't ask about Romania because I guess that panda80 will draft the systems >= October.
If we're willing to move off of that, I'd be willing to draft the SLC and Denver rail networks (since I have a little experience with those), the Colorado tourist railroads, plus some other short lines that I know fairly well (Old Hill City railroad in SD, KCMO streetcar), but I don't want to step on anyone's toes.
Go ahead
Added the SD tourist railroad to the top, I'll also do the airport trams in Detroit, Minneapolis, and Dallas (and any other US airports offered, but I've been to those three and Denver the most).
I'll also do the airport trams in Detroit, Minneapolis, and Dallas (and any other US airports offered, but I've been to those three and Denver the most).
Hold on on that - currently I've been omitting airside people movers on the grounds that you can't ride them without a valid plane ticket from, to, or through the airport in question. I think it's best to avoid them out of scope creep, but this is worth broader discussion.
I'm willing to draft the Nevada and NorCal systems at minimum if those aren't already underway. This would include the LV Monorail, BART, MUNI, Sac RT, VTA, and the Bay Area commuter railroads, in addition to all of the tourist railroads in these parts.
I'm willing to draft the Nevada and NorCal systems at minimum if those aren't already underway. This would include the LV Monorail, BART, MUNI, Sac RT, VTA, and the Bay Area commuter railroads, in addition to all of the tourist railroads in these parts.
No one has specifically claimed these so have at it.
I've redrafted the systems I've traveled in Praha, Milano and Roma. I give them fully back to Si.
I've also drafted the tram system in Luxembourg. LUX is in the A/E/N pool now.
Changes to first post:
DEU, CHE (Bern only), CZE (Praha only), DNK (Copenhagen only), FRA (Dijon, Marseille, Paris), ITA (Milano, Roma), HRV (Zagreb), POL (Warsaw) and maybe TUR (Istanbul) - michih
DEU, CHE (Bern only), DNK (Copenhagen only), FRA (Dijon, Marseille, Paris), HRV (Zagreb), POL (Warsaw) and maybe TUR (Istanbul) - michih
CHE (other), CZE (other), ESP, FRA (other), ITA (other), POL (other), SVK - si404
CHE (other), CZE, ESP, FRA (other), ITA, POL (other), SVK - si404
I've redrafted the systems I've traveled in Bern and Warsaw. I give them fully back to Si.
I've also drafted the metro system in Copenhagen. DNK is in the A/E/N pool now.
Changes to first post:
Selected systems for initial rework / draft only:
DEU, CHE (Bern only), DNK (Copenhagen only), FRA (Dijon, Marseille, Paris), HRV (Zagreb), POL (Warsaw) and maybe TUR (Istanbul) - michih
DEU, FRA (Dijon, Marseille, Paris), HRV (Zagreb) and maybe TUR (Istanbul) - michih
CHE (other), CZE, ESP, FRA (other), ITA, POL (other), SVK - si404
CHE, CZE, ESP, FRA (other), ITA, POL, SVK - si404
I've redrafted the systems I've traveled in Dijon, Marseille and Paris. I give them fully back to Si.
I've also drafted the tram system in Zagreb. HRV is in the A/E/N pool now.
Since there is no response to my request about BGR, HUN and SRB (, and the game-changing wpt editor, I should really do in the coming weeks.
Changes to first post:
Selected systems for initial rework / draft only:
DEU, FRA (Dijon, Marseille, Paris), HRV (Zagreb) and maybe TUR (Istanbul) - michih
DEU, and maybe BGR (Sofia), HUN (Budapest), SRB (Belgrad) and TUR (Istanbul) - michih
CHE, CZE, ESP, FRA (other), ITA, POL, SVK - si404
If drafted the tram system of Belgrade, and the metro and tram system of Sofia. SRB and BGR are back in the A/E/N pool now.
I've also drafted the Budapest metro system and will draft the Budapest tram system soon.
Changes to first post:
DEU, and maybe BGR (Sofia), HUN (Budapest), SRB (Belgrad) and TUR (Istanbul) - michih
DEU, HUN (Budapest), maybe TUR (Istanbul) - michih
The Budapest tram system is also drafted now, and HUN in the A/E/N pool.
Changes to first post:
DEU, HUN (Budapest), maybe TUR (Istanbul) - michih
DEU, maybe TUR (Istanbul) - michih
I have reworked the subsequent German systems:
deubs;DEU;S-Bahn Berlin;TMgreen;2;preview
deuhbs;DEU;Regio-S-Bahn Bremen/Niedersachsen;TMgreen;2;preview
deudds;DEU;S-Bahn Dresden;TMgreen;2;preview
deuhhs;DEU;S-Bahn Hamburg;TMgreen;2;preview
deuhs;DEU;S-Bahn Hannover;TMgreen;2;preview
deukas;DEU;Stadtbahn Karlsruhe;TMgreen;2;preview
deuls;DEU;S-Bahn Mitteldeutschland;TMgreen;2;preview
deumds;DEU;S-Bahn Mittelelbe;TMgreen;2;preview
deums;DEU;S-Bahn München;TMgreen;2;preview
deuns;DEU;S-Bahn Nürnberg;TMgreen;2;preview
deurms;DEU;S-Bahn Rhein-Main;TMgreen;2;preview
deurns;DEU;S-Bahn Rhein-Neckar;TMgreen;2;preview
deuros;DEU;S-Bahn Rostock;TMgreen;2;preview
deuss;DEU;S-Bahn Stuttgart;TMgreen;2;preview
deuulrs;DEU;Regio-S-Bahn Donau-Iller;TMgreen;2;preview
deubu;DEU;U-Bahn Berlin;TMblue;3;preview
deubisb;DEU;Stadtbahn Bielefeld;TMblue;3;preview
deucc;DEU;City-Bahn Chemnitz;TMblue;3;preview
deufu;DEU;U-Bahn Frankfurt am Main;TMblue;3;preview
deuhhu;DEU;U-Bahn Hamburg;TMblue;3;preview
deuhsb;DEU;Stadtbahn Hannover;TMblue;3;preview
deuksrt;DEU;RegioTram Kassel;TMblue;3;preview
deumu;DEU;U-Bahn München;TMblue;3;preview
deunu;DEU;U-Bahn Nürnberg;TMblue;3;preview
deusu;DEU;Stadtbahn Stuttgart;TMblue;3;preview
deuws;DEU;Wuppertaler Schwebebahn;TMblue;3;preview
deuat;DEU;Straßenbahn Augsburg;TMred;4;preview
deubt;DEU;Straßenbahn Berlin;TMred;4;preview
deubrbt;DEU;Straßenbahn Brandenburg an der Havel;TMred;4;preview
deubst;DEU;Straßenbahn Braunschweig;TMred;4;preview
deuhbt;DEU;Straßenbahn Bremen;TMred;4;preview
deuct;DEU;Straßenbahn Chemnitz;TMred;4;preview
deuctt;DEU;Straßenbahn Cottbus;TMred;4;preview
deudat;DEU;Straßenbahn Darmstadt;TMred;4;preview
deudet;DEU;Straßenbahn Dessau;TMred;4;preview
deuddt;DEU;Straßenbahn Dresden;TMred;4;preview
deueft;DEU;Straßenbahn Erfurt;TMred;4;preview
deuft;DEU;Straßenbahn Frankfurt am Main;TMred;4;preview
deufft;DEU;Straßenbahn Frankfurt (Oder);TMred;4;preview
deufrt;DEU;Straßenbahn Freiburg im Breisgau;TMred;4;preview
deugt;DEU;Straßenbahn Gera;TMred;4;preview
deugrt;DEU;Straßenbahn Görlitz;TMred;4;preview
deugtht;DEU;Straßenbahn Gotha;TMred;4;preview
deuhbst;DEU;Straßenbahn Halberstadt;TMred;4;preview
deuhalt;DEU;Straßenbahn Halle (Saale);TMred;4;preview
deujt;DEU;Straßenbahn Jena;TMred;4;preview
deukat;DEU;Straßenbahn Karlsruhe;TMred;4;preview
deukst;DEU;Straßenbahn Kassel;TMred;4;preview
deult;DEU;Straßenbahn Leipzig;TMred;4;preview
deumdt;DEU;Straßenbahn Magdeburg;TMred;4;preview
deumzt;DEU;Straßenbahn Mainz;TMred;4;preview
deumt;DEU;Straßenbahn München;TMred;4;preview
deunmbt;DEU;Straßenbahn Naumburg;TMred;4;preview
deundht;DEU;Straßenbahn Nordhausen;TMred;4;preview
deunt;DEU;Straßenbahn Nürnberg;TMred;4;preview
deuplt;DEU;Straßenbahn Plauen;TMred;4;preview
deurnt;DEU;Straßenbahn Rhein-Neckar;TMred;4;preview
deurot;DEU;Straßenbahn Rostock;TMred;4;preview
deusnt;DEU;Straßenbahn Schwerin;TMred;4;preview
deuult;DEU;Straßenbahn Ulm;TMred;4;preview
deuwut;DEU;Straßenbahn Würzburg;TMred;4;preview
deuzt;DEU;Straßenbahn Zwickau;TMred;4;preview
deuddb;DEU;Bergbahnen Dresden;TMyellow;5;preview
"Only" four systems in DEU-NW are left:
deurrs;DEU;S-Bahn Rhein-Ruhr;TMgreen;2;preview
deurssb;DEU;Stadtbahn Rhein-Sieg;TMblue;3;preview
deurru;DEU;Stadtbahn Rhine-Ruhr;TMblue;3;preview
deurrt;DEU;Straßenbahn Rhein-Ruhr;TMred;4;preview
They comprise more than 900 out of some 5,600 miles in Germany, i.e. more than 16%. I'll rework them in October.
All German regions are in the A/E/N pool now except of DEU-NW.
Changes to first post:
DEU, maybe TUR (Istanbul) - michih
DEU-NW, maybe TUR (Istanbul) if no one beats me - michih
"Only" four systems in DEU-NW are left:
deurrs;DEU;S-Bahn Rhein-Ruhr;TMgreen;2;preview
deurssb;DEU;Stadtbahn Rhein-Sieg;TMblue;3;preview
deurru;DEU;Stadtbahn Rhine-Ruhr;TMblue;3;preview
deurrt;DEU;Straßenbahn Rhein-Ruhr;TMred;4;preview
They comprise more than 900 out of some 5,600 miles in Germany, i.e. more than 16%. I'll rework them in October.
All German regions are in the A/E/N pool now (just like whole Europe except of Islands of the North Atlantic and Poland).
I'll likely draft Bucharest soon.
Changes to first post:
DEU-NW, maybe TUR (Istanbul) if no one beats me - michih
ROU (Bucharest Metro + Tram only), maybe TUR (Istanbul) if no one beats me - michih
I've added four systems for Istanbul* and two systems for Bucharest. TUR and ROU are also in the A/E/N pool now.
*Including 2023/24 route extensions according to wikipedia.
I'm willing to work on the rail systems in Japan if you would like me to.
I'm willing to work on the rail systems in Japan if you would like me to.
Go for it
I think I just signed up for a lot of work :)
Where should I look for the "how to" on this - the draft manual thread?
I think I just signed up for a lot of work :)
Where should I look for the "how to" on this - the draft manual thread?
There, use already drafted systems as examples, feel free to ask if uncertain about anything.
The basic mechanics are the same as with roads: a wpt file for each route, two csv files for each system, an entry in systems.csv for each system. You can use exactly the same wpt editor ( to draft things.
Where should I look for the "how to" on this - the draft manual thread?
We have not yet agreed on it and thus cannot perform peer-reviews.