Travel Mapping

Highway Data Discussion => Updates to Highway Data => Topic started by: neroute2 on August 25, 2023, 12:22:32 am

Title: IRN: Asian Highways
Post by: neroute2 on August 25, 2023, 12:22:32 am
Based on the 2019 log (, AH1 does not enter F2Mas at R97_N. Instead it continues on R97 towards Mashhad, turning south at R44 (and splitting from AH75 40 km from Mashhad). I'm not sure how it gets thru Tehran, but west of Tehran it uses R32 all the way to the border.

Ditto for AH2 on R71 through Kashan to Qom, R65 from Salafchegan to Saveh, and R48 west of Saveh. A branch uses R65 from Tehran to Saveh.

And AH8 on R49 south of Rasht to Qazvin, and R56/37 near Borujerd. AH8 explicitly uses R37 through Pol-e-Dokhtar. From Andimeshk to Ahvaz, AH8 uses R37, not R39. South of Ahvaz, the log claims it uses R72 and R43, but the distance matches F5.

Instead of taking the direct route from Sari to Damghan, AH70 goes from Sari via Quaem Sahr and Firoozkooh to Semnan and then overlaps AH1 to Damghan. I'm not sure what's supposed to happen between Jandaqh and Yazd (only 300 km?)

AH72 is shown using R71, not F7, from Riyadh to Qom. It goes thru Esfehan on R65 to Shiraz, then west on R86 to Ghaemieh where it rejoins our route.

AH75 uses R22 to Mashhad, then overlaps AH1 south on R44 and splits onto R95.

Edit michih 2023-11-18: Adding ? icon (
Title: Re: IRN Asian Highways
Post by: michih on November 18, 2023, 06:20:41 am
si404 has dropped Iran. Any contributor can fix the issues in Iran.
@neroute2 Are you willing to fix the issues as an one-time-maintainance-act? The same applies to other regions below.

I'm dropping a load of Asian regions where I don't have time or interest to deal with these anymore.

AFG, ARE, BHR, BGD, CHN (all regions), IRN, IRQ, JOR, KWT, LBN, OMN, PAK, PHL, PRK, QAT, SAU, SYR, YEM si404 -> no specific maintainer -- anybody/everybody/nobody

That's Afghanistan, UAE, Bahrain, Bangladesh, (mainland) China, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, North Korea, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Yemen.
Title: Re: IRN Asian Highways
Post by: neroute2 on November 18, 2023, 09:52:13 am
I would prefer that someone else do it, because I'm using a single source that may have its own issues.
Title: Re: IRN Asian Highways
Post by: si404 on November 18, 2023, 10:07:22 am
I would doubt the logs without a second source - knowing from the UNECE ones they tend to only be as good as the data given to them. They are often too low a priority to be maintained (see also that state that did a flurry of requests to AASHTO SCORN to have AASHTO's logs match the reality that had changed decades before).

The international agreements desire the routings to be on the highest quality roads, so I feel that one ought to assume, in the absence of sign-based evidence, that it is the case.

This is, of course, not to say that my routings are correct.
Title: Re: IRN Asian Highways
Post by: michih on November 18, 2023, 10:30:37 am
Ok, I'm going to add the ? icon to all those topics now.
Title: Re: IRN: Asian Highways
Post by: michih on January 28, 2025, 03:21:42 pm
I've added the unprocessed AH2 (Tehran (spur)) to the csv files. I guess it was just forgotten since there is an update entry:
Code: [Select]
2021-11-21;Iran;AH2 (Tehran (spur));irn.ah002teh;Route added