Travel Mapping
User Discussions => Other Discussion => Topic started by: Wadsteckel on August 30, 2024, 08:16:26 pm
Hi all,
With all the driving I do in my career, I've been using Google's Timeline to confirm the roads that I travel. The change they implemented earlier this year which only makes it usable on phones and tablets, coupled with the fact that I got a new phone in July, means I lost all my travel data between April and July. I have an idea of the new roads I may have hit, but it's very cumbersome trying to backtrack my steps at this point.
Does anyone have any recommendations on alternatives (other than the old standby of writing down the travels on a notepad at the end of the day)?
Many thanks,
-Ed S
Maybe a cycling app?
I currently use MapMyDrive
99% of the data gathered by Timeline data is useless to me but it's been nice to look back when I've wanted to check on something, sometimes for TM purposes. Fortunately, I successfully transferred my location history to my phone and set it to back up to my Google account, and I've gotten pretty good at remembering to take my phone when I leave the house (mostly because of various 2FA requirements). The change is a little annoying for me, since I liked being able to have travels as tracked by either my iPad or Android phone to be included and I could view them in a browser on my computer. It's just not as good to have to browse only on the smallest of my screens.
Thanks for all the feedback. I couldn't find a MapMyDrive app (I have MapMyWalk), but I did see (and was reminded) about MileIQ. I'll try that for a bit and see how it goes. I've been seeing an app advertised on my FB feed (can't remember the name) but it seems to want a monthly fee for its use.
-Ed S